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Aznar dará clases en la Universidad de Georgetown.
05 abr 2004
El presidente del Gobierno en funciones, José María Aznar, se incorporará el próximo otoño al claustro de la Universidad estadounidense de Georgetown como profesor asociado, donde impartirá seminarios sobre política europea contemporánea y relaciones trasatlánticas, según han informado fuentes de la citada Universidad.

Aznar se hará cargo de estos seminarios dos veces por semestre, seminarios destinados a estudiantes y licenciados, y liderará además coloquios públicos sobre asuntos que preocupan al mundo contemporáneo, precisa el centro.

La Universidad de Georgetown galardonó a Aznar el pasado enero con la Medalla del Presidente de la Universidad por su labor como presidente del Gobierno y su cooperación con Estados Unidos.

Terra / EFE
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Re: Aznar dará clases en la Universidad de Georgetown.
05 abr 2004
JA, JAJAJAJAJAJAJ, quin recargolement de riure.....jajajajaja. Però amb anglès de Texas.
Re: Aznar dará clases en la Universidad de Georgetown.
05 abr 2004
Este se larga por patas... no os riais que parece ser que dara clases en Castellano... En otros foros hay una chica que trabaja en esa universidad y ha colgado esto:
Poco mas que lo presentan como un heroe que ha salvado a España del paro y del desastre economico...un genio vaya... Madre mia pobres estudiantes, no saben lo que les llevan palla... Nos deja todo el terror del mundo matando por aki, y el tan tranqui a los USA, a trabajar y a ganar pasta... Aqui estan los beneficios tan buenos, maldito cabron...

Spanish Prime Minister José María Aznar was appointed today Distinguished Scholar in the Practice of Global Leadership at Georgetown University where he will teach seminars on contemporary European politics and trans-Atlantic relationships in the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service.
"Prime Minister Aznar’s involvement on campus will enhance the work of our students and faculty in invaluable ways," said Georgetown University president John J. DeGioia. "Having such a distinguished former head of government join our community builds on Georgetown’s tradition of intellectual engagement on crucial global issues."

Beginning next fall, Aznar will conduct seminars on campus twice each semester bringing together faculty and undergraduate and graduate students from the university’s Mortara Center for International Studies, BMW Center for German and European Studies and Center for Latin American Studies.

In addition to teaching seminars, Prime Minister Aznar will lead public dialogues on pressing contemporary concerns in collaboration with other members of the faculty.

"I am greatly looking forward to this opportunity with Georgetown University. It will be a privilege for me to join the faculty of this world-class institution in the fields of international relations and political studies," said Prime Minister Aznar.

Prime Minister Aznar was elected to lead the Government of Spain in May 1996 and overwhelmingly re-elected in 2000. A successful lawyer and tax inspector, who graduated from the University of Madrid, he entered politics in the late 1970s, rising to head the conservative Popular Party.

During his tenure, Prime Minister Aznar played a pivotal role in shaping the modern economic, trade, and security alliance that is the European Union. During his presidency, the Spanish economy enjoyed the largest growth period in its recent history, resulting in the creation of over 4 million jobs. He grappled with significant issues of regional autonomy while accepting the role of an international statesman in seeking solutions to conflict in the Middle East. José María Aznar maintained throughout his career an unwavering commitment to the fight against terrorism in Spain and worldwide.

Aznar joins other distinguished Georgetown faculty who help students bridge the policy and academic world including former National Security Advisor Anthony Lake, former Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright, Ambassador Jeane J. Kirkpatirck and Dean of the School of Foreign Service and former Ambassador at Large Robert L. Gallucci
Re: Aznar dará clases en la Universidad de Georgetown.
05 abr 2004
i q ve a dir? algu podria fer un petit resum en català? gràcies :P
Re: Aznar dará clases en la Universidad de Georgetown.
05 abr 2004
Dice que España va bien
Re: Aznar dará clases en la Universidad de Georgetown.
05 abr 2004
este caradura va a EEUU a dar lecciones!!!

de politica europea contemporanea: como mentir, engañar y hacer enriquecerse a sus amiguetes en una legislatura.

lo que habia es que detenerle en cuanto regrese y enviarlo al Tribunal Penal Internacional a que los procesen, o solo va a ser para los Milosevics de turno?
Re: Aznar dará clases en la Universidad de Georgetown.
05 abr 2004

"Ansar guilldo clashes in de Yiouuniversity off Yooorgstounn"
Re: Aznar dará clases en la Universidad de Georgetown.
05 abr 2004
En tejano les enseñará como mentir,manipular,entrar en Guerra,limpiarle las botas a Bush...y dejar un País hecho unos zorros.
¡Pobres estudiantes,!
¿Se llevará a la Botella (Mrs.Bottle)?
Re: Aznar dará clases en la Universidad de Georgetown.
06 abr 2004
A lo que va a USA ,es ,a recibir clases de terrorismo.
Por demostrar ser un mal alumno, en Madrid.
Sindicat Terrassa