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Notícies :: globalització neoliberal : guerra
10 jul 2003
Non-violence is a very powerful weapon. Most people don't understand the power of non-violence and tend to be amazed by the whole idea. Those who have been involved in bringing about change and see the difference between violence and non-violence are firmly committed to a lifetime of non-violence, not because it is easy or because it is cowardly, but because it is an effective and very powerful way.

- Cesar Chavez
People power, truth-force, positive action, bearing witness. These are all terms that have been used in different times and places to describe the method of making social change also known as nonviolence.

Welcome to nonviolencehelp. This site draws together some of the available on-line resources on the history, theory and practice of nonviolence. It is both an introduction to nonviolent social change and a resource for trainers and activists.

If you have a workshop to present, an action to organise or a campaign to plan, nonviolencehelp will give you the tools to get started.

If you are new to the idea of nonviolence, you can use this site to learn more, as well as finding practical resources to help you spread the ideas and skills within your own group or community.

This knowledge is here to be used - there's no better way to learn nonviolence than to practice it. If you aren't convinced that things need changing, then I encourage you to spend some time at the excellent global issues website.
Mira també:


Re: nonviolenceHELP
11 jul 2003
pots explicar-me com usar un maullet?
Re: nonviolenceHELP
11 jul 2003
La violència contra els repressors es legítima

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