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Letra de Nikos Kountardas - Huelga de Hambre y Sed desde ayer otra vez
28 mai 2009
Preso politico Nikos Kountardas esta' en huelga de hambre desde 15/5 (los primeros 3 dias huelga de sed tambien) y desde ayer empezo' huelga de sed otra vez.

La letra es traducionado por companieros de

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Re: Letra de Nikos Kountardas - Huelga de Hambre y Sed desde ayer otra vez
28 mai 2009

Mas informacion sobre Nikos. En ingles tambien. Companieros traduzcan la letra en castellano ahora...
Nickos Koundardas on Hunger and Thirst Strike demanding his freedom (EN)
28 mai 2009
On Saturday May 16 anarchist Nickos Kountardas was ordered in pre-trial detention under the pretext of his supposed non-abiding to the bail conditions previously set to him. Nickos had been ordered to appear to his local police station (in the northern city of Xanthi) twice a month. At his previous appearance he was informed he could not sign the paper proving his presence, under a bureaucratic pretext (that his case’s folder had not been transferred to the local station yet). The next time he appeared to the same station (on May 16), he was arrested!

Next day, on Sunday May 17 Nikos was transferred to the prison of Komotini, where he was placed in solitary confinement. Two days later, on May 19, in an obvious attempt to be isolated from the solidarity movement around him, he was transferred to the remote prison of Amfissa, in central Greece.

Nickos went on thirst and hunger strike from the night of May 16, the night of his arrest. He stopped the thirst strike on May 23 when was informed that there will be a court date set for him while he continued to be on hunger strike, demanding his immediate release.

Doctors warn that Nickos’s health is deteriorating and that he is fast approaching a non-reversible condition.

Solidarity actions have taken place in many cities around Greece, while on May 22 Nickos was transferred to the General Hospital of Nikaia in Athens.

Yesterday on May 27 he resumed the Thirst Strike while he is still on Hunger Strike since May 16.

Yesterday he managed to secretly send the following letter that reached comrades outside:

"I ‘m writing a few words on a napkin. In secret. They have forbidden me everything. I am in a state of complete isolation. I don't know what’s happening outside. Real terrorism exerted from the deep State itself. However, I believe I haven’t said my last word. I hope these will reach the outside world and will become known, propagated. Whatever happens. Hear the testimony of my soul that I have given a week ago to Radio Revolt. The situation and the conditions in here remind me of other dark ages. They are all furious with me. I do not know if I’ m considered a political prisoner of their democracy, the only sure thing is that if someday their sovereignty collapses I may perhaps be recognized as a former casualty or former prisoner of their “democracy”. Something like the actual, frequently advertised and honoured, recognisable by all “released and exiled by the dictatorship prisoners” (during the Junta in Greece,1967-1974). Until then what would you expect... deafening silence. Silence like “omerta” that should not “break”. It doesn't matter, one day they'll understand, maybe the people will wake up.

Here and now in the State Hospital, they have put me in here since Friday after they transported me in almost a coma condition, with pressure 7-5, glykose 45, weighing 6 kilograms less. I'll try and describe what's going on. The doctors tried to inject me with IV water, however I did not accept it. In any case I generally have to admit that despite the pressure on them by the State the doctors have kept a decent attitude. However, during the course of the night, on the dawn of Saturday and while I was unconscious a strange woman escorted by policemen entered the room and injected me with glykozated water and vitamins. This is an incident that I want to make public and denounce, while the fact can also be testified by the one and only patient detained in the room with me.

What I want to say is that we may all imagine what also happened to Savvas Xiros (injured by a bomb blast) in Evangelismos Hospital. And since I have talked about Friday, I want to thank all the friends and comrades that upset the area around the hospital (solidarity protest). It was moving and pleasant for me while unpleasant for the enemy. Also I want to thank all the people that came outside the hospital the next morning. It was a gesture that livened up my soul. I heard of and was really glad for the great protest in Xanthi, a city that gives birth to anarchists. As well as for the attacks against the riot police in Trikoupi Str in the cities of Athens and Thessalonica. I THANK all the friends and comrades from every corner of the Greek space for their diversified solidarity.

Now for some different kind of thanks.

* I “thank” the "people in charge" from the Ministry of Justice that are crowding outside the guarded Hospital Ward that they keep me in order to resolve my problem.

* I “thank” the Public Prosecutor and Police authorities that within a matter of 10 minutes managed to prepare a case against me, while the responsible for my release Council of Judges of Komotini requires more than 10 days.

* I “thank” the humanguards for their “kind” treatment during my transfer-abduction from Komotini Prison, worthy and exemplary for a prisoner in hunger and thirst strike.

* I “thank” my inmate in Komotini Prison that in solidarity abstained from food, and burned the Prison Ward when he heard of my torture and continues supporting me despite me “suspicious” fight.

* I “thank” here in the State Hospital the guards that allow me to make phone calls, “respect” my private information and in general “respect” the rights of a prisoner.

* I “thank” the para-government that has "not" threatened my parents...

* Finally I “thank” in advance all the scam that will defame and slander this second and difficult effort of mine to pursue my rights.

Today, Wednesday 27/5/09 noon I began the 2nd and last Hunger and Thirst Strike. I will fight for my right by any means necessary. If there's no solution then it’s WAR WAR WAR!

While closing this letter I ‘m asking for two favours. I had promised something to Alexis in P.Faliro, perhaps I won’t be able to make it. Comrades, please spread this now during the exam school period for those who want to study in Universities: December the 6th, 2008 – June the 6th, 2009. No students and schoolmates this year to be candidates to join the Police Force. WE DO NOT FORGET - WE DO NOT FORGIVE

And finally, protect those in Xanthi as if it was your own eyes

I'm not of this world


With True Love, Nickos Koundardas"
Mira també:
Re: Letra de Nikos Kountardas - Huelga de Hambre y Sed desde ayer otra vez
03 jun 2009
Viva la Solidaridad, viva la Resistencia!

Carta de Nikos, desde el hospital, lugar donde se encuentra por 13 día consecutivo estando en huelga de hambre. Dado que el jueves 28 del mayo ha vuelto a empezar huelga de sed.

Escribo un par de cosas sobre una servilleta. En secreto .Me han Prohibido todo. Estoy bajo un régimen de aislamiento pleno. No sé qué está pasando fuera. Terrorismo verdadero por parte del estado profundo. Pero todavía no he dicho mi última palabra. Espero que todo esto llegue a salir fuera para que se conozca, para que se difunda. Que pase lo que pase. Para que todos escuchen mi testimonio de alma que hice hace una semana en Radio Revolt. La situación y las condiciones aquí nos obligan recordar otras épocas oscuras. Todos están furiosos conmigo. No sé si me consideran un preso político de su democracia, la única verdad es que si algún día esta soberanía estatal desaparece, quizás voy a ser reconocido como un ex-fallecido o como un ex-prisionero de su "democracia”. Algo así como lo frecuentemente publicado, lo sobrevalorado y lo reconocible por todos los compañeros presos – auxiliados de esta dictatura. Hasta entonces... silencio ensordecedor. Un silencio como omerta que no se debe "romper". No importa, algún día se van a dar cuenta, tal vez la gente se va a despertar.

Aquí, en el hospital estatal, hospitalizado desde el viernes pasado, donde me ingresaron casi sin tener los sentidos, con la presión 7-5, la glucosa 45 y con 6 kilos menos. Voy a describir lo que está pasando. Los médicos intentaron a ponerme suero pero lo he negado. En general, reconozco que a pesar de la presión por parte del estado han mantenido una postura digna. Sin embargo, por la noche, madrugada del sábado, mientras no tenía mis sentidos una extraña mujer entró con en presencia de la policía y me inyectó agua con glucosa y vitaminas. Se trata de un incidente que quiero hacer público y denunciar, al mismo tiempo existe también el testimonio de la otra única persona detenida aquí.

Quiero decir que todos podemos imaginar lo que sucedió entonces con Savvas Ksyros en el Hospital Evangelismos. Y como mencioné el viernes, quiero dar las gracias a los amigos y camaradas que revolucionan los alrededores del hospital. Emocionante y agradable para mí, desagradable para el enemigo. También doy las gracias a todas las personas que a la mañana vinieron aquí. Fue un acto que fortaleció mi alma. Escuché y me alegré por la gran demostración en´Xanthi, ciudad de anarquistas. Como también por el ataque contra la policía antidisturbios en Trikoupi y en Salónica. AGRADEZCO a los amigos y compañeros de cada rincón del territorio griego por la solidaridad multivariada.

Ahora, algunos agradecimientos diferentes.

* Doy las "gracias" a los "líderes" del Ministerio de Justicia, que se reúnen fuera de la habitación en la que estoy vigilado a fin de resolver mi problema.
* Doy las "gracias" a las autoridades fiscales y policiales que en 10 minutos se encargaron de mi, mientras que el responsable del consejo de los magistrados de Komotini para mi liberación necesita más de 10 días.
* Doy las "gracias" a los guardias por su actitud noble en cuanto a mi traslado-secuestro en la cárcel de Komotini, digna y ejemplar de un preso en huelga de hambre y sed.
* Doy las "gracias" a un compañero de la prisión de Komotini que por solidaridad se abstuvo de alimentación, que quemó una planta de la cárcel cuando se enteró de las torturas y sigue apoyando mi lucha sospechosa.
*Doy las "gracias" aquí en el hospital público a los guardias que me permite hacer llamadas, que "respeta" mis datos personales y que "respeta" los derechos de un preso.
* Doy las "gracias" al estado profundo que "no" ha amenazado a mis padres...
* Por último, "gracias" de antemano a todos los capullos y ensuciarán y calumniarán este segundo y aun más difícil intento de conseguir mi derecho.

Hoy, miércoles 27/5/09 del mediodía he comenzado la 2 ª y última huelga de hambre y sed. Voy a luchar por mi derecho por todos los medios. Si no hay solución GUERRA, GUERRA, GUERRA!

Para acabar, dos favores. Había prometido algo a Alexis, en P. Faliro, que tal vez no tendré tiempo. Camaradas haced campaña ahora que es un período de exámenes de selectividad en todas las escuelas griegas, estas cosas: 6/12/08-6/6/09. Ningún estudiante de escuela este año se presente como candidato para la academia de policía. NO OLVIDAR - NO PERDONAR

Y por último, proteger Xanthi como si fueran tus ojos

Yo no soy de este mundo


Con Amor verdadero, Nikos Kountardas
Sindicato Sindicat