Notícies :: guerra |
Iraq: Torture not isolated -- independent investigations vital
per @I |
30 abr 2004
Iraq: Torture not isolated -- independent investigations vital
There is a real crisis of leadership in Iraq -- with double standards and double speak on human rights, Amnesty International said today. |
"The latest evidence of torture and ill-treatment emerging from Abu Ghraib prison will exacerbate an already fragile situation. The prison was notorious under Saddam Hussein -- it should not be allowed to become so again. Iraq has lived under the shadow of torture for far too long. The Coalition leadership must send a clear signal that torture will not be tolerated under any circumstances and that the Iraqi people can now live free of such brutal and degrading practices," Amnesty International said.
"There must be a fully independent, impartial and public investigation into all allegations of torture. Nothing less will suffice. If Iraq is to have a sustainable and peaceful future, human rights must be a central component of the way forward. The message must be sent loud and clear that those who abuse human rights will be held accountable.
"Our extensive research in Iraq suggests that this is not an isolated incident. It is not enough for the USA to react only once images have hit the television screens".
Amnesty International has received frequent reports of torture or other ill-treatment by Coalition Forces during the past year. Detainees have reported being routinely subjected to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment during arrest and detention. Many have told Amnesty International that they were tortured and ill-treated by US and UK troops during interrogation. Methods often reported include prolonged sleep deprivation; beatings; prolonged restraint in painful positions, sometimes combined with exposure to loud music; prolonged hooding; and exposure to bright lights. Virtually none of the allegations of torture or ill-treatment has been adequately investigated by the authorities.
Amnesty International is calling for investigations into alleged abuses by Coalition Forces to be conducted by a body that is competent, impartial and independent, and seen to be so, and that any findings of such investigations be made public. In addition reparation, including compensation, must be paid to the victims or to their families. |
Mira també:
http://web.amnesty.org/library/index/engmde140172004 |
![](https://barcelona.indymedia.org/images/licenses/norights.gif) This work is in the public domain |
Irak: Los casos de tortura no son aislados. Es fundamental que haya investigaciones independientes
per @I |
30 abr 2004
Irak: Los casos de tortura no son aislados. Es fundamental que haya investigaciones independientes
"Las últimas evidencias de torturas y malos tratos que proceden de la cárcel de Abu Ghraib complicarán una situación ya delicada. La cárcel era famosa bajo el régimen de Sadam Hussein y no debe consentirse que vuelva a serlo. Irak ha vivido demasiado tiempo bajo la sombra de la tortura. Los líderes de la coalición deben dejar claro que no se tolerarán torturas bajo ninguna circunstancia y que el pueblo iraquí ya puede vivir libre de tan brutal y degradante práctica", ha manifestado Amnistía Internacional.
"Nuestra amplia labor de investigación sobre Irak indica que no se trata de un incidente aislado. No es suficiente que Estados Unidos reaccione sólo cuando las imágenes han golpeado las pantallas de televisión."
Amnistía Internacional pide que un organismo competente, imparcial e independiente, considerado como tal por la población, investigue los presuntos abusos cometidos por las fuerzas de la coalición, y que los resultados de esta investigación se den a conocer públicamente. Además, las víctimas o sus familiares deben obtener una reparación, incluido el pago de una indemnización.
copyright Amnesty Internacional |
Re: Iraq: Torture not isolated -- independent investigations vital
per d@vid |
30 abr 2004
Mientras tanto el primer ministro británico, Tony Blair, está "escandalizado" por las fotos de prisioneros iraquíes maltratados por soldados norteamericanos y difundidas por el canal de televisión CBS, declaró hoy su portavoz. Estos actos "están en contradicción directa con todas las reglas preconizadas en la coalición" en Iraq, agregó.
¡Vaya hipocresia! |
Re: Iraq: Torture not isolated -- independent investigations vital
per Blair¡que te coja la Resistencia! |
01 mai 2004
Blair,Aznar,Berlusconi y Bush...en manos de la Resistencia Iraquí! |