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Notícies :: @rtivisme
Wagma Feroz: Editor
22 set 2016
Fighting against oppression in the Middle East
Wagma Feroz is working as an editor with THE PASHTUN TIMES. She is a Human Rights and peace activist of Pashtun origin – Mohmand Agency of FATA. Having gained a Master’s in Psychology from Peshawar University is currently working as a Psycho-social Counselor at the University of Swat. She is also a fellow of the Baacha Khan Trust Educational Foundation. Her aim is to help improve the young, traumatised victims of the conflicts engulfing our region. She has also been engaged in peace building activities for the last 8 years; her experience of working with young people from post-conflict tribal areas enables her to actively engage them in conflict resolution and peace building training programs. Wagma is the founder and executive director of a volunteer social organization “Da Torsaro Saadar” concerned with gender related issues; here she advocates girls’ education, the rights of children, peace and pluralism by using theatre as a tool for social change. Until now, she has conducted more than three hundred interactive shows on diverse social issues in tribal and war stricken areas, where they are considered taboo. She is hoping her work will help to bring peace and provide a brighter future to a young generation of Pashtuns.
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