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Notícies :: fòrum 2004 : dones
Las mujeres de las Naciones Unidas apoyan el Forum2004 :: evitalo por email
13 oct 2003
"PeaceWomen" es una liga internacional para la paz y la libertad de la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas. A continuación pongo la noticia de apoyo al Forum2004 que aparece en su calendario, su presentación y la lista de entidades que se relacionan. A lo mejor perteneces a una de ellas y puedes ayudar a presionar y a que se enteren de que esto es un robo a la cultura y al derecho a la vivienda. Y si no leete la sección de Barcelona Indymedia y lo veras.
Universal Forum of Cultures
9 May-26 September 2004, Barcelona, Spain
The first Universal Forum of Cultures is the first celebration of a great new international event which will bring thousands of people to Barcelona from all over the world. The Forum's principal aim is to contribute to a renewal of thought and attitudes, providing a new platform for moving towards a new coexistence without conflict and a world fit for living in. The Forum in figures: 141 days, 5 million visitors expected ,400 local and international institutions, 28 international congresses, 4 major exhibitions, 20 exhibitions in cooperation, over 800 artistic activities in large and small format, over 300 different gastronomic experiences, over 300 films and documentaries, and more! In agreement with UNESCO, the Barcelona Forum 2004 is structured around three core themes: cultural diversity, sustainable development and conditions for peace. As we enter a new century, these themes match the main priorities on the agendas of international organizations. The themes must be dealt with if we are to move forward towards a globality that is sustainable and more humane, and they will remain wholly relevant over the coming years.

-------------------------------------------------------------------- is a project of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) United Nations Office, in New York City, that aims to enhance the visibility of women's peace efforts within the United Nations system and international community, and provide a centralised repository of accurate and timely information on the impact of armed conflict on women and women's peacebuilding efforts to facilitate communication among women peace activists and between women peace activists and the UN system.

The starting point of the PeaceWomen project was the historic unanimous adoption of Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security on October 31st, 2000, the first resolution ever passed by the Security Council that specifically addresses the impact of war on women, and women's contributions to conflict resolution and sustainable peace. In response to this strategic political moment for women around the world, WILPF developed its PeaceWomen project, which seeks to operationalize SCR 1325, ensuring women receive the educational and technical resources necessary to emerge as equal partners in local, regional and global peace processes.

The adoption of Resolution 1325 was a historic and celebrated event, and today, Resolution 1325 has a large, active and dedicated network of advocates and supporters in government, across the UN system and civil society. Despite the efforts of these many actors, especially at the grassroots level, there has been little effort within the UN and government bodies to move from words to action and actually implement the resolution. Due to the slow progress of implementation, the PeaceWomen website has become a vehicle for monitoring the implementation of Resolution 1325 and helping maintain the momentum of the resolution within the UN community and civil society community.

The Peace Women project has three main objectives:
1) Implementation of SCR 1325 through facilitating collaborative efforts
2) Increase the amount of SCR 1325 advocates
3) Meet the needs of women peace activists at the grassroots and national level who face challenges:

* building awareness of SCR 1325 and of its significance and utility in their region;
* building capacity and technical skills for entry into peace and security discourses so as to participate in all peace and security decision making fora;
* building relationships with decision makers at the national and inter-governmental levels;
* finding resources to provide timely and accurate information to decision makers;
* overcoming significant obstacles to political participation, particularly in conflict zones, including threats and actual violence; and
* accessing the often inaccessible and incomprehensible UN system, in the field and at UN Centers.

PeaceWomen Project
WILPF, UN Office
777 United Nations Plaza, 6th Floor
New York, NY 10017
Ph: (212) 682 1265
Fax: (212) 286 8211
wilpfun ARROBA




NGO Contacts
United Nations Contacts
Government Contacts
New York Permanent Mission


Brigadas Internacionales de Paz- Estado Espanol [PBI]
Apdo 2042, 01080 Vitoria-Gasteiz
Ph#: +34-945-171804
Fax#: +34-945-267709
Correo electrónico: gecko ARROBA

Dones X Dones
Ca la Dona
Casp, 38, pral., 08010 Barcelona
(Cada dijous de 20 a 22h)
Ph#: +93 412 77 01
Email: caladona ARROBA

En Pie de Paz Gran de Gracia
126 pral, 08012 Barcelona
Ph#: +34-93-217-9527
Fax#: +34-93-416-1026

Gernika Gogoratuz- Peace Research Centre [GGG]
Artekale 1-1 48300 Gernika-Lumo, Bizkaia
Ph#: +34-94-625-3558
Fax#: +34-94-625-6765
Correo electrónico: gernikag ARROBA
Sitio web:

Issues:women and peacebuilding.
c/Roger de Lluria15, 08010 Barcelona
Ph#: 93 48 20 700
Fax#: 93 48 20 7 07
Correo electrónico: intermon ARROBA
Sitio web:

Justicia i Pau
Rivadeneyra 6-10e, 08002 Barcelona
Ph#: +34-93-317-6177
Fax#: +34-93-412-5384
Correo electrónico: juspau ARROBA
Sitio web:

Madres de insumisos
Corregidor Jos de Pasamonte 29.1.B, 28030 Madrid
Ph #: 34 1 430 9673

Movimiento por la Paz, el Desarme y la Libertad [MPDL]
Issues: post-conflict, peacebuilding and conflict prevention projects in Eastern Europe, Africa and in South, Central and Latin America; human rights; consequences of conflict; help women become more active and prepared participants in their respective communities.
Martos 15, 28053 Madrid
Ph#: +34-91-5077168
Fax#: +34-91-507-7264
Correo electrónico: mpdl ARROBA
Sitio web:

Mujeres en Red
Montserrat Boix, Plaza del Dos de Mayo, 5-5-D, 28004 Madrid
Ph#.: (34-91) 5322554
Fax#: (34-91) 5322554
Correo electrónico: mujeresred ARROBA
Sitio web:

Paz y Cooperacion
Melendez Valdes 68-4, 28015 Madrid
Ph#: +34-91-549-6156
Fax#: +34-91-543-5282

Red Mujeres de Negro
(Women in Black)
Email: roal ARROBA

Spanish Red Cross (Cruz Roja Espanola)
c/Rafael Villa s/n 28023 El Plantio
Ph #: ++ 91 3354 600
Fax #: ++ 91 33 54 430
Correo electrónico:informa ARROBA
Sitio web :


Spanish Committee for UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund)
Apartado 51-100, E-28080 Madrid, Spain
Visitors’ Address: Mauricio Legendre, 36 28046 Madrid Spain
Ph#: (34.91) 378.9563 or 378.9561 or 378.9555 or 378.9565 or 378.9556
Fax#: (34.91) 314.7475
Email: unicef ARROBA


Instituto de la Mujer
Condessa de Venadito, 37, Madrid, 28035
Ph#: (34 91) 363 8000/7890
Fax#: (34 91) 363 7995
Email: instituto.mujer@mtases

OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, Gender Unit
Tiina Ilsen
Head of Gender Unit, Gender Unit
OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
Aleje Ujazdowskie 19
00-557, Warsaw, Poland
Tel.: +48-22 52 00 600 ext. 4172
E-mail: tilsen ARROBA

Dorota Ryzy
Gender Officer, Gender Unit
OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
00-557, Warsaw, Poland
Tel.: +48-22 52 00 600 ext. 4171
E-mail: dorota ARROBA


Permanent Mission of Spain to the United Nations
823 United Nations Plaza, 345 East 46th Street, 9th Floor, New York, NY 10017, USA
Ph#: 212 661 1050
Fax#: 212 949 7247
Correo electrónico: spain ARROBA
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Sindicato Sindicat