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Notícies :: corrupció i poder : ecologia
Regime Change
10 mar 2004
being the third in a short series of reflections on the need for regime change in the 11th state to accede to the European Union.
"in the irish tongue"
Regime = réim / córas
Change = athraigh / sóinséal / bris.

because you rarely read good irish in barcelona indymedia. ¿do you?
in the other irish tongue-

"local shop for local people"

Senor Duran i Lleida!
you really are quite right, it is very unpleasant to be associated with Terrorism.
It is most unpleasant when national marketing brands, logos, and image are subject to such nasty and sustained attack.
We share that sentiment.

Señor Rajoy!
you grew up by the Atlantic Ocean,
where the Atlantic Relationship begins.
You hopefully are aware that is _our sea_.
We share those waves and those fish and that really great "Distance" with many nations most of which are emerging and study our little island with it's oldest european republican constitution and the other "bit".
You might think we deserve it.
We think that we didn't deserve it.
But the "publicity" as you really ought learn, didn't help.
It is such a great and regrettable mistake in your career as a european politician that you have not satisfied your continental peers on such issues.

Now some hundred years ago the forebears of Mr Duran i Lleida wrote a long and generally pleasant letter to Charles Stewart Parnell.

We have not notice much post from your forebears.

¿Perhaps you could find something in the archives?

Regardless of who "wins" this weekend, rest assured as "wednesday" turns to "thursday" we will "notice" who does.

just as we "noticed" a ship sink
@ 42º 26´09 N 11º 24´00 W
in our Atlantic Sea.

Someday, perhaps every prestige sinks.

ni bhfuil aon gaeilge agat a Mhariano ár cara,
ach béarla, 'sea:-

have a read:-

Gurb maith agat.
agus Slainte!
Mira també:


Re: Terrorist Attack on Madrid
11 mar 2004
Statement by the Taoiseach (prime minister of Eire) on the Bombings in Madrid

Date: 11 Mar 2004
Policy Area: General Affairs and External Relations
Content Type: Press Releases

The Taoiseach and President of the European Council, Mr Bertie Ahern, has condemned the atrocity perpetrated against the Spanish people in Madrid this morning. He said, "the timing of the bombings was clearly designed to wreak the greatest level of havoc and carnage. They are an attack on the democratic process and cannot be justified by any political cause."

The Taoiseach sent a message of support and sympathy to the Spanish Government and its people. He said, "the thoughts and prayers of people across Europe would be with them and especially with the bereaved and injured."


= ¿does it end?
Re: Regime Change & Terrorist Attack
11 mar 2004
"It is the worst act of terror in the history of Spain and the worst act of terror in memory in any European Union state. There shall be no safe haven for terrorism and terrorists in our European Union. ... It is an outrageous, unjustified and unjustifiable attack on the Spanish people and Spanish democracy. There is a general election due in Spain on Sunday. What happened today is a declaration of war on democracy. Let Sunday show that Spanish democracy is determined to overcome terrorism." -- European Parliament President Pat Cox

"These irresponsible acts, which cannot have any justification whatsoever, are to be fully condemned. ... In these appalling circumstances, I want to offer you the most sincere condolences, both in my name and in that of the French people." -- French President Jacques Chirac

"These atrocities are a disgusting assault on the very principle of European democracy. ... We stand shoulder to shoulder with the Spanish people and government in their fight against this kind of terrorism." -- British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw

"We were horrified by the news of the bomb attack in Madrid this morning. This detestable act of terror that claimed so many victims fills us with deep sorrow and outrage." -- German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer

"Every European, every democratic person, has to condemn these people who wanted to interfere with an electoral campaign, producing suffering for hundreds of people, leaving families broken, without any objective." -- EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana

"Our solidarity with Spain remains steadfast, as is our alliance's determination to vigorously pursue our efforts to combat terrorism." -- NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop

The Danish government "expressed its deepest sympathy to the victims, their families and to the people of Spain" and "condemned such acts of terror." -- Danish Foreign Minister Per Stig Moeller

The attacks are an "abominable violence that wounds every principle of civil existence. ... Madrid's tragedy reminds us of the need that ever more cohesive action by the European Union and the international community must achieve efficient and swift results in uprooting terrorism and see that the reasons of dialogue and solidarity prevail." -- Italian President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi

"We don't have ETA claiming these attacks but (they) bear its signatures..." Ana Palacio.

We the European People represented by the same dissappointing, weak, foolish, compromised class to whom you have grown used to in spain and catalonia, today turn to each other across our chattering tables and think:-

¿como desokupamos de este tristeza?

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