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Comentari :: globalització neoliberal : criminalització i repressió
Venture: Magic hood for G20 Summit!
10 mai 2017
If you want to enter the city, dress like a citizen...
At the upcoming G20 Summit, Police controls all over the city will be one of the most potent instruments of the repression organs to prevent our protest and action. Already at the access routes, the henchmen will try to sound out who fits their pattern and who doesn't.
There's no guarantee, but inconspicuous even citizen-like attire will considerably increase your chance to pass such controls.
Therefore, we recommend to consider such a camouflage in time / before coming to Hamburg in order to better access locations where you want to become active against the summit of the powerful. Necessary accessories to avoid the countless cameras on location can be worn covered on the body to smuggle them through the police cordons. In any case you (together with your group) should give it a thought early on because the opposing side will obviously try to distinguish you and keep you away!
 Anti-repressions notes northwest

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