Imprès des de Indymedia Barcelona :
Independent Media Center
Notícies :: corrupció i poder : fòrum 2004 : especulació i okupació
21 abr 2004
You have had 24 hours to answer a simple question.
What is the nature of the covering which was planned to be put on the Tower at Glories?
Who designed the covering?
What is it's spectrum signature?
Why have you facilitated trans species communication without the permission or consent of your people?

You have not responded. You have failed the test.
This afternoon, one of your oiks, ochlarchy pigs,
laid their hand on me whilst sitting where I stood a year ago to protest against Lies and War, these are poor policemen your oiks and I see no hint that they might protect this city, lacking the neccesary skills one might say.

He will dream badly from now on.

You have not exonerated yourself from the guilt of complicit corruption, and assistance to our universal foes.

You will now obey, and disband the Guardia Urbana.

The people of Barcelona have no need of your personal security force, and the slow perversion of our cornerstone wisdom and symbology.

Disband the Guardia Urbana, the Mossos will take their duties, they have demonstrated some ability to adopt to 21st century challenges.

& then you Resign,
for you have not satisfied us as to your suitability for the office you hold, and let's put it this way,
you don't know how the 14 Golems from China work.

Do you want us to demonstrate them to you?
Perhaps You want another manifestation?

I came to your universal forum = didn't I?

This work is in the public domain


Re: Clos!
21 abr 2004
sorry for my english.
all you need is a long vehicle.
And you Jean Clos have failed the test.
Re: the pig of Clos!
21 abr 2004
He laid his hand on me.
that means he started it.
and do you know what that implies?
I finish it.

welcome to your anglés of apocylapse Jean Clos.
Re: la torre de las Glòries:-
21 abr 2004
your words Clos:-
La torre de las Glòries es un edificio peculiarísimo, que basa su singularidad en que utiliza la luz como material de construcción. La piel posee en ella una cualidad tan específica que a los barceloneses les espera un nuevo descubrimiento, después de la fascinación que han producido su forma, su altura y el espléndido juego de aberturas de la fachada circular. Es un edificio capaz de protagonizar todas las perspectivas, como de hecho sucede: preside con maestría los ejes visuales de aquella zona de la ciudad.
Naturalmente, la torre de Jean Nouvel, tan notoria, puso en primer plano el debate sobre la bondad de los rascacielos en una trama urbana como la de Barcelona, que no está nada acostumbrada a ellos. Bueno, rascacielos es un decir, porque en Barcelona más bien tendríamos que hablar, como máximo, de edificios altos. Yo apuesto claramente por algunos edificios altos, como singularidad del paisaje. No se trata, pues, de acumularlos, sino de acentuar determinados espacios, que los piden a gritos. Hoy caminamos en la dirección de la ciudad compacta, conectada, sostenible, pero también simbólica, mucho más simbólica que la ciudad del XIX, porque en tiempos de una globalización tan acelerada corremos el riesgo de perder los referentes, de flotar en el vacío. O en la repetición hasta la extenuación de la arquitectura tecnológica.

my words:-
You do not know how to play with light,
for you have lived in the dark to long.
And you do not revise our architecture.
We build cities over millenia.
If you had paid attention to the stones of your city and the graves of your crusaders you would have secured your people better.
But you did not.
= Basta!
enough games.

now you have failed the test.
Leave your office to another, and disband the guardia urbana.
Re: Clos!
21 abr 2004
Catalan, please!
Re: x
21 abr 2004
catalan? per aixo escric en anglès.
quando vos aviso del imperio semper uso inglés.

The machine in the Ajuntamiento will just have translate the message, just like they did with "regime change in 5 parts" by Chatterton and Cassandra and the days of the week.
or have they forgotten that?
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