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Israeli Activist/Mid-East Musician/Writer coming to Spain
per Rotem Mor Correu-e: Rotemdanmor@gmail.com Adreça: Jerusalem/AlQuds |
28 gen 2010
Israeli peace-Justice Activist/writer musician coming to Spain Feb. 28th. would like to meet up with local activists engaged in peace/justice and the arts |
Dear Friends,
In about a month (Feb 15th) I will be traveling to Italy for a 10 day speaking tour and then continuing to Spain for the whole month of March.
The main motivation for my time in Spain is to take time to write my personal book which will tell of my experiences as an Israeli peace activist over the last 8 years.
I will be arriving in spain at Barcelona, meeting my girlfriend, and traveling from there to Andalucia where we will be spending most of my our time in a small village called al Mujacar (near Al-Maria).
We also plan to spend some of our time in Grenada and traveling around. If you know of People in andalucia whom you think would like to meet us/host us or a group that would want me to speak, then please do let me know.
This is a link to my personal bio which you can share if you'd like (also pasted bellow): https://docs.google.con/Doc?docid=0ASumN0obymzbZGQ0c3RoZ2ZfNDlkYmt0amdjN
I look forwards to being in touch and maybe even meeting up.
Short Bio for Rotem Dan Mor,
Israeli Peace Activist
My name is Rotem Mor, and I am a 28 yrs old Israeli peace activist. I live and grew up in the Town of Mevaseret Zion, which is near Jerusalem on the road leading to Tel Aviv. I became involved in peace and justice work eight years ago when I refused to serve in the Israeli army after a year and a half of active service. I spent a month in prison for my decision and struggled for 6 more months until I was released. After I was released I went traveling to Australia, New Zealand, Thailand and Cambodia where I had a chance to share my experiences with many different groups. More info about my refusal on my old website: http://web.archive.org/web/20080501165505rn_1/www.geocities.com/rotemmor/.
Upon my return home I set up seminars for youth who were contemplating their army service with the support of New Profile (a feminist group for the de-militarization of Israeli society), guided groups of young army refusers and organized speaking tours for young objectors in France, Spain and the United states (with help from AFSC, American Quaker organization).
I also co-founded an alternative summer camp for youth in which young Israelis get a chance to explore the foundations of our society (socially, politically, economically, ecologically) and get involved in work for positive social change.
Camp Summary and seminars article: (http://docs.google.con/Doc?docid=0ASumN0obymzbZGQ0c3RoZ2ZfNDNnNGhienRjOQ) .
During this time I was very involved in the Palestinian-Israeli-International movement against the separation wall, built deep inside the West Bank, by organizing actions and participating in different resistance campaigns in various Palestinian Villages such as Masha, Budrus, and Bil’in as well as Jerusalem. I was particularly involved in local resistance in my home town where we struggled alongside our Palestinian neighbors from Beit Suriq and Bidu.
Link to NY Times Article: http://www.christusrex.org/www1/news/nyt-6-30-04a.html
And to mine: http://docs.google.con/Doc?docid=0ASumN0obymzbZGQ0c3RoZ2ZfNDhkd3NtZHRnYw
This summer I completed a three year program at the Center for Middle Eastern Music in Jerusalem training as a guide of Mid-Eastern classical music (http://www.musicenter.org.il/). I am now a member of a Mid-Eastern musical choir specializing in traditional Jewish religious music from the Middle East (http://www.piyut.org.il/communities/english.html).
For the past few years I have been working as a tour guide of alternative political tours in the Jerusalem area. These tours highlight some of the political and social realities of Jerusalem’s different communities. I work both as a guide for ICAHD (Israeli Committee Agains Home Demolitions) and privately through my tours website: http://Jerusalemtours.blogspot.com
Lastly, and most importantly, I am writing a personal book which will summarize my various experiences and activities of the past few years (some of which were highlighted above). The book will include original diaries, poems, pictures, music and videos and will be published chapter by chapter on the internet (a website is coming soon) and through the e-mail. Alongside the writing I am also working to raise funds for the writing process and its various expenditures of web design, translation, publishing etc.
You can get in touch with me at: rotemdanmor ARROBA disinfo.net
Rotem Mor |
Mira també:
http://jerusalemtours.blogspot.com |
 This work is in the public domain |