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The Mulatto of America wants to be Emperor, by Oscar Portela
22 abr 2010
The Mulatto of America wants to be Emperor, by Oscar Portela

In order to concentrate to be able in the Republiquétas as Venezuela is not needed a called brig the May Flower, neither the small calvinista Bible called the Manifest Destiny, indoctrinates “Monroe” dedicated to the troops of Napoleón III, in great and small autókrata, nor the “stick” with which “the lover of the bears preached” Teddy Roosevelt.
Damaged file

To Wake Guedes and Abel Posse.

« Mulatto (race) is the used term to designate to the individual born from the amerindian black mestization and). »
In order to concentrate to be able in the Republiquétas as Venezuela is not needed a called brig the May Flower, neither the small calvinista Bible called the Manifest Destiny, nor the doctrine “Monroe” dedicated to the troops of Napoleón III, the great and small autókrata, nor the “stick” with which “the lover of the bears preached”, Teddy Roosevelt :

It is enough to be a good mestizo attended by the hatred of a moral of the resentment – and the reaction of the inferiors before the hypocrites, who with apocryphal gospels were able “to construct” empires that will not last but what the dictation of the uncontrollable force of the technical organization of requires the real thing it.

Into the hands of this force one swings the destiny of the man on the Earth and the one of “geopolitics” without noticing it.
Seudo is enough in these – states to go to the paranoia of the slave – the enslaved force -, to call it to attend a new one crossed that it has like model which says to fight : “imperialism”.

The mulatto Cold Hugo Chavez of pomposo Castilian last name vindicates to that if it had been able it had erected like Emperor of South America :

The aristocrat and millionaire Simon Bolivar formed in the London school in which – of the other flank Bernardino Rivadavia – confraternizaba with Jeremías Bentham.

¿Who said that the National States were dead ?

Today they are only the ram for the disputes of being able of the new alliances in a supposedly multi-polar world. We will see whichever hard this of the multi-polar thing. At the moment figure in the decalogue and the desideratas of the microones.

The majority South American. The Mulatto wants not only more power. It wants all the power.

If Calígula were a son of the Gods he is the son of the cruel vasallaje of an impure mestization.

For it must count on an army powerful puppet and in appearances : helo taken here from recent information :

Armed Forces BOLIVARIANA (before well-known like National Armed Forces), will be compound of the following way :

I exercise Bolivariano, Bolivariana Navy, Bolivariana Aviation,

Territorial Guard (old National Guard), Popular Militia Bolivariana (well-known before like the National Reserve).

They will be structured like combined trimming, combination of training and combined-arms operation. That means, a total fusion of the present National Armed Forces”

Bravo Hugo, Teddy would also applaud and Fidel to you the Thomas American Malthus : Example. I exercise puppet to transform Venezuelan geography to “piacére”.

¿And dinerodel Hugo contributor ?

Here the Central bank of Venezuela loses its autonomy, and will be forced to work in co-ordination with the National Executive.

The old twine. ¿Handle you to it like queres no ?
We see :

Chávez already has conditional to the President of Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) so that the answer to the question of referendo consultative is Yes, and hopes that the new reform is effective from first of January of the 2008, that agrees with the exit of Strong Bolivar.

The Strong Mulatto would have to be said. You would not want that you handle to your reserves our Pope Néstor Kirchner.
Thus it is Rameses mulatto and democratic Socialist : the powerful ones do not expire nor leave their investitures. – a life is not nothing – Thus it says the reform that you impel.

The presidential period is of seven years the president can immediately be reelected for a new period. Continuous re-election.

It advanced Shah : The President of the Republic can with the cabinet (elect by he himself) create : federal provinces, functional cities, districts (always via referendo)…

It advanced Light of America : The president will be able to decree special military districts with aims of defense of the territory .

Finally Huguito of America : the town would directly grant to you to be able without restrictions to the presidential figure, in subjects like the territorial organization, the national directorate of reserve affairs, expropriation of the deprived property to deserve these resolutions “, and already the well-known request of indefinite re-election, with the variant of which it will not be by six years of presidential mandate but of seven.

Seven or thousands. Only acuérdate that the “empires” nesecitan other Gospels that not only the one of Fidel Marx, and that Rameses died thousands ago of years.

Because these meditations are not “present” in the vulgar sense but they update etrno human and for that reason they are nietzscheanamente out-of-date. Then it fundamental ontología but the policy in aristotelian sense does not have to be the philosophy first, because in polis this call could be written, be said and only be listened :

” Requires /decir/ and /pensar that the being is “, so that there is history. But who show the power of the worldly power – the historical thing, historial it they have not read to Parmenides nor they know that it is Eléa.

Meditations nietzscheanamente out-of-date – and not gentilianamente “present” -, because they reproduce the eternal tragedy of the man who lacks mirrors already, to notice the similarity of the today with the auroral, and this only does to the condition every more onerous day for being “passers-by”, that can lose the balance, in any movement, of this cruel symphony.

« by my frend Patrick Cintas : Oscar Portela »
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23 abr 2010
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