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attack against a police station in Kirkkonummi (Finland)
08 des 2011
There's been a new attack against the police in Finland. Exactly one month after the last attack against a police station in Kerava, on the night between the 6th and 7th of december (6th is the Finnish independence day) a police station in Kirkkonummi (about 30 kilometers from the capital Helsinki) was attacked with an incendiary device.

“While a number of people were lining up for pea soup and elsewhere the “cream of society” was dancing in the president's castle, we decided to take action. Early in wednesday morning 7th of december we warmed the cold night by setting alight two canisters of gasoline with a fuse in front of the doors of Kirkkonummi police station. To warn the creatures moving in the area, we set a mechanism in the fuse that would send a warning with a loud noise.
While some people are still living in “wellfare state” outside this illusion the reality looks very different. Everywhere we can hear voices of discontent. In front of the obstacles that we encounter, we are forced to look for the guilty ones from among the people already pushed aside by the society, even though the real answer to our situation can be found in front of our eyes, in the present system.

Time and time again we can read about people taking to the streets to present their growing rage and discontent and the police stopping the progress towards a change. We notice once again that in the capitalist system the police only has one function, to protect the interests of the ruling class.

Inspired by recent events we decided to act for ourselves instead of waiting for the change to come. Anyone can form affinity groups for direct action, instead of waiting for the mystic “vanguards” or the out-of-date organizations to act.

No borders, no nations!”

This work is in the public domain
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