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[vídeo] Avatar a Palestina
18 feb 2010
Acció realitzada a Palestina el 2-02-2010, resistents palestins i solidarixs convertits en Avatarenys i Avatarenyes...

Bilin weekly demonstration reenacts the Avatar film

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també el podeu trobar al youtube buscant les paraules: Avatar 2-02-2010 palestina
The village of Bilin reenacted James Cameron's new film Avatar during todays weekly demonstration. Five Palestinian, Israeli and international activists were painted blue, with pointy ears and tales, resembling the Avatar characters. Like Palestinians, the Avatars fight imperialism, although the colonizers have different origins.
The Avatars presence in Bilin today symbolizes the united resistance to imperialism of all kinds. Todays non-violent demonstration was again met with excessive violence by the Israeli army. Sound bombs and tear gas were used, leaving four people directly injured by the canisters. The canisters were shot directly at the protesters, which is in violation with the IDFs firing regulations. Many other activists suffered from tear gas inhalation. Before coming to Bilin, Israeli activists reported that police were present at their carpool meeting point. Their IDs were checked and some cars reported they were followed by the police.
At the Rantis checkpoint, they were delayed once more and activists were obliged to continue their journey by taxi. Bilin has reason to celebrate this week. Yesterday, preparations for the construction of the new Wall began, which returns 30 per cent of Bilins land to the village.
Iyad Burnat, Head of the Bilin Popular Committee speaks of a victory: We feel relieved and feel the non-violent resistance is successful in its aim. Nevertheless, we will continue our struggle against the occupation as Bilin still has another 30 per cent of land that is confiscated by Israel. Next week Bilin will have a special demonstration, celebrating five years of non-violent resistance and expects a large number of demonstrators. Bilin calls for all its supporters to invite people to join in next weeks demonstration.

This work is in the public domain


Hippies perduts
19 feb 2010
Una mica hipòcrita utilitzar un film que esta prohibit a Palestina, perquè algunes de les dones van lleugeres de roba a la pel.lícula.

Es nota que la gent no té ni idea de Palestina i encara menys del que Hamas representa i el que volen per a Palestina, ni més ni menys que governar-ho amb les lleis islamofeixistas del Qur'an.
Re: [vídeo] Avatar a Palestina
20 feb 2010
ai, es veritat....parlem de l'ultraprogressista estat d'Israel amb el seu pacifisme recalcitrant i la seva industria tecnologica dedicada a fer telettubies o la ultraneta gestió dels homes de fatah, gens avariciosa de diners ni poder....

és nota que hi ha gent que no te ni idea del que és Palestina....perquè que jo sapiga a Billin s'empresona a la gent que és de hamas....
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Re: [vídeo] Avatar a Palestina
21 feb 2010
Si us plau banvolgut Jaume,
em pots dir quants cinemes han ressistit a Palestina el tancament econòmic-Checkpoints, tocs de queda, aïllament,...-tant a Cisjordània i Gaza? Abans de la repressió per la revolta d'Al-Aqsa sí que n'hi havia,però gràcies als teus estimats israelians no en queden.
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