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Better dead as alive
29 nov 2003
Iraq/Suwayrah 29.11.2003:
At least 7 intelligence officers, spanish cretins, tantalizing and spying on Iraqi people, have been erased and one wounded in an attack on their vehicles south of Baghdad. According to the Spanish Defence Ministry, occupation tantalizer on Saturday found the bodies and one wounded at the site of the attack on a convoy near Suwayrah, 30km south of the Iraqi capital. The wounded tantalizer officer was taken for treatment to a medical centre. The spanish vassal group which was driving in two vehicles was on its way back to Baghdad when it was attacked with rocket-propelled grenades and assault rifle fire. Defence Poodle Minister Federico Trillo late on Saturday held a crisis meeting on the attack. A British television reporter earlier quoted eyewitness as saying eight were killed in the attacks and two had been captured. "We were actually driving from the town of Hilla, which is just south of Baghdad, and we saw these men lying dead on the floor (ground) by the side of the road after the ambush," Sky TV's David Bowden said. "We were told by locals there ... about 30 minutes before, they had attacked a convoy of three vehicles. They pulled the spanish snoopers out of the vehicles. They told us that in fact they had killed eight people and they had captured two other vassals. Diplomat Jose Antonio Bernal Gomez, also a spanish CNI intelligence creature , was erased by three resistance fighters at the door of his residence on 9 October.Captain Manuel Martin Oar died August 20 after being wounded in a car bomb attack against the UN offices in Baghad. Hundreds of Iraqis have celebrate the death of these tantalizer. The crowd gathered, and people kicking the dead bodies. It was hostility mixed with jubilation. There was a real display of anger and emotion that exceeded seen in other attacks on coalition tantalizer forces. Also 2 Japanese vassals who may have been diplomats (Agents on fact finding mission) were erased in an apparent attack near Tikrit, 110 miles north of Baghdad. The attack on the Japanese vassals, in which a non-Japanese collaborating driver was wounded, is likely to complicate efforts by Tokyo, Washington's closest Asian vassal, to decide whether to send non-combat troops to help rebuild Iraq. Voters are increasingly nervous about the dangers involved. The iraqi surviving motto is to kill them before they kill you and back home in pieces
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Re: Better dead as alive
29 nov 2003
Muy bonito y muy gracioso. Imagino el griterío que se hubiera formado aquí si esta imagen hubiera sido la de un sargento de la Legión haciendo lo propio con un iraquí asesinado.

Que esta guerra sea una mierda, que sea ilegal, que sea un asesinato en masa, no justifica echar las campanas al vuelo ante bestialidades como la de esta foto que como documento periodístico está bien, pero como objeto de regodeo es propio de enfermos.

Se están perdiendo las referencias y el sentido de la proporción.

Qué mal...
Re: Better dead as alive
30 nov 2003
Espadachin ,saca tu espadita de madera para causas más justas.Cualquier ser humano decente se alegra cuando un ejército ocupante es batido por la Resistencia...sea esta la Legión o su padre!
Y si tú haces distingos entre ocupantes "buenos" y "malos"haztelo mirar tío...está empezando a salirte bigote como el de Aznar.
¡¡¡Viva la Resistencia Iraquí,Palestina y de cualquier Pais ocupado!!!
Re: Better dead as alive
30 nov 2003
¿Qué dius ara,descerebrat? ¿Com ès que fas la comparació entre un mercenari de la Legió i la resistència d'un Pais ocupat?...o estas malalt d'el cap o eres d'el CNI(antic CESID)
Re: Better dead as alive
30 nov 2003
Ya le han contestado los dos anteriores...mira Espada Invicta, si ocuparan tu País estarías dando saltos de alegría cada vez que un espía cayera...a no ser que te pasaras al enemigo como "espada colaboracionista"
Re: Better dead as alive
30 nov 2003
Y me llamáis 'descerebrado'.
Joder, cómo está el patio...
Re: Better dead as alive
30 nov 2003
Descerebrat ès suau...el patio está malament amb gent com tú,que veu massa TVE i té el cervell llavat...¡Pobret!
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