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Notícies :: pobles i cultures vs poder i estats
Comunicat i Manifest de Tahrir-ICN
18 ago 2013
Col·lectiu anarquista egipci.

The events of the past couple of days are the latest step in a sequence of events by which the military can consolidate its hold on power, aim towards the death of the revolution and a return to a military/police state.

The authoritarian regime of the Muslim Brotherhood had to go. But what has replaced it is the true face of the military in Egypt – no less authoritarian, no less fascist and for sure more difficult to depose.

The massacre carried out by the army against pro-Morsi supporters in Nadha Square and Raba’a has left around 500 killed and up to 3000 injured (Ministry of Health figures- the reality is likely much higher). It was a pre-orchestrated act of state terrorism. It’s aim is to divide the people and push the Muslim Brotherhood to create more militia’s to revenge and protect themselves. This in turn will enable the army to label all Islamists as terrorists and produce an “internal enemy” in the country which will allow the army to keep the military regime in an ongoing state of emergency.

They go after the Muslim Brotherhood today, but they will come after anyone who dares to criticize them tomorrow. Already the army has declared a state of emergency for one month, giving the police and military exceptional powers, and a curfew has been declared in many provinces for the same amount of time from 7pm to 6am. This gives the army a free hand to crack down on dissent. It is a return to the days before the revolution, where emergency law had been in place since 1967 and it provided the framework for wide-spread repression and denial of freedoms.

The character of the new regime is clear. Just a few days ago 18 new governors were appointed, the majority of which hail from the ranks of the army/police or even remnants of the Mubarak regime. There has also been an ongoing attack on workers who continue to strike for their rights (such as the recent army attack and arrest of steel workers on strike in Suez). The military regime is also hunting for revolutionary activists, journalists have been beaten and arrested, foreigners have been threatened against being witness to events. Both local and global media has told half truths and built narratives supportive of a political agenda. The counter-revolution is in full flow and it knows how to break the unity of the people in its effort to divide and conquer.

In the past two days there has been a rise in sectarian reprisals, with up to 50 churches and christian institutions attacked. The army and police were not seen protecting these buildings of the Christian community. It is in the interest of both army and the Muslim Brotherhood to stoke tensions and create fear and hatred in the people. They will fight for their control of the State as people’s blood fills the streets.

We condemn the massacres at Raba’a and Nadha Square, the attacks on workers, activists and journalists, the manipulation of the people by those who vie to power, and sectarian attacks. For the revolution to continue the people must remain united in their opposition to the abuses and tyranny of power, against whoever it is directed.

Down with the military and Al-Sissi!
Down with the remnants of the Mubarak regime and business elite!
Down with the State and all power to autonomous communities!
Long live the Egyptian revolution!


In light of the revolutionary awakening of the North African and Middle Eastern countries and the growing wave of protests in Europe it is extremely important for these movements to work not only in parallel, but to support each other.

Unfortunately, the media image of Islamic countries in Europe and European materialism in Muslim regions affects not only the stereotypical image of the

majority of society, but also the anti-authoritarian circles.
It is therefore necessary to get to know each other, to see points of contact and to understand respective local conditions.

It is important, because finally those two movements face similar challenges: the implementation of a liberal economy and the threat from the extreme right, whether Christian or Islamic.

They have also similar objectives: the fight for a free and self-governed society based on tolerance, equality and openness, the society in which the social side is placed above the mercantile.

It is those common goals which make a fear for the ruling and that is why they generate artificially the conflict of civilizations.

And it is up to us whether, in this turning point of the social awakening, that conflict will become a reality, or we start a joint struggle for the common society.

Through this network we want to create a platform for discussions, for presenting the issues of struggle and their local conditions and differences, for presenting and explaining undertaken actions and planning joint activities in future.

There is one World, and one Struggle.
Mira també:

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Re: Comunicat i Manifest de Tahrir-ICN
18 ago 2013
Declaración sobre los sucesos de Egipto

Tahrir ICN / Traducido por ALB

Los sucesos de los pasados días son el último paso de una secuencia de hechos por los que los militares pueden consolidar su poder, que apuntan hacia la muerte de la revolución y la vuelta al pasado estado policial/militar.

El régimen autoritario de la Hermandad Musulmana tenía que terminar. Pero lo que lo ha reemplazado es la verdadera cara del ejército en Egipto - no menos autoritaria, no menos fascista y por supuesto más difícil de deponer.

La masacre llevada a cabo por el ejército contra los partidarios de Mursi en las plazas Nadha y Raba'a han dejado alrededor de 500 muertos [NdT: 630 a estas horas] y unas 3000 personas heridas (cifras del ministerio de sanidad - en realidad es probable que la cifra sea mucho mayor). Ha sido un acto de terrorismo pre-orquestado. Su objetivo es dividir a la gente y empujar a la Hermandad Musulmana a crear milicias para vengarse y protegerse. Esta vuelta de tuerca permitirá que el ejército considere que todos los islamistas son terroristas y crear un "enemigo interno" en el país que les permita imponer un régimen militar en un constante estado de emergencia.

Hoy van tras la Hermandad Musulmana, pero perseguirán a cualquiera que se atreva a criticarlos mañana. El ejército ya ha declarado un estado de emergencia durante un mes, dandole a la policía y al ejército poderes de excepción, y se ha impuesto el toque de queda en muchas provincias por la misma cantidad de tiempo desde las 7 de la tarde a las 6 de la mañana. Esto le da al ejército vía libre para destruir la disidencia. Es una vuelta a los días previos a la revolución, en donde la ley de emergencia estuvo vigente desde 1967 y daba un marco de amplia represión y negativa de las libertades.

El carácter del nuevo régimen está claro. Solamente hace unos pocos días fueron nombrados 18 gobernadores, la mayoría de los cuales salen de las filas del ejército y de la policía o incluso de los restos del régimen de Mubarak. También ha habido un ataque a los trabajadores que siguen en huelga por sus derechos (como atestigua el reciente ataque del ejército y la detención de trabajadores del metal en huelga en Suez). El régimen militar también está cazando activistas revolucionarios, hay periodistas golpeados y detenidos, extranjeros maltratados por ser testigos de los hechos. Tanto los medios locales como los globales cuentan medias verdades y construyen historias que apoyan la agenda política. La contrarrevolución está a pleno rendimiento hoy en día y sabe cómo romper la unidad del pueblo en su esfuerzo de dividir para vencer.

En los pasados dos días ha habido un aumento de las represalias sectarias, con hasta 50 iglesias e instituciones cristianas atacadas. El ejército y la policía no estaban protegiendo estos edificios de la comunidad cristiana. Les interesa tanto al ejército como a la Hermandad Musulmana animar tensiones y crear el pánico y el odio entre la gente. Lucharán por el control del Estado mientras la sangre del pueblo riega las calles.

Condenamos las masacres de Raba'a y Nadha, los ataques a los trabajadores, activistas y periodistas, la manipulación de la gente por quienes buscan el poder, y los ataques sectarios. Para que la revolución continue la gente debe permanecer unidad en su oposición a los abusos y la tiranía del poder, contra quien sea que lo dirija.

Abajo el ejército y Al-Sissi!
Abajo los restos del régimen de Mubarak y su élite de negocios!
Abajo el estado y todo el poder a las comunidades autónomas!
Viva la revolución egipcia!
Re: Comunicat i Manifest de Tahrir-ICN
18 ago 2013
fan falta comunicats com aquest, quan veiem que molta gent d'esquerres sembla que aprovi o si més no justifiqui les matançes
Re: Comunicat i Manifest de Tahrir-ICN
23 ago 2013
Molt millor recolzar les matanCes de cristians coptes innocents. On va a parar!
Sindicato Sindicat