Notícies :: ecologia |
Dear Hell's Angels,
per David Arthur Johnston Correu-e: Hatrackman@yahoo.com (no verificat!) |
07 des 2003
a call to order |
Dear Hell's Angels,
There is no evil. There is no 'Hell'. You are a bunch of kids doing only what you know (so all things forgiven, of course). In a sense, I am calling you out. Love owns honour. Honour owns sanity.
Would you like a king with that?
in brotherhood,
David Arthur Johnston
Victoria, BC, Canada |
Mira també:
http://www.angelfire.com/apes/hatrackman |
Re: Dear Hell's Angels,
per mtz |
07 des 2003
Dear David Arthur Johnson,
would you mind to spare us posts totally off-topic like the one above?
mtz (bcn) |
Re: Dear Hell's Angels,
per stupid |
08 des 2003
The Hell's Angels are a bunch of sinister ,old and nazi-lovers .Get out of this web !!! |
Re: Dear Hell's Angels,
per HeLL o |
28 mai 2004
what is this place anyways |