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Amerika Is Dead
19 set 2012
See evidence that Amerika is dead.
Amerika Is Dead

For two decades I have reported criminal offenses committed against me by the fbi and their operatives and thugs; the assaults continue today 24/7 and the United States government, all agencies, branches, departments and courts ignore my reports. Indeed, often I am punished for even filing reports, or I am threatened and harassed by the judges for bringing my law suit. When I complain about the fbi’s highjacking my life, the fbi sends operatives (like the fraud and psychopath J. Robert Upton, aka Judy Spencer ) to mock me by calling me a ‘cry baby’ and a ‘whiner’. At the same time the fbi sends thugs to provoke and assault me in order to cause a violent reaction so that the fbi could at long last arrest me. All such illegal efforts have failed. Then, upon discovery that I have outflanked the assassins, fbi’s Upton proclaims that I am a ‘’danger to myself & others’’:


Submitted by J. Robert Upton (not verified) on Wed, 08/29/2012 - 2:20pm

To be clear I ask for nothing from the people; I seek no personal help from any quarter. My reports are documentaries for posterity and serve as a record of the Godless and cowardly people of the United States of America who permit the global atrocities (arbitrary killing, torturing and imprisoning) which I and many others now report. The USA is a global lawless and murderous renegade and enemy of Mankind.

*All who refuse to publish my reports, or who hide them and harass me for filing same are guilty of cover ups of the many crimes ongoing today by the fbi/cia, etc. I often name some of the so-called “Independent Media” groups who, acting as fbi/cia operatives, refuse to publish my posts. All such moderators are de facto criminals because they participate by suborning the felonies that I document, including crimes against humanity.

If the reader of this post pretends that he has no duty to address the issues presented here, or if he accepts the premise implied in the statement, “My Government, Right Or Wrong” then that reader is my enemy and is also an imminent threat to all the people.


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