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Notícies :: globalització neoliberal : ecologia
The Syntropic Monetary System - Time-Energy Accounting
16 set 2003
Whereas most central-bank currencies are backed by nothing but hypothetical "debt", artificial inflation, taxation without representation, terrorism and warfare, TEA dollars are 100% backed by HUMAN TIME and RENEWABLE ENERGY....
Endless Energy.gif
Time + Energy = Wealth. What's Your Share?

Whereas most central-bank currencies are backed by nothing but hypothetical "debt", artificial inflation, taxation without representation, terrorism and warfare, TEA dollars are 100% backed by HUMAN TIME and RENEWABLE ENERGY.

The Treasury Network is a worldwide non-profit civic association founded in 2002 to administer the Time-Energy Accounting (TEA) monetary system that:

1. Administers a complementary currency with equal rights and equal responsibilities.

2. Strengthens the liberties and responsibilities of human individuals and local communities.

3. Minimizes the centralization of power.

4. Balances competition and cooperation in the marketplace.

5. Minimizes public and private bureaucracy.

6. Maximizes efficient and equitable utilization of natural resources.

7. Eliminates any rationale for personal income tax.

8. Minimizes the need for any taxation.

9. Minimizes corporate-government racketeering.

10. Adjusts the money supply with our natural economy.

11. Restores a full-reserve interest-free currency system.

12. Removes the primary cause of political-economic instability, inflation, poverty, crime, slavery, terrorism, warfare, waste of resources and environmental degradation.

13. Enhances life and liberty for all.

The Treasury Network issues TIME DIVIDENDS backed by human lifetime ($1 = one hour = $730 per month) plus ENERGY DIVIDENDS issued to consumer investors (individual end-users) of harvested renewable energy ($1 = ten kWh) which can be freely traded in the marketplace.

TEA dollars - issued by elected district treasuries - expire four years after issued (25% annual deflation), encouraging investment in regenerative infrastucture rather than "barren" currencies or commodities.

A maximum of $3,000 (30,000 kWh) in renewable energy TEA dividends are issued per individual each month.

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