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Notícies :: globalització neoliberal
Acció de boicot a Coca-Cola a Londre
23 jul 2003
Sis persones s'encadenen a una Planta de distribució de Coca-Cola al nord de Londres, en el dia mundial contra la Coca-Cola.
Coke cola North london processing plant brought to a standstill by six protestor
Devlish May, 22.07.2003 12:39
Breaking news North London Coke cola processing plant shut down and brought to a stand still as six amazing people lock onto the gates and trucks at the plant in solidarity with the global day of action against coke!
At 12.20 on the 22nd of July , Breaking news!
At the north London Coke cola processing plant six people have locked on to gates and trucks at the the plant bringing production to a stand still, as I write they are still locked on and the plant is out of action.
Just now 12.36 another phone call police have arrived and my reporter has just been cut off the telephone as we spoke, more when I hear.
Mira també:


Re: Acció de boicot a Coca-Cola a Londre
23 jul 2003
Quina passada!
Aqui tambe hauriem de fer cosetes aixi.

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