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Increible! Un chico de 15 años es investigado por el Servicio Secreto de EEUU tras pintar un dibujo!!!
28 abr 2004
Tras ver el dibujo de Bush decapitado, la profesora aviso a la administracion del colegio, estos a la policia, y estos al Servicio Secreto, quienes le capturaron e interrogaron.
Kevin Cravens, un amigo de la familia del chico, ha dicho que "si a un chaval de 15 años se le considera como una amenaza para el presidente, es que realmente estamos viviendo en el "1984" de Orwell"
Eastern Washington teen's sketches attract Secret Service scrutiny

By The Associated Press

PROSSER, Benton County — Secret Service agents questioned a high-school student here about anti-war drawings he turned in to his art teacher.
One of them depicted President Bush's head on a stick.

Another pencil-and-ink drawing depicted Bush as a devil launching a missile, with a caption reading "End the war — on terrorism."

The 15-year-old boy's art teacher turned the drawings over to school administrators, who notified a police officer assigned to work with the school.

"We involve the police anytime we have a concern," Prosser Superintendent Ray Tolcacher told the Tri-City Herald.

"From our perspective, it was an incident that needed to be reported to the police on campus."

Secret Service agents interviewed the boy Friday. The student, who was not arrested, has not been identified.

The school district disciplined him, but district officials declined to say what the punishment was. Tolcacher said the boy was not suspended. Tolcacher insisted it was not a freedom-of-speech issue but a concern over the depiction of violence.

"From what I saw, (school officials) were right to be concerned," Prosser Police Chief Win Taylor said.

The artwork was apparently part of an assignment to keep a notebook of drawings, according to Kevin Cravens of Richland, who said he was a family friend of the boy who was investigated.

The drawing that drew the most attention showed a man in what appeared to be Middle Eastern-style clothing, holding a rifle. He also was holding a stick with the oversize head of President Bush on it. The student said the head was enlarged because it was intended to be an effigy, Cravens said. The caption called for an end to the war in Iraq.

The boy's mother declined to talk with The Seattle Times last night. The Secret Service did not return the Herald's calls for comment, and a message left by The Associated Press with an after-hours duty officer in Washington, D.C., was not immediately returned yesterday.

"If this 15-year-old kid in Prosser is perceived as a threat to the president, then we are living in '1984.' " Cravens said.

This work is in the public domain


Re: Increible! Un chico de 15 años es investigado por el Servicio Secreto de EEUU tras pintar un dibujo!!!
28 abr 2004
Re: Increible! Un chico de 15 años es investigado por el Servicio Secreto de EEUU tras pintar un dibujo!!!
29 abr 2004

Me recuerda al libro: "Arrancad las semillas,fusilar a los niños" de K.Oe....

En breve, todos a la carcel...
Re: Increible! Un chico de 15 años es investigado por el Servicio Secreto de EEUU tras pintar un dibujo!!!
29 abr 2004
Aquest noi és perillos. Algun dia, ferà apologia de la Boston Tea Party, potser de la cavalcada de Paul Revere. I a veure si acaba en la cabanya subversiva de David Henry Thoreau! Estats Units poden processar amb els mateixos criteris quicom fa lloança dels pioners de la llur independència. "Terroristes" als quals deuen no ser més colonia anglesa.
Re: Increible! Un chico de 15 años es investigado por el Servicio Secreto de EEUU tras pintar un dibujo!!!
29 abr 2004
esta es su libertad de expressión, en el país de las "libertades"
Re: Increible! Un chico de 15 años es investigado por el Servicio Secreto de EEUU tras pintar un dibujo!!!
29 abr 2004
Buff. pos tienen todavia burradas mayores, si caben. por ejemplo, lo d boicotear productos espasñoles x retirar las tropas. y lo gracioso es q no es q vayan a boicotear el aceite d oliva, o el jamon d pata negra. lo q kieren boicotear son los jalapeños, los burritos... pero a ver, TIO SAM, si vas a boicotear, boicotea al menos bien. eso son productos mexicanos, no españoles. Aaaay, q baturros!!! como decía Obelix, están locos estos "americanos".
Sindicat Terrassa