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¡utopy is here!
28 ago 2011
we would like to offer a hot hommage to Juan gamero, spanish cineast, by the doumental "vivir la utopía". This Hommage to the group developping this very oportune documental would be 2.0 style...
just gmail make available instant communication without any other academic parafernali...

We want to contact with these people. Maybe you know them, and would be illusionate with this "happening".

our interest in sharing this documental is multiple, summing up, you could see the same more or less situation there and here.

oportunisticaly, the happinnes and enthusiasm in the eyes of our participants (no one teacher or historians!!!), doesn't similar to our 15M enthusiasm for changing things?

It is just scandalous that so much a recent fundamental revolution in Europe, 36-39 and its gestation, DO is so much ignored;

We have published in new york indymedia that internet is the great (and global) anarkist revolution;

If social movements can win this battle, showing practical, and comprehensive ways to jump this epistemological global crisis, we only would be, at global level, reach the same objectives of CNT;

To reach to a kind of society, where the power has been retaken by the people, co governing in a transoarent way, with those people with higuer responsibilities;

When a movie or documental produce a high flowing of endorphines in my biological channels, or a music, I can stay montsh and months centered in a only CD, or repeating "ShortBus" in c/ Alcazabilla, all the days the movie was in cartel; and after shortbus i have seen it many times, and I put in our blogs links of these, that opens your sensorial windows very much;

We could change the denial aspect of the commentaries about this, vivir la utopia, documental;

it is not a doc about spanish anarkism;

iit DO is a doc about spanish pre 15M revolution;

¿isnt now time to renewal of our recent historical revolutions?

¿Could be these analysis cared from the point of view, that they would be enthusiastic?

¿Being enthusiastic about a story, situating CNT as the most powerful social collective in modern european?

¿Being nthusiastic about the anti-academic 8anarkist!) focus within the documental, where testimonies are direct from their young participants?

If we feel anarkist and disorderer in our travels in internet, we could see as the web 2.0 is anatkist 100%;

if we give less importance to dactilographic (!!!) errors, we would discover that our fingers say what our memories and consciousness dictates;

in the web 0.0, joining sensosphere, or biosphere all her, within our neuronal networks, and with all our technologies, old errors act as hypertexts, just inviting you to consider, thanks to your neuronal connections brains-fingers, etc etc... ANother possibility

sensosphere is infinity; anarkism is infinity; anarkist education empower people, not individual only; old cristian phylosophy put the basis for our alienation in what cristian phylosophy says that god (or nature, for pantheists) is an infinity being; and you are an infinity being; if 21th century science shows that our sensorial equipment nos retrotrae graciosamente al niño de Fericgla, y al de Nitshe, y por otro lado en tu acechar cotidiano, en ciudad y campo, ves que son infinitas en la practica, las posibilidades combinatorias de todas las posibles percepciones que en la practica tu captas; entonces, esa primera frase del documental, adquiere toda su esencia, somos infinitos enlatados, tras la revolucion, ese infinito, al que garcia calvo llama pueblo, adquiere plena y clara significacion, pues lo individual, la idolatria del individualismo, se van evaporando, y se descarna y brota, con todo el poder del pacifismo, que todas nos hemos hecho UNA, porque siempre lo fuimos, porque la crisis es existencial del humano con la madre Gaya, tan vilipendiada que andaba la chikilla, entre cientificos y demas, que esperamos que gracias a la sensosfera, no solo retrotraigamos internet aqui fuera, a su cuna original, que nunca fueros los cerebros, sino las redes todas neuronales y sensacionales que cubren, todo el planeta; la ecolocacion nos demuestra que todo está vivo, pues ese muro "muerto" a tu verita, condiciona inexorablemente tu hablar, es él el que habla contigo, reflejando las ondas primarias intra tu cuerpo; es el paisaje pues el que habla, piensa y hace las revoluciones, paisaje humanos includios, pero no como hasta ahora que lo que incluiamos eran solo los humanos... salud!

Si conoceis alguna version escrita de las voces del documental, mejor que mejor...

This work is in the public domain


Re: ¡utopy is here!
28 ago 2011
Me no english, can you repeat?
Re: ¡utopy is here!
28 ago 2011
estos errores sanamente prejuiciosos... arriba he puesto que el human being es infinito, segun la ley apostolica y romana, QUISE DECIR FINITO... asias y zalú!, que la revolucion ya está, mos en ella
Re: ¡utopy is here!
29 ago 2011
Cagon l'hostia! Ja mi costa en castellà si ara mu foten en Anglés pillo! Indymedia tindria que filtrar noticies escrites en Anglés no traduides!
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