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Notícies :: immigració
jornada internacional d´acció en preparació
07 gen 2004
Hi ha una jornada internacional d´acció en preparació relativa als sense-papers llençada per No Border per al 31 de gener.

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Il y a une journé internationel d'action en préparation relative aux sans-papiers lancée par No Border pour le 31 janvier.

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Re: jornada internacional d´acció en preparació
07 gen 2004
Molt bé per la info, però qui està preparant aquesta jornada per ací?
la noticia
09 gen 2004
European Action Day on the 31st of January 2004

14.Nov.03 - After a number of different seminars and workshops on migration and migrants rights a coalition of groups have united in calling for a ' European day of struggles for the regularization (of sans papiers) and for the closure of all detention centers for foreigners'. The intention to have such an action day has been expressed in a common declaration documented below. Watch this site for more information on how to become involved in this action day.

Common Declaration (Paris 13.11.2003)

After having exchanged their analysis of the situation of sans papiers in the different European countries and after having shared the experiences of their struggle the following signatories address themselves to all the participants of the European Social Forum (ESF) and the organization secretariat to:

1. Underline that the sans papiers are only the visible tip of an iceberg of precariasation that includes all other migrants and all other workers.

2. Underline the particular role held by sans papiers in the process of the restructuring of the work sphere by the generalized precariasation.

3. Underline that the struggle of the sans papiers is at the very center of the political confrontation

4. Propose the adoption of six axes to change this situation on the European level:
- the unconditional regularization of all sans papiers in all European countries without any criteria.
- the immediate closure of all detention centers for foreigners in all European countries
- the abolition of the racist Schengen treaty
- freedom of movement and installation for all
- the recognition of a citizenship of residence for all.
- respect for a real right of asylum in all European countries
5. Propose to the ESF to immediately decide two actions:
- the organization of a European day of struggles for the regularization (of sans papiers) and for the closure of all detention centers for foreigners.
- the organization of a thematic ESF on immigration and sans papiers

Saint Denis, 13th of November 2003

Premières signataires / First signatories:

Coordination Nationale des Sans Papiers (France) - Comitato Immigrati Italia - Tavolo Migranti del Social Forum Italiani (Italia) - Rete No Global Campanina Italia - Confederazione Unitaria di Base (CUB) (Italia) - COBAS (Italia) - Kanak Attak (Deutschland) - Flüchtlings Initiative Brandenburg (Deutschland) - Gesellschaft für Legalisierung (Deutschland) - Coordination Nationale des Sans papiers (Suisse) - Act UP Paris.
centros de internamiento en el estado
09 gen 2004
Actualmente hay seis centros de este tipo en el Estado español: Verneda (Barcelona), Moratalaz (Madrid), Antiguo cuartel de los Capuchinos (Málaga), Murcia, Barranco Seco (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria), y el Antiguo cuartel de Zapadores (Valencia).

No hay que esperar a que alguien convoque, hay que ir montando grupos de afinidad y ese dia presentarse y difundir la protesta ¿no?
Re: jornada internacional d´acció en preparació
27 gen 2004
he mirat la pagina del noborder i parla d'una manifa a malaga. Algu sap si als Països Catalns (o mes exactament prop de bcn) hi haura alguna akest 31 d gener? Merci

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