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Kolectivo Bandera Negra: No bail for 5 anarchist ‘Facebook Terrorists’
18 mai 2013
traducciones en inglés que buscan solidaridad i apoyo por los 5 detenid*s 'terroristas en Facebook'

Kolectivo Bandera Negra: No bail for 5 anarchist ‘Facebook Terrorists’

Police photo of ”terrorist material” seized from Kolectivo Bandera Negra #file_1#

Freedom NOW for the Black Flag (Bandera Negra) ”Facebook Terrorists”

The 5 anarchists arrested Wed 15th have been imprisoned without bail. They appeared in Madrid court on ‘promoting terrorism’ and other charges, that is, just saying things in favour of ETA separatists on their Facebook identities pages.

According to the police on Facebook they are: ”Kete Follen, Pakete Bomba, Cadenas Libertarias, Eskupe Metralla and Indio Apache Barcelona”.


Of these we only found 'Eskupe Metralla' still up on Facebook, this page seems like 1000′s of other radical young anarchists, supporting animal rights, prisoners, punk bands, occupy, anti-fascist action etc… Perhaps thism is another police ‘mistake’. We saw no threats to politicians or royals in his/her 1370 great photos, some do advocate violence, but were put on her/his wall by others, so the crime would be ‘not deleting a criminal photo from your Facebook timeline’… Eskupe has not posted since Wednesday when the arrests took place.

The second great crime they are accused of is a photocollage on Facebook of the King of Spain shot in the head, later modified to show various right and left Catalan politicians. This in the context of a ‘huge amount of anarchist propaganda’. The police document sending them to prison without bail listed their crimes as threatening the Royals, Politicians, and also the Security Forces and Financial Institutions (banks). We couldn’t find these images on Facebook.

police photo of ”terrorist material” including box of matches

More seriously the document says ”these threats have had a concrete outcome” in damage to National police vehicles in an ”antisystem” demo in Barcelona during the General Strike of 14th Nov 2012, as well as ”attacks against capitalist interests in the Barcelona area”. This seems like another vague accusation of causing others to make attacks.

None of them were arrested in the Sabadell Anarchist Center Raid or had anything to do with the place according to the various groups, including the 15M movement and CNT anarcho-syndicalist union who use the place, though all showed solidarity with the arrested. All agreed the police just used the excuse to raid and pillage.

photo from Facebook of Eskupe Metralla , in prison for ‘promoting terrorism’ #file_3#

Also the group Bandera Negra of the Madrid Young Anarchist Movement have zero connection with the arrested. (Though they too showed solidarity with the accused) The police said ‘Bandera Negra’ instead of ‘Kolectivo Bandera Negra’ who are those accused of the ”crimes”.

photo from Facebook of Eskupe Metralla , in prison for ‘promoting terrorism’

Finally the greatest crime is what they found when they raided their flats. See police photos. They claim to have found a ”storeroom of explosives and munitions” but the photos show some commercially available fireworks and rockets (firework season is approaching in Catalonia), a can of petrol, some plastic tubes they claim are ‘rocket launchers’, lots of punky black clothing, an anarchist banner, an anti fascist patch, etc.

see more police photos here:…..

Also two of the accused, the couple JJ and YF, are accused of having a large amount of Ecstasy (MDMA), this may be a plant to stop people supporting them. The police are corrupt, recently even a director has had to resign, and their political masters even more so, there are hardly any politicians left in Catalonia who aren’t implicated in rampant corruption. Ecstasy is not addictive and comes in pills, not 5 litre bottles.

The police also stated the group had ‘been detected’ travelling to the Nth of Spain to help the Miners Strikers a few months ago. this another great crime!?

The judge did gave their names, which we dont publish here till its clear they wish them to be publicised. They’re 3 men and 2 women.

The ‘Facebook Terrorists’ are charged under laws invented to suppress the Basque separatist movement, which are incredibly harsh and unfair, you can spend many years in prison just for an ‘thought crime’.

Whether or not we agree with all their actions, they are locked up for resisting repression, in a State with 60% youith unemployment, rocketing university fees, daily mass evictions, no unemployment or rent subsidies, huge new taxes on everything and everyday heavier police repression
Freedom NOW for the Black Flag ”Facebook Terrorists”

READ MORE HERE (Spanish and Catalan):

Freedom for the 5 ''Facebook terrorists''

Related articles

5 Black Flag anarchists seized in Catalonia Police Raids (
Bandera Negra (Black Flag) statements on anarchist Arrests (

Photos from Facebook of 'Eskupe Metralla' , in prison for 'promoting terrorism'
Mira també:

This work is in the public domain


Re: Kolectivo Bandera Negra: No bail for 5 anarchist ‘Facebook Terrorists’
18 mai 2013
contra la ofensiva del estado y el capital, HUELGA GENERAL! vamos a kemar la audiencia nacional y el gobierno militar!
Re: Kolectivo Bandera Negra: No bail for 5 anarchist ‘Facebook Terrorists’
18 mai 2013
Ostias jon, cuando leí que lxs detenidxs habían hecho comentarios 'incendiarios' por interné lo primero que pensé fue en ti, una alegría verte aún. luchemos por lxs compas
Re: Kolectivo Bandera Negra: No bail for 5 anarchist ‘Facebook Terrorists’
18 mai 2013
ostias! a mi me ocurrio lo mismo, ke pense en ti... ;)
Re: Kolectivo Bandera Negra: No bail for 5 anarchist ‘Facebook Terrorists’
19 mai 2013
Al jon se le va la fuerza por la boca y por los dedos en el teclado, si la ertzainak habria pensado minimamente que era peligroso ya le habrian hecho la visita de las 3. Pero como de peligroso tiene lo que un pedo en medio al desierto. Esto jon te lo digo sin maldad pero es la realidad, de todas formas te regalo un consejo para que veas que no te odio: no escribas nunca lo que vas a hacer y cuando lo haces no se lo cuentes a nadie....
Re: Kolectivo Bandera Negra: No bail for 5 anarchist ‘Facebook Terrorists’
19 mai 2013
calla idiota, te crees ke necesito tus consejos? de un gilipollas ke no sabe si es la ertzaintza, la ertzainak o hertzainak el grupo de musica

apestas a nazi-idiota o madero, de no ser asi date cuenta ke para cuando tu vas otro ya ha ido y vuelto no dos sino cuatro veces... ya estas muerto kedas invitado!

.eskorbuto el infierno es demasiado dulce.

Jhon murio gritando pidiendo una solucion
a pedro lo acribillaron unos tipos de marron
y ami me torturaron torturaron y torturaron
para ke kantara y kante esta kancion
satanas el infierno es demasiado dulce

a rosa la violaron tres tipos de kolor
joakin se ha matado pues su chika le dejo
a mi me torturaron torturaron y torturaron
para ke kantara y kante esta kancion
satanas el infierno es demasiado dulce

los renglones de la historia confiesan el fracaso humano tan bestiales comportamientos de politicos depravados y hoy el aburrimiento es el orden del dia kontra el no sirven las aspirinas
satanas el infierno...
Re: Kolectivo Bandera Negra: No bail for 5 anarchist ‘Facebook Terrorists’
19 mai 2013
Yo pensé en Cagador, el capullo que aparecía por Indymedia pidiendo que el Black Block le "ajuntara".
Re: Kolectivo Bandera Negra: No bail for 5 anarchist ‘Facebook Terrorists’
20 mai 2013
Bandera Negra no era on els germans Badia jugaven
a fer el soldat?
Jo m´estic fent un embolic que pa´que!!!
Sindicat Terrassa