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Notícies :: @rtivisme : globalització neoliberal : guerra
$10,000,000 Bush REWARD OFFER
28 jul 2003
Press release of $10,000,000 reward being offered for the capture, arrest, international trial and conviction of George W. Bush.
Wanted Poster half.jpg
For Immediate Release…

$10,000,000 REWARD OFFER

A reward in the amount of ten million dollars is being offered by Progressive Productions, publisher of “Land of Hypocrisy,� for the capture, arrest, international trial, and conviction of George W. Bush, perpetrator of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and countless other national and international violations of law.

A section of the official website,, provides trial details, terms and conditions, lists of offenses, and other information related to the reward offer. The direct link to the online information is:
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