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Notícies :: sanitat : mitjans i manipulació : altres temes : guerra : sense clasificar
Scientific analysis of alien implants in “vaccines”
12 set 2024
Scientific analysis of alien implants (based on graphene oxide) in “vaccines”.
Diblasi_2024_Analisis_por_ICP_MS_de_seis_marcas_de_Vacunas_contra_COVID-191.pdf (883,37 KiB)
Canadian author Alfred Lambremont Webre talks (in English) with David Icke about the Falklands War from minute 40 onwards and says that it was so that the British could invade the South Thule Islands (or South Thule, southeast of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, roughly at 59º 26' 18.44" S, 27º 24' 17.48" W) with a base of Blue Aliens to take the technology of an invading extraterrestrial or extra-dimensional artificial intelligence to use it as a weapon, but it escaped and is transforming the Earth and Humanity into artificial versions in its image (geoengineering, transhumanism, robotization). I believe it is the filter mentioned by Ricardo Delgado and José Luis Sevillano, from La Quinta Columna, to destroy species that do not develop a level of consciousness and compassion necessary to integrate in harmony with other conscious beings in the universe.

DAVID ICKE: THE REVEAL – The Next Stage Of Human Awareness (1hs 04min, 06/09/2024)

New non-fiction book, co-written with ChatGPT, hypothesizes that Earth and humanity are being terraformed by an Off-planet, sentient, invading AI Artificial Intelligence
“AI INVASION: What ChatGPT & Sudowrite Tell Me” is a non-fiction book by Alfred Lambremont Webre, a former credentialed Non-Governmental Organization representative to the United Nations Second Special...
Monday, January 15th 2024, 1:00 PM CST

Chemical Elements Incompatible with Life Identified in All Covid-19 Vaccines (3hs 38min, English subtitled, audio in Spanish, August 31, 2024, Neuquén, Nqn, Argentina)

Real-Time Self-Assembly of Stereomicroscopically Visible Artificial Constructions in Incubated Specimens of mRNA Products Mainly from Pfizer and Moderna: A Comprehensive Longitudinal Study
Young Mi Lee, MD (Korea), Daniel Broudy, PhD (Japan), July 18, 2024, 65 pgs.

Greg Reese - Recent Study Shows Self-Assembly Nanobots in the COVID-19 Injectables

Argentine analysis's report, Pdf, 33 pgs, Spanish (use an automatic online translator).
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