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Independent Media Center
Anunci :: pobles i cultures vs poder i estats
World Popular Assembly Day #WPAD #14Ja
06 nov 2011
This is an international calling to a global day of direct democracy, on the January, 14th.
If you like this appeal, diffuse and create assemblies everywhere!
#14Ja: World Day of popular assemblies

Since May 15, 2011 a movement unprecedented in form and substance challenges the"representative democracy". This movement has spread from Spain around the world despite the countless media manipulation and police repression.
The probability of a global revolution has rarely been this strong.
Democracy is a political system where the "people" have the power. The words "representative democracy" are operations to make us believe that we are a democracy. But we have never lived in democracy; freedom of expression is not enough. In our political system, the masses give all power to a minority, without any control.
The social, economic and environmental crises we all know are related to the oligarchic nature of our political systems.
For the common interests to take precedence over private interests, there is only one solution: that the majority participate directly in politics.
True democracy has no preconceived model, it is up to us all to build it on the streets.
To continue to build this global democracy, we call all of you to create and participate in popular assemblies, wherever you are, on Saturday, January 14, 2011.
Create events on the internet, in the street, in every city and in every district, stream.
Read this text in assembly, in the occupy camps , and with your friends.

Tomorrow Humanity will find the road to progress.

The signatories are all that diffuse the appeal.
Mira també:

This work is in the public domain


Re: World Popular Assembly Day #WPAD #14Ja
06 nov 2011
No us parleu ni hi ha unió amb els col.lectius d' aquí i voleu fer assemblees mundials...mare meva..
La proxima que serà interplanetaria?
Pensa globalment i lluita localment..
Sindicato Sindicat