Notícies :: corrupció i poder |
El Video de Decapitado Declarado Falso por Médico N.Americano.Y Más...
per zu Correu-e: zuau@hotmail.com (no verificat!) |
13 mai 2004
El Video de Decapitado Declarado Falso porMédico N.Americano!
Nick Berg decapitation video declared "a fraud" by medical doctor.
Además;La familia Berg (El Padre)estaba en "La lista negra" de enemigos de la deracha Estadounidense:
http://www.breakfornews.com/NickBergEnemiesList.htm |
. |
Mira també:
http://www.aztlan.net/fake_video.htm http://www.breakfornews.com/NickBergEnemiesList.htm |
 This work is in the public domain |
per zu |
13 mai 2004
Aquí está el LINK con la LISTA NEGRA de los FASCISTAS YANKIS.(Está compuesto por personas y ORGANIZACIONES ACTIVISTAS contra la guerra !!! )
http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1092851/posts |
Re: El Video de Decapitado Declarado Falso por Médico N.Americano.Y Más...
per marymoon |
13 mai 2004
el texto en ingles por si alguien lo kiere traducir, yo no se.
<>.<>.<> Los Angeles, Alta California <>.<>.<>
May 12, 2004
Nick Berg decapitation video declared "a fraud" by medical doctor
The first casualty of war is the truth and this one has been no exception. La Voz de Aztlan obtained a copy of the video showing the beheading of American Nick Berg of Philadelphia and immediately something very odd was readily apparent. Not only were the purported screams of Nick Berg not in synchrony with the decapitation but their was also a total lack of blood spurting out as his jugular and other veins and arteries were being cut.
We forwarded the video to Doctor Raul Castro Guevara, a surgeon and forensic expert in Mexico City for his expert opinion. He wrote back and commented, "No hay manera que el individuo en el video estaba vivo y su corazon funcionando cuando le estaban cortando la cabeza. En estos casos, el corazon impela sangre con gran presion, y se corta las arterias del pescuezo, hay una gran cantidad de sangre que salpica por todos lados. En mi opinion el video es un fraude."
Doctor Raul Castro Guevara is saying that there is no way that the individual in the video was alive and his heart pumping while his neck was being cut. The doctor adds that in these cases, while the heart is pumping, cutting a person's artery in the neck, would cause copious amounts of blood to spurt all over the immediate environment. He says that in his opinion the video is a fraud.
We hope that our readers view the video and see for themselves. We will provide a copy to any of our subscribers that have been supportive of our publication. Send a request to La Voz de Aztlan at Fake_Video ARROBA Aztlan.Net
If you are able to view the video, please pay close attention to the five so called Al queda terrorists making the political statement. Look at their height, weight, skin color and their mannerisms. Do you think these people are Arabs or Iraqis?
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
La Voz de Aztlan
http://www.aztlan.net/fake_video.htm |
Re: El Video de Decapitado Declarado Falso por Médico N.Americano.Y Más...
per LISTA NEGRA DE BUSH (Parcial) |
13 mai 2004
Call signed by (partial listing):
A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop War & End Racism) Coalition
Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition
Arab Muslim American Federation
Free Palestine Alliance
Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation
Muslim Student Association of the U.S. and Canada
National Lawyers Guild
Ramsey Clark, former U.S. attorney general
New York City Labor Against the War
IFCO/Pastors for Peace
Free Palestine Alliance - U.S.
Partnership for Civil Justice - LDEF
Nicaragua Network
Bayan - USA/International
Korea Truth Commission
International Action Center
Muslim Student Association of the U.S./Canada
Kensington Welfare Rights Union
Mexico Solidarity Network
Middle East Children's Alliance
Deir Yassin Society of New York
Palestine Aid Society
Palestine Solidarity Committee
New Jersey Solidarity - Activists for the Liberation of Palestine
Arab-American Forum
Islamic Political Party of America (IPPA)
Americans for a Palestinian State
Americans for Justice in Palestine-Israel
American Muslim Voice, Fremont, CA
CAIR California, Anaheim, CA
Canadian Palestinian Foundation, Montreal, Canada
Filipino Workers Association
A.N.S.W.E.R. Youth & Student National Coalition
Chicago Coalition Against War & Racism
Alaskans for Peace and Justice
Ann Arbor Coalition Against the War
Baltimore Coalition to End War & Terrorism
Bay Area United Against War
City Wide Coalition, Baltimore
Coalition Against War & Injustice, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Committee for Peace and Justice in the Middle East, Prescott, Arizona
Communities for Peace, Eureka, CA
Community for Peace, Winston-Salem, NC
Flagstaff Activist Network
Forum Against Militarism and War, Heidelberg, Germany
Greater Lansing Network Against War & Injustice (GLNAWI)
Louisville Committee for Peace in the Middle East
Michigan Emergency Coalition Against War And Injustice (M.E.C.A.W.I.)
Neighbors for Peace and Justice - Northeast Los Angeles
Orange County Peace and Justice Coalition
People for Peace and Justice of Utah
Pikes Peak Justice and Peace Commission
Riverside Area Peace and Justice Action
U.S. Citizens Against War, Florence, Italy
St Pete for Peace
Stop War World Action, Japan, Tokyo
Toronto Coalition to Stop the War
TriCity Action for Peace
Turnwind, Tucson, AZ
Tucson Peace Action Coalition
Wage Peace, Jacksonville, FL
Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists' Social Justice Committee
Franciscan Sisters and Cojourners of the Justice & Peace Network,
Rochester, MN
Peace & Justice Center of Sonoma County, Santa Rosa, CA
Peace Fresno, CA
Maui Peace Action, Pukalani, HI
Mendocino Coast Peace and Justice Center, Ft. Bragg, CA
Waterville Area Bridges for Peace & Justice, Madison, ME
African American Holiday Association, Washington, DC
Peace Center of Nevada County, CA
Baylor Students for Social Justice, Baylor University
Central New Jersey Coalition for Peace & Justice, Highlands
South Bay Mobilization, San Jose, CA
Progressive Club of Healdsburg High School, Sebastopol, CA
College Voice, College of Staten Island, New York
National Federation of Students Self-Government Associations
(ZENGAKUREN), Tokyo, Japan
Progressive Political Students, Elmhurst, IL
Students for Peace, West Aurora High School
New York City Public Library Guild, Local 1930, District Counsel 37,
AFSCME (American Federation of State, County and
Municipal Employees)
Branch 214 of the National Association of Letter Carriers
RSU (Elected Union Council) University of Florence; CGIL, University
Union, Florence, Italy
Labor Rights Association, Taipei, China
Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG), Montréal, Qc. Canada.
Paz y Justicia en Medio Oriente, Cordoba, Argentina
Global Network for the Prevention of Torture (GNPT), Dhaka, Bangladesh
Movement for Democratic Socialism, Osaka, Japan
Network to Oppose War and Racism, Ottawa, Canada
Women's International League for Peace & Freedom - Fresno, CA
Philadelphia Committee to Free the Five, PA
Metro-DC Gray Panthers, Washington, DC
Connecticut Sierra Club
Asians for Jericho/Mumia, Los Angeles, CA
California Prison Focus
Charlotte Fellowship of Reconciliation
Episcopal Peace Fellowship, Clearwater, FL
National Coalition to Free the Angola Three
Cuba Education Tours
Dallas County Green Party
Foundations for our Nu Alkebulan/Afrikan Millennium (FONAMI)
Los Angeles Greens
DuPage County Green Party, Lombard, IL
Green Party of Dallas County, Dallas, TX
Minority eXperience Network
Movement in Motion Arts Collective
National Lawyers Guild - Los Angeles Chapter
Philadelphia Committee to Free the Five
SALAAM Theatre - South Asian League of Artists in AMerica
South Asian American Voting Youth
South Asians for Collective Action
Korean-American Web Daily, Los Angeles, CA
Centro CSO: Community Service Organization, Los Angeles, CA
No War on Cuba, Washington, DC
Movement in Motion, Bronx, NY
Queers Undermining Israeli Terrorism (QUIT!), San Francisco, CA
LAGAI-- Queer Insurrection, San Francisco, CA
Coalition to Prevent the Erosion of Human Rights, Las Vegas, NV
Women in the One World, Valencia, Spain
Inicjatywa Stop Wojnie, Warsaw, Poland
Iniciativa Mexicana contra la Guerra No en Nuestro Nombre, Mexico
Global #12288, Peace Campaign, Kamogawa, Japan
ZENKO (National Assembly for Peace and Democracy), Osaka, Japan
The United Peoples, Esbjerg, Denmark
TRansgenders United for Equality (TRUE)
Iglesia San Romero de Las Americas-UCC, New York, NY
Advocates for Peace, Equality and Social Change (APESC)
Artists for Peace
Workers World Party
Bend-Condega Friendship Project
Global Peace Network
Grandmothers for Peace International
Human Rights Club, Chico, CA
Irish Republican Socialist Committees of North America
Irish Republican Socialist Party
Justice 4 Homeless, San Francisco
Marginalised Workers Action League, Vancouver, Canada
Morton County Citizens for Responsible Government
Poest for Peace - Ontario, Canada
Action for Animals Network
Century of the Child
Church & Science of Nazarighteousness
Community Coffee & Cookie, Fort Bragg, CA
Community Futures Collective, Vallejo, CA
Consumer Coalition, Chicago, IL
Earth Neighborhood Wellness Center
East End Direct Action, Sag Harbor, NY
Free Democracy
Freedom Socialist Party
Freeway Twenty
Friends World, Collingdale, PA
Fullerton Philosophy Corps
Mean Street Dist., Whittier, CA
People Against The Incinerator (PATI)
Peaceful Inquiries
Pigeon Creek Poets
Pine's Press
Poets West
Radical Women
Resident Peaceniks
Socialist Action
Solar Peace
Tabra International
TecsChange - Technology for Social Change
The Amargosa Group
The Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality
The Resistance, Long Beach, CA
The Resource Group
The Restoration
The Roots International
World Mothers Acting for Peace (WorldMAP)
Road to Peace
Voice 4 Change
Communist Party USA's Frederick Douglass Club
For Mother Earth Scotland
Earth Save of Lowcountry, St. Helena Island, SC
Community Renewal Team of Greater Hartford, CT
Women Creating Peace Collective, Riverside, CA
Coded Source, Culver City, CA
Free, Tokyo, Japan
Radical Honesty Enterprises, Stanley, VA
Raw Not War, Sebastopol, CA
The Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality, Richmond, VA
Ethics, Culture, and Religion Institute, Garrett Park, MD
Defenders of the Planet, Crystal Bay, NV
New England Party, North Billerica, MA
The Culture Bridge of Understanding & Awareness, Albuquerque, NM
Washington State Church of Rock-N-Roll, Bellingham, WA
Earth Company, Sylmar, CA
World Constitution & Parliament Association, Bronx, NY
International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic (Irish Section)
Socialist Workers Party-Galway, Ireland
Frank Cimino, Retired USAF, Vietnam Veteran, Hampton, VA
Jameel Rashid, U.S. Coast Guard, Portsmouth, VA
Clay A Caldwell, Military/Navy, Rialto, CA
Michel Chossudovsky, Director, Centre for Research on Globalisation
(CRG); Professor of Economics, University of Ottawa
Margaret Rose Burge, Pax Christi*
John A. Monteverde, Veterans for Peace*, Albuquerque, NM
Marianne Brun, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom*
Elaine Corum, Peace Action of Sacramento*
Kit Travis, MoveOn.org*
Richard R. Rivard, PaxChristi USA*, American Friends Service Committee*,
New Ways Ministry*
Laurie Manis, Military Families Speak Out*
Laurie Proia, Not in Our Name*
Michael Malafa, Amnesty International*
Vickie M. Fouts, Women's International League for Peace & Freedom*
Marguerite Pastirchak, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)*
Jonathan Nack, Northern California Committees of Correspondence for
Democracy and Socialism*
Justin S Shahbaz, Student, University of Southern California; Students
for Justice in Palestine*, Los Angeles
Anthony Badgerow, student, University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC)
National Lawyers Guild Chapter*
Eric Coker, Student, Phi Theta Kappa*, Seattle, WA
Gregory Daniel Laynor, Student, Sierra Student Coalition, Sierra Club*
Scott Nass, Student, University of Cincinnati Campus Green Party*
Ed Koch, Student, Gannon University Voice for Peace*
Brian Blauvelt, Student, New Britain High School Progressive Student
Debbie Anderson, Student, University of the District of Columbia; National
Lawyers Guild, American Constitution Society-UDC Chapter*, Phi Alpha
Delta UDC Chapter*, Jewish Law Society*
Women's Law Society*, OUTLAW*
Mary Lou Finley, Peace and Freedom Party*
Luci Murphy, Metro-DC Gray Panthers, Washington, DC
Gretchen Vanek, Pocatello For Peace*, ID
Jane Welford, Berkeley Women in Black*, SEIU Local 616*, CA
Michael Lindberg, Arise for Social Justice*, Springfield, MA
Susan Nash, Women in Black*, Women Creating Peace Collective*,
Riverside, CA
Peter Sirois, Waterville Area Bridges for Peace and Justice, Madison, ME
Leila Magee, William Byrd Community House*, Richmond, VA
John D. Calandrelli, Connecticut Sierra Club, Hartford, CT
Ayo Handy Kendi, African American Holiday Association (AAHA),
Washington, DC
Allen Cooper, Veterans for Peace*, Academic Freedom Committee*,
Albuquerque Center for Peace & Justice*
Andrea Parra, Northwest Immigrant Rights Project*, Seattle, WA
Joy Freeman, Lawyer, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights*
Abayomi Azikiwe, Pan-African News Wire*
Lynn Darling, Serria Club-Audubon*
Diane M. Weller, Military Moms Online*, Veterans Rights*
Bob Taylor, West Covina Neighbors for Peace and Justice*
Kelly A Shinn, GLBTQ Youth Center*, Denver, CO
Jimmie Apsey, Labor Party* Royal Oak, MI
Joan F. Crist, Northwest Indiana Against War*
Cindy Asrir, Nebraskans for Justice in Palestine*, Nebraska Green Party*,
Nebraska Coalition for Peace*
Odilia Galvan Rodriguez, Red Earth Productions and Cultural Work*
Jerry Pendergast, US-El Salvador Sister Cities*, Chicago, IL
Alexi Bonifield, Nevada Co. Arts Council*
Robert M. Taylor, Bus Riders Union*, Labor Community Strategy Center*,
Los Angeles, CA
Sioux Morucci, Doctors of the World Greek Delegation*, Athens, Greece
Ana Daglio, Partido Comunista de Argentina*, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tim Anthony, Council of Canadians*, Winnipeg, Canada
Kondo Yuriko, The Struggle Committee Against TOKUYAMA DAM*,
Ogaki, Japan
Tang shu, Labor Rights Association, Taipei, China
Fazlous Satter, Global Network for the Prevention of Torture (GNPT),
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Patrick O’Connell, the Culture Bridge of Understanding & Awareness,
Albuquerque, NM
John T. Jensen, Network to Oppose War and Racism, Ottawa, Canada
Rebel Fagin, Progressive Club of Healdsburg High School, Sebastopol, CA
Niki Fagin, Progressive Club of Healdsburg High School, Sebastopol, CA
Dan Goodwin, Defenders of the Planet, Crystal Bay, NV
Carlos Montes, Centro CSO: Community Service Organization,
Los Angeles, CA
David Wilcox, DuPage County Green Party, Lombard, IL
Mateo Jaguar, Earth Company, Sylmar, CA
Daniel Vieira, Central New Jersey Coalition for Peace & Justice, Highlands
Mohammad Basirul Haq Sinha, the Roots International*,
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Minjok-Tongshin, Korean-American Web Daily, Los Angeles, CA
Ana Edwards, The Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality, Richmond
Bonnie Rosendale, Episcopal Peace Fellowship, Clearwater, FL
Daniel Bell, Coalition to Prevent the Erosion of Human Rights, Las Vegas
Tim McNiven, Priest, Washington State Church of Rock-N-Roll,
Bellingham, WA
Joseth Moore, Student, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Democratic
Socialists of America*, Nebraska Peace Coalition of Lincoln*
Shahnaz Naeem, Student, PAX: New London Peace Action*, Lebanon, NH
Peter Sirois, Paper, Allied-Industrial, Chemical and Energy Workers
International Union, Local 1-36*
Ed Childs, Hotel Employees & Restaurant Employees Union Local 26*
Lowell Levinger, Local 292 Musicians Union*
Vance F. Dennis, Ironworkers Local 377*
Stephen Paulmier, Graphic Communications International Union*
Jeremy Rossen, Service Employees International Union (SEIU)*
Santa Rosa, CA
David Peterson, International Union of Painters and Allied Trade*,
Monticello, IL
Kathleen Romero, Teamsters Local 856*
Matthew Joseph Klein, PCC/ International Union of Bricklayers and Allied
Craft Workers Local #3 Oakland*
Eugene H. Craig, Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
Local 715*
Mike Looper, Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 535*
Richard Brinton, Laborer, Service Employees International Union
(SEIU) 817*
Linda K Minshall, Communication Workers of America*
Blair Phillips, Canadian Auto Worker, CAW&TCA-Local 99 (GM of Canada
Unit)*, St. Catharines
Meg Brizzolara, Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 790*,
San Rafael, CA
HilmaTowell, United Auto Workers (UAW)*, Waterford, MI
Donna Phillips, Canadian Auto Worker, CAW & TCA - Local # 199 (GM of
Canada Unit)*, St. Catharines
Claudia Pesenti, Chicago Teachers Union*
Minnie Bruce Pratt, National Writers Union*, New Jersey
Gertrude Treadway, American Postal Workers' Union*, Abita Springs, LA
Fred Jakobcic, American Federation of State County and Municipal
Employees(AFSCME)*, Marquette, MI
Renee L. Bowser, United Food & Commercial Workers*,
Washington, DC
Eugene H. Craig, Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
Local 715*, San Jose, CA
Genevieve Cora Fraser, National Writers Union & Dramatist Guild, Inc.*
Jeremy Rossen, Service Employees International Union (SEIU)*,
Santa Rosa, CA
David Kiefer II, International Union of Operating Engineers*
Gigi Williams, International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees
Local 706*
Michael Phillips, Teamsters*, The Woodlands, TX
Chet Nettestad, Communication Workers of American Local 7219*
Judith Ackerman, United Federation of Teachers*, New York City
Theresa McNerney, United Teachers of Los Angeles*
Robert Whitehead, SCTA/ California Teachers Assoc. / NEA*
Lawrence Ribnick, American Federation of Teachers*
Parke Wm. Hutchinson, Professor, Rhode Island College, American Federation
of Teachers (AFT)*
Robert Gunther, Communication Workers of America*, Islip, NY
John Maxfield Hague, American Society of Mechanical Engineers*,
Buffalo, NY
Dan Rice, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW)*,
Woodinville, WA
Gale J. McNeeley, Actors Equity Association*
Tangi Tunoa, IBEW Local# 551*, Novato, CA
Dennis Gallie, United Auto Workers Local 325*, St. Louis, MO
Cheetah Lindquester, Awareness Rising*, Port Townsend, WA
Pratap Patrick Paikaray, ICICIoneSource*, Bangalore, India
James Hardwick, Communist Party USA*, Irving, TX
Mary Sweeney, Before It's Gone (BIG)*, Creston, CA
John F. Ingrassia, Earth Save of the Lowcountry, St Helena Island, SC
Brother Daniel Tobin, Knights of Columbus*, Ethical Humanist Society*,
Hempstead, NY
Lois Messenger-Wright, Community Renewal Team of Greater
Hartford, CT
G.E. Stinson, Coded Source, Culver City, CA
Brad Blanton, Radical Honesty Enterprises, Stanley, VA
Edward Rimbaugh, Raw Not War, Sebastopol, CA
Nomura; Osami, Free, Tokyo, Japan
Wesley Rothermel, Alternative Community and Rural Economic
Patricia Ecklund-Ruch, Operation Shoestring*
Mark Luciano, Communist Party USA-Rhode Island District*
Joseph M. Suitt, Student, Nicholls State University; America
Demonstrates*, Raceland, LA
Denys Vigil, Center for Alternative and Responsible Education*
Harold O'Leary, Community Arts Organization*, Oglebay Institute*
Sharri LaPierre, BareBones Art*, Vancouver, WA
Louis J Arcese Jr., Center for a Livable World*
Dan French, Center for Collaborative Education*
Meredith McLeod, Community for Peace Net*
W. Wynne Zaugg, Hacienda de los Milagros, Inc.*
Bill Riedler, Global Relationship Centers, Inc.*
Phillip Crawford, Eating for Peace*, San Francisco, CA
Gail Picard, Project Open Hand*
Dennison Nyberg, American Indian OIC*, Minnetonka, MN
Troy Hill, Student, Clark University
Michael Ziri, Student, Illinois College
Joshua Rahtz, Student, Reed College
Jaime Becker, Student, University of California-Davis
Jack Vibert, Student, Farmington High School, Unionville, CT
Jonathan Goldsbie, Student, S.E.E.D Alternative Secondary,
Toronto, Canada
Mia, Student, Flinders University-South Australia, Glenelg, Australia
Dan Burton, Student, Rochester Institute of Technology, NY
Katie Miller, Student, University of Maryland-Baltimore
Alan Dakak, Medical Student, University of California-Los Angeles
Maria Crispi, Student, City College of San Francisco, CA
Heather, Student, Duluth Central High School, MN
Ami Carpenter, Student, George Mason University, Arlington, VA
Matthew L. Schwartz, Student, State University of New York-Buffalo
Jim Havard, Student, Montana State University- Billings
Marian Royer, Student, Washington College, Chestertown, MD
Sandra, Student, University of Maine, Orono
Lauren Purdum, Student, Pennsylvania State University
Julia Sutton, Student, California State University, Fullerton
Keith Kleszynski, Student, San Diego State University, CA
Alan Dakak, Student, University of California-Los Angeles
Chris Deutsch, Student, California State University, Sacramento,
Folsom, CA
Kate Barut, Student, Bronx High School of Science, New York, NY
Suleman Ahmed, Student, University of California-Irvine
Torrent Woodard, Student, Portland State University, OR
Thomas Chen, Student, Tufts University, Medford, MA
Amy Karp, Student, University of Maryland-College Park
Laura, Student, Colgate University, Saint Louis Park, MN
Toni Story, Student, Heritage High School, Carrollton, VA
Brian Hensley, Student, The College of Mount Saint Joseph,
Cincinnati, OH
Ben Lowrance, Student, Southeast Missouri State University,
Cape Girardeau
Jamal Thomas, Student, Northwest Community College, Senatobia, MS
Zachary McCorkhill, Student, University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Brendan Baker, Student, TLC Cortona School, Centreville, VA
Gregory A. McClure, Student, Hawaii Pacific University, Wahaiwa, HI
Daniel Duffy, Student, Brandeis University, Boalsburg, PA
Michelle Colvin, Student, Fresno State University, Woodlake, CA
Terra Drescher, Student, University of Texas, Austin
Corinna Mullin, Student, London School of Economics, London, UK
Jonathan Dobberstein, Student, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Robbie Block, Student, Head-Royce
Kira Krenichyn, Student, City University of New York Graduate Center
Jose Velasquez, Student, Union County College
Nathan Hetrick, Student, Saint John's University
Sean Eldridge, Student, Niagara Falls High School, NY
Monette Bebow-Reinhard, Student, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Sze Wei Ang, Student, Cornell University
Sharon Obeidallah, Student, University of Illinois at Chicago
Matthew Horning, Student, College of St. Benedict/St. John's
University (CSB/SJU)
William Buehlman, Counselor/ Student, City College of San Francisco
Marya R. Sosulski, Student, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Nikki Dohn, Student, Saybrook Graduate School
Christopher Conn, Student, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Bethany Pozzi-Johnson, Student, Columbia College
Andrew Myer, Student, Dickinson College
Saarika Sharma, Student, Penn State College of Medicine
Taylor Judge, Student, Paul VI Catholic High school, VA
Marni Nacheff, Student, Sonoma State University
Katherine Spielberger, Student, Pomona College
Corey Schade, Student, Boston University School of Law
Jonathan Ives, Student, Chattanooga State University
Ian Dixon, Student, Hiram College, Canton, MI
Darren Howard, Student, University of California – Los Angeles (UCLA)
Katie Spielberger, Student, Pomona College, Chicago, IL
Steven Burge, Student/instructor, South Dakota State University
Jay Bostrom, Grad Student/Teacher’s Assistant, University of Montana
Paula Lee, Student, Saint Leo University
Sean Eldridge, High School Student, Niagara Falls High School
Erica Anthony-Benavides, Student, Trinity University
Dan Oh, Student, University of California - Santa Barbara
Faris Alkassim, Student, Devry University
L. Roxanne Evans, Student, Cabrillo College
Christine Garves, Student, University of New Mexico
James Robert Schirmer, Student, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
Jerry Alvarado, Student, City College San Francisco
Erica Anthony-Benavides, Student, Trinity University
Paula Lee, Student, Saint Leo University
Corey Schade, Student, Boston University School of Law
Beth Goodsell, Student, Lewis & Clark College
Alexis Bramos-Hantman, Student, Columbia University
Lance Streng, Student, Lane Community College
Carrie Lawson, Student, University of the South
James Herron, Jr., High School Student, East Wareham, MA
Brian P. Smith, Student, Tacoma Community College, Tacoma, WA
Terril Starks, Student, Magalia, CA
Megan Atwood, Student, Conroe, TX
Matthew Bennett, Student, Sudbury, Canada
Derek Bessey, Student, N. Tonawanda, NY
Jonathan Goldsbie, Student, Toronto, Canada
Wendy White, Student, Denver, CO
Samantha Hayes, Student, Cottonwood, CA
James L. Rush, Student, North Billerica, MA
Martha Rivera, Student, California State University-Fullerton
Aisha Dixon-Peters, Student, University of La Verne, CA
Melissa Cobb, Student, University of Delaware
Ruth Harman, Student, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Kent Buesseler, Student, Fergus Falls High School, MN
Noah Higgins-Rice, Student, Gloucester High School, VA
Veronica McKenzie, Student, Marshall University, Huntington, WV
Eric Mar, Vice-Pres. SF Board of Education*, School of Ethnic
Studies, CA
Albert Gonzalez, Instructional Aide, Casa Grande Union High School, AZ
Mark E. Reisinger, Professor, Binghamton University, Vestal, NY
Olga Winbush, Professor, Pacific Oaks College, Lancaster, CA
Thomas Andrew Bonasera, Professor, University of Milan, Italy
B. L. Brush, Professor, San Diego State University, CA
Madhu Prasad, Professor, Zakir Husain College, University of
Delhi, India
Paul V. McDowell, Professor, Santa Barbara City College, CA
Elizabeth C. Wright, Professor, San Francisco State University, CA
Sondra Hale, Professor, University of California-Los Angeles
Morton K. Brussel, Professor, University of Illinois-Urbana
Albert Gonzalez, Teacher, Casa Grande Union High School, AZ
Sharon Wilson, Professor, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley
John Womack, Jr., Professor, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Fredrick Blum, Professor, Chicago State University, IL
Michael J. Gent, Professor, Canisius College, Buffalo, NY
Joyce Miller, Professor, City University of New York
Michael S. Berg, Teacher, Prometheus Methods Tower Service, Inc.,
West Chester, PA
Kathryn Myers, Teacher, Cuesta College, Paso Robles, CA
Marc Pilisuk, Professor, Saybrook Graduate School, Berkeley, CA
Robert Schlagal, Professor, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC
Gary Bodwin, Teacher, Kenwood Elementary School, CA
Donald Poochigian, Professor, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks
Shelley Mc Nellis, Teacher, Santa Barbara School District,
Santa Barbara, CA
Ruth F, Turney, Professor, Catawba College, Salisbury, NC
Regino R. Diaz-Robainas, Professor, Migrant College, Stuart, FL
Shelley McNellis, Teacher, Santa Barbara City Schools, CA
William Robert Da Silva, Professsor, Manipal Institute of Communication,
Mahe (Deemed) University, Manipal, India
Jenaro Rodriguez, Teacher, St. Benedict School/Penn Mont Academy, PA
David McDonald, Professor, University of California, Irivne
Peggy A. Holloway, Professor, Wayne State College
Rita Surdi, Instructor, Luna Community College, Las Vegas, NM
Herbert G. Vaughan, Jr., M.D, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Patricia A. Couillard, Instructor, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Frank A Davis, Teacher, University of Cincinnati
Doug Paterson, University Professor of Theatre, University of
Robert Stephenson, Professor, Wayne State University
Louis G Tassinary, Professor, Texas A&M University
Louise Leonard, Professor, University of Florida
Eileen Walter, Teacher, Harelson Elementary School
Peggy A. Holloway, Professor, Wayne State College
Robert A. Collins, Professor, Florida Atlantic University
Arturo Giraldez, Professor, University of the Pacific
Kathe Burick, Teacher, City College of San Francisco
Julie Obermeyer, Teacher, Anchorage Literacy Project*
Deborah Lee Emery, Instructor, MS Gulf Coast Community College
Ruth van Venendaal, Teacher, Dudley Elementary School, Camden City
Dr. Herbert Vaughn, Professor, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Eileen Walter, Teacher, Amphitheater School District
Abbie Jenks, Professor, Greenfield Community College
Magdalena Cabrera, Teacher, Leaping Lizards Nature Awareness
Preschool, CA
Karyn Lovingood, Adjunct Professor, Averett University
Robin McCubbin, Professor, Southwestern College
Jeri Pollock, Teacher, Moorpark College
Dr. Curtis F. Doebbler, Professor of Human Rights at Tashkent State
Law Institute
Kathryn Myers, Teacher, Cuesta College
Thomas Kleven, Professor, Thurgood Marshall School of Law
Aurora Camacho de Schmidt, Associate Professor, Swarthmore College
Frank Walter, Professor Emeritus, American River College
Patrick Brantlinger, Professor, Indiana University
Raymond Giraud, Professor, Stanford University
Sa Washah, Professor, Clifton, NJ
Thomas Bautz, Teacher, Lake Mary, FL
Paul McDermott, Teacher, Los Angeles, CA
Armando Aligia, Professor, Bariloche, Argentina
Brian Mitchell, Teacher, Simi Valley, CA
Bob Oort, Teacher, Georgica, Australia
Chris Bluemel, Teacher, Hereford, UK
Dawn E. Ask Martin, Teacher, Cedar Falls, IA
Chris Harper, Teacher, Alexandria, VA
Ruth Schafer, Teacher, Chico, CA
Ruth Valdez, Teacher, Freedom, CA
Kathleen H. Moore, Teacher
Eugenia A Almand, Teacher, Bronx, NY
Jenaro Rodriguez, Teacher, St. Benedict School, Hastings, PA
Obiora Embry, Teacher, Lexington, KY
Ben Chappell, Professor, Bridgewater College, VA
Nicole O'Connor, Roncalli High School, WI
Mary Lebert, University of Michigan Law School
Heath Watts, Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology,
Butte, MT
Tarcisio Praciano-Pereira, Univerisidade Estadual Vale do Acarau,
Sobral, Brazil
Deborah Carroll, City University of New York-Long Island
Erika Nanes, University of California-Los Angeles
Kawika Liu, University of Hawaii, Honolulu
Nicole Williams, University of Southern California, West Hollywood
Seamus Gilson, The College of Wooster
Cynthia Robinson, Cornell University
Carol R. Schelin, New Rochelle High School, Tappan, NY
Terao Terumi, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Tajimi-shi, Japan
Marty Maddox, Graduate Theological Union*, Berkeley, CA
Trudy Morgan, Ukiah United Methodist Church*
Cynthia Embree-Lavoie, Buddhist Peace Fellowship*
Kaori Yagi, Reverend, United Church in Japan*, Chiba, Japan
Gilbert Malu Musumbu, Roman Catholic Priest, Douglas, AZ
Susan Emmons, Minister, York, PA
Suzanne J. Cowles, Pastor, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada*,
Edmonton, Canada
W. J. Gonzales Nolan, United Church Of Christ, National Office*,
Cleveland, OH
William Holley Jr., Minister, Redding, CA
Dorsey O. Blake, Minister, Oakland, CA
James Wendell Reid, Minister, United Methodist Church*, Berwick, LA
Barbara A. Lee, Pastor, Universal Life Church of Deatsville*, AL
Bob Wright, Clergy, Lake Alberta, CA
Chet Guinn, Methodist Federation for Social Action*, Des Moines, IA
Nicholas J. Bisaccia, Saint Mark's Episcopal Church*
Dennis R. M. Teall-Fleming, Director of Faith Formation,
Queen of Apostles Catholic Church*, Belmont, NC
Kate Gyllensvard, St Peter's Social Justice Ministry Team*
Rafael García, Pastor, Summerfield United Methodist Church*
Ange Mayers, Nun, Native American Ministry*
Sergei Kapral, Orthodox Deacon, Plains, PA
Bruce N. Teague, Reverend, Amherst College
David L. Corcoran, Hospital Chaplain, Loyola University Medical Center
Catherine Connell, Sisters of Social Service*, Sacramento, CA
Douglas B. Hunt, Reverend, Ethics, Culture, and Religion Institute,
Garrett Park, MD
Nicholas J. Bisaccia, St. Mark's Episcopal Church*, Philadelphia, PA |
Segun el medico , ya estava muerto cuando lo degollaron
per c |
13 mai 2004
Como que los yankis tan listos que son , no havian descubierto que Al Qaida tenia una web , que segun ellos era donde estava el video .Y el mono que tenia Nicholas Berg , igual la forma y el color que son los que tienen los presos que estan en Guantanamo .
Una tia de Nicholas Berg , ya muerta estava casada con un Irakeno que vivia en Mosul .
Un aticulo que hace un analisis linguistico del video ,la palabra AlQaida solo sale en la traducion hecha por los yankis y el que habla en el video , Zarqawi ,(segun los yankis , el representante de Al Qaida en Irak ) no tiene acento Jordano ,incloso Irakenos que han visto la cinta ,los que hablan no tienen hacento Iraqi .
Pagina web que hace el analisis linguistico del video .
Pagina web que habla de ascuadras del IDF y del ShinBet , (servicio secreto interno de Israel ) ,que hacian los interrogatorios en arabe en la carcel de Abu Ghraib .
Medios Arabes de comunicacion cogen con mucha cautela el video .
http://news.independent.co.uk/world/middle_east/story.jsp?story=520735 |
Bloggers doubt Berg execution video
per A |
13 mai 2004
"However, the circumstances of the video release are also strange. A Reuters journalist in Dubai first named the Muntada al-Ansar al-Islami website as the source for the video – at www.al-ansar.biz.
Although the site has now been shut down, Aljazeera.net had looked at the site within ninety minutes of the story breaking – and could find no such video footage.
But Fox News, CNN and the BBC were all able to download the footage from the Arabic-only website and report the story within the hour."
http://stopimperialism.be |
Re: El Video de Decapitado Declarado Falso por Médico N.Americano.Y Más...
per xxxxx |
13 mai 2004
Es curioso no se puede entrar en la pagina original del video... ¿al qaeda tiene una web?
Rarito no??
En cuanto a la lista, ¡tienen hasta estudiantes fichados!!! mamma mia... Por cierto, falto yo ....;(( |
Re: El Video de Decapitado Declarado Falso por Médico N.Americano.Y Más...
per comochoconto |
13 mai 2004
La traducción (al español) la enciontré en este enlace de IMC argentina, y es obra de Kenshin
Dice algo así...
Vídeo de decapitación de Nick Berg declarado " un fraude " por médico.
La primera víctima de guerra es la verdad y éste no ha sido ninguna excepción." La Voz" obtuvo una copia del vídeo mostrando a la decapitación de Americano Nick Berg de Filadelfia e, inmediatamente, algo muy dispar era fácilmente evidente.
No sólo eran los gritos pretendidos de Nick Berg sin sincronía con la decapitación, también lo era una carencia total de sangre cuando su yugular y otras venas y las arterias estaban siendo cortadas.
Expedimos el vídeo al Doctor Raul Castro Guevara, cirujano y el experto forense en Ciudad de México para su opinión .
Él contestó y comentó:"No hay manera que el individuo en el video estuviara vivo y su corazon funcionando cuando le estaban cortando la cabeza. En estos casos, el corazon impele sangre con gran presion, y si se corta las arterias del cuello, hay una gran cantidad de sangre que salpica por todos lados. En mi opinion el video es un fraude."
Si usted es capaz de ver el vídeo, por favor ponga suma atención a los cinco terroristas supuestos de Al-Qaeda que hacen la declaración política. Mire su altura, peso, color de la piel y sus manierismos. ¿Piensa usted que esta gente es árabes o iraquíes? |
Re: El Video de Decapitado Declarado Falso por Médico N.Americano.Y Más...
per zu |
13 mai 2004
Supongo que muchos de l@s estudiantes de la "lista negra"(!PARCIAL!)están fichad@s como "activistas contra la(s) guerra(s) y por la Paz".
Como l@s demás.
Según Bush y CO. = "ENEMIGOS"
Nota:Hay cantidad de "basca" de diversos paises en la lista. |
Re: El Video de Decapitado Declarado Falso por Médico N.Americano.Y Más...
per einstein |
13 mai 2004
que quedi clar, en espanyol, i la font és www.aztlan.net,juajuajuajua, la spanish globalitation in BCN city, juajua FIGHT THE SPANISH POWER:::FREEDOM FOR CATALONIA--AJ� |
per a més a més |
13 mai 2004
Plataforma Aturem la guerra
[13.05.2004 20:17]-1 lecturas-0 comentarios
Continuem dient “No a la guerra�!!!
El moviment antiguerra ha contribuït de manera decisiva en la caiguda d’Aznar i en el fet que retornin les tropes.
Les notÃcies que ens arriben de l’Iraq no són gens esperançadores. Les imatges de les tortures són una mostra més de la brutalitat de la guerra i de l’ocupació. De Palestina les notÃcies també són preocupants, atès que Bush aprova els plans annexionistes de Sharon. Per altra banda, les morts de l’Afganistan i Txexènia confirmen que la “guerra contra el terrorismeâ€?, només produeix més terror.
Per això, el dissabte 15, a partir de les 18:00 horesconvoquem un ACTE REIVINDICATIU I LÚDIC a la plaça dels Àngels (al costat del MACBA) per celebrar la derrota d’Aznar i el retorn de les tropes, per exigir la fi de la guerra i que se’n vagin totes les forces d’ocupació de l’Iraq i Palestina.
Per això, també convoquem la ciutadania el dia 19 de juny a una manifestació amb els lemes següents: NI GUERRA NI TORTURES. FORA LES FORCES D’OCUPACIÓ DE L’IRAQ I PALESTINA. PER LA SOBIRANIA DELS POBLES.
A l’acte del dissabte 15 de maig hi haurà parlaments de l’Arcadi Oliveres, Salah Jamal, Dolores Juliano, Pius Alibek, Jaume Botey, un representant de la Plataforma de Girona i familiars del periodista Jose Couso, entre d’altres.
I actuacions artÃstiques de Marina Rossell, Josep Tero, Adolfo Osta, Ester Formosa, Antonio Calderon “Willyâ€?, Els Camalics, Pepa Plana, i representants de la Plataforma de la Cultura i Espectacles Contra la Guerra. Conduirà l’acte Enric Majó.
A http://www.fundacioperlapau.org/iraq podeu trobar el cartell de la convocatòria.
Per a més informació podeu posar-vos en contacte amb nosaltres:
Mercè Campabadal 629.828.332
Pilar Massana 687.537.930
Rosa Cañadell 654.741.102
Roser Palol 677.480.056
Rut Codosal 649.465.530 |
Re: El Video de Decapitado Declarado Falso por Médico N.Americano.Y Más...
per A einstein |
13 mai 2004
einstein,jua jua jua
Ponte "La mula francis2 de nik mejor.
La voz de Aztlan,es una excelente fuente. |
Re: El Video de Decapitado Declarado Falso por Médico N.Americano.Y Más...
per ignorante |
13 mai 2004
Ya he visto el video de la decapitacion.sí es cierto... he caído en la tentacion del morbo, pero también me interesaba analizarlo. y no dejo de estar preocupado por lo podrida que tal vez tenga la cabeza. ¿quien coño ha quitado todo valor a la vida humana?. No soy de los que no se cree que los iraquies no puedan hacer cosas así. seguro que sí que son capaces. La guerra es lo que trae, cosas así. podría haber sido totalmente cierto. ayer mismo "he visto" a miembros de hamas mostrar a la tele trocitos de soldados israelis como si nada. es lo que trae la guerra, repito, por eso estamos en contra ¿no?. ahora bien. después de ver el video, estoy casi seguro de que es falso. hay dos datos bastante claros que demuestran que no es verdadero. primero: es cierto que sangra muy poco el hombre. Yo tambien he visto matar a un cerdo (siento hablar en estos términos en estas condiciones pero es cierto), que es parecido a lo que he visto en el video, y la sangría desde luego que es muchísimo mayor. Seguro que en realidad se sangraría a chorretones gordos gordos. Pero lo que me hace dudar con mucha más fuerza de la autenticidad del video y lo que más me sorprendió al verlo es: ¿qué necesidad había de cortar el plano justo en el momento después de tumbarle hacia la izquierda? ¿para qué grabar el acontecimiento con dos cámaras? grabar con dos cámaras es ridículo en este caso y si hay un salto de plano es que se ha grabado con dos camaras o que se ha elaborado un montaje con puesta en escena preparada. además supone un trabajo posterior de montaje. es un trabajo ridículo si fuese real, teniendo en cuenta además que un cambio de plano justo en el momento que se produce provoca muchas dudas sobre la autenticidad del video. a nadie se le hubiera ocurrido cambiar de plano justo en el momento de la decapitacion. repito: no soy de los que no se creen que los enemigos del imperio no puedan hacer salvajadas. las hacen todos los días con razón o sin ella, no es el caso ahora de la cuestión. pero yo si fuera el "terrorista" que graba esto habria utilizado una sola camara en plano secuencia, de hecho así se hace todo el video justo hasta el momento previo al corte con el cuchillo. curioso ¿no?. huele demasiado a montaje: justo en el momento en que tumbamos al hombre hacia el suelo... "corten" ahora se monta la escena, se graba desde otra posición y... "acción". ahora bien... si como tengo casi seguro el video es falso, se abren muchísimos interrogantes sin respuesta... como siempre. ¿Quién es el tipo del video?¿le han matado de verdad?¿si le han matado de verdad, por que no matarlo delante de la camara, y hacer un montaje? ¿si no le han matado de verdad, donde esta? ¿por que "he visto" a su familia llorar en la tele?¿que curioso que justo este hombre habia estado detenido por los americanos y luego desaparecio?¿por que la prensa oficial nunca se pregunta por las cosas extrañas que estan pasando y siempre han pasado?¿quien mueve los hilos realmente?¿Por que nos engañas tan descaradamente zp?¿por que bono ha dicho que ya no se va a hablar nunca del cni? siempre con ese colchon de la informacion secreta como si fueramos gilipollas ¿por que resulta que "nuestros" soldados son buenos y no saben nada de hacer daño al prójimo?ahora resulta que los medicos españoles habian visto cosas extrañas en los presos iraquies. jojojojo. es todo muy extraño... y nunca una imagen ha valido más que mil palabras. menuda la que nos han colao con que la fotografia retrata la realidad. ya no digamos el video. extraño... como muchos datos del 11m a poco que se lee un poco en profundidad, como la vida... como toda la informacion que se oculta en las cloacas de los estados y ninguna sociedad "democratica" del mundo resistiría conocer, al igual que no cala en la sociedad la realidad de que en España se tortura como estrategia, porque no lo soportan las conciencias ciudadanas; y los medios no se hacen eco porque es su objetivo mantener la cohesion social, no perseguir la verdad. Es ridicula la sociedad de la imagen en la que vivimos. todo el tema del escandalo de las torturas, solo porque hay imagenes.... aqui tambien se tortura ¡hostia! y ademas ya lo sabiamos ¿y bombardear no es torturar?¿y ahora por que los de la plataforma esa vasca no se pueden presentar a las elecciones?¿pero no habia un nuevo talante zp? ¡pero qué mierda es esta que nos envuelve?¿donde hostias esta bin laden? ¡mira que se esconde, nen!!!!!. aggggggg corto y cierro. |
Re: El Video de Decapitado Declarado Falso por Médico N.Americano.Y Más...
per dil |
13 mai 2004
Es molt possible que el vídeo de la decapitació sigui un muntatge del govern americà, que sigui l'única resposta que han sabut trobar a les fotos de les tortures fetes a Irak. |
Re: El Video de Decapitado Declarado Falso por Médico N.Americano.Y Más...
per marymoon |
14 mai 2004
direcció del video complet: http://www.zonagratuita.com/servicios/noticias/2004/mayo/decapitacion.ht
jo l´he vist i la veritat es que dona molt ke pensar |
Re: El Video de Decapitado Declarado Falso por Médico N.Americano.Y Más...
per jose petunia_1805@hotmail.com |
12 ago 2004
ver el video |
Re: El Video de Decapitado Declarado Falso por Médico N.Americano.Y Más...
per jose petunia_1805@hotmail.com |
12 ago 2004
ver el video |