Anunci :: antifeixisme : criminalització i repressió : guerra |
5 imprisoned Israeli Refuseniks need your help
per Refusers Parents' Forum Correu-e: davidvickery2003@yahoo.com (no verificat!) Adreça: posted by dhoud |
06 gen 2004
The tide is turning in Israel and the army and government are going out of their way to hide the fact that occupation is crumbling, piece by piece, from within. |
Dear Friends,
The below brief message was passed to me by the father of one of the five young
men mentioned below (Adam Maor). Alex, Adam's father, is a new friend that I have
had the opportunity to speak with on several occasions. He is a businessman and a
human rights activist, similar to myself, thus we made friends quick.
Yesterday, Alex, and the families of the other 4 Israeli conscripts, learned of the
sentence handed down by an Israeli military court to their sons -- another year in
prison, after already serving one year. The tide is turning in Israel and the army and
government are going out of their way to hide the fact that occupation is crumbling,
piece by piece, from within.
Please visit the website below and support those Israelis that have chosen to loose
their freedom instead of participating in a corrupt and illegal occupation.
In solidarity with my Israeli neighbors behind bars,
Sam Bahour
Palestinian businessman and social activist
5 COs jailed to deter a generation of conscripts to the Israeli Army.
On 4 January, 2004 Five conscripted Conscientious Objectors were sentenced to an
additional year in prison on top of the year they have been held for refusing to serve
in the IDF. The sentence is, in effect, an unlimited one as the prosecution intends to
jail them till they agree to serve. That's the price they will pay for refusing to be part
of the brutal occupation.
The 5 COs are being punished because of their convictions - the severity of the
punishment reflects the Israeli government's fear of those convictions. The
Government needs programmed soldiers - its policy is to intimidate all conscripts by
jailing these COs until they break.
We will not let this happen !! Sign the Petition for the immediate release of the 5
conscientious objectors at http://www.refuz.org.il/.
How many people will it take to convince the Israeli government that intimidation of
people with a conscience is unacceptable ... 1,000? 100,000? Or a million??
Whatever it takes we intend to get it! Be part of our campaign!
Signing the petition will not be enough. We need you to open doors in your
community - advise us who to approach - in what organization - perhaps using your
name as an introduction -- and any other ideas that you have to spread the word.
Together we can create "the great moral uprising" we need to get them out.
Send us an email at alexmaor ARROBA refuz.org.il the Refusers Parents' Forum
Join us in http://www.refuz.org.il/
Re: 5 imprisoned Israeli Refuseniks need your help
per ya he firmado |
08 gen 2004
Me llama la atención,viendo las firmas,las poquísimas firmas de Cataluña,o del Estado Español...¿que pasa?Movilicemonos,es una manera de acabar con Sharon y su Ejército Terrorista. |
Re: 5 imprisoned Israeli Refuseniks need your help
per oscar gamusinos2002@yahoo.es |
15 gen 2004
Espero que vuestro gobierno/militar recapacite si necesita que sus jovenes esten en prision por pedir la paz. Suerte y que sea leve, un apoyo fuerte desde españa |
Re: 5 imprisoned Israeli Refuseniks need your help
per Andrea vero_oxo@yahoo.es |
19 gen 2004
He vivido en Israel y soy consciente de lo que significa decir NO al ejército. Toda mi fuerza desde aqui, para el ahora y para lo que vendrá después. |