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Notícies :: antifeixisme
Upcoming Riot in Berlin 1st May
06 abr 2012
Berlin 1st May 2012 - 25 years of hope for a different life On the 1st of May in 1987 the district Kreuzberg in Berlin exploded because of rage against the state and the cops, who defend violently the capitalist system.
Since then there are every year demonstrations and clashes against the metropolis of the rich and oppressor, against Germany, war and fascism.

In the last 25 years these violent clashes have become a ritual. Sometimes the cops get the upper hand, but very often also we achieved to be out of control.
Street battles are risky at the 1st of May in Berlin, because the cops here are one of the most effective ones in Europe. But there is a big amount of stones everywhere.
To the 25th time this year´s 1st of May symbolises the hope of going one step further to the end of the ruling form of society.
Everybody has to come to Berlin - between 30th April and 2. May it´s getting hot!!!
Against state and capital, against the state of the murderous pigs!!!

A very hot riot happened 1st May 1989:

this was 1st May 1999:

also very good was 1st May 2001:

and 1st May 2002 with more looting:

one of the best years 1st May 2003:

or this 1st May 2009 with again lots of injured cops:

more information about this year:

Dont miss it! See you in Berlin 1st May 2012!
Mira també:

This work is in the public domain


Re: Upcoming Riot in Berlin 1st May
06 abr 2012
i desprès diuen que barcelona és la capital de no sé què xDD totes al 1 de maig! totes de negre!

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