John Holloway, Hillel Ticktin, Immanuel Wallerstein on Capitalism's Crisis
per jill |
03 des 2011
Marxists have been predicting the disintegration of capitalism for so long that most people - including most Marxists - stopped believing it would ever happen. But today anyone who reads the financial press knows that the system is in an unprecedented crisis with no clear way out. The following articles offer a variety of ways of understanding the crisis so we can begin to create a world beyond capitalism: |
John Holloway, 'Rage against the Rule of Money' http://www.espaienblanc.net/IMG/pdf/rage_money_Holloway.pdf
Hillel Ticktin, 'Capitalist Crisis' http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hillel_H._Ticktin
Immanuel Wallerstein, 'Structural Crisis in the World-System, Where Do We Go from Here?' http://monthlyreview.org/author/immanuelwallerstein
Endnotes, 'Crisis in Class Relation' http://endnotes.org.uk/articles/2
Mark Kosman, 'Is Revolution Back on the Agenda?' http://libcom.org/history/revolution-back-agenda-mark-kosman |
This work is in the public domain |
Re: John Holloway, Hillel Ticktin, Immanuel Wallerstein on Capitalism's Crisis
per La Mala |
05 des 2011
Somos los mismos
con dinero o sin dinero