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Amadeu Casellas: We have two classes of justice, that of the rich and that of the workers
24 abr 2009
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We have two classes of justice, that of the rich and that of the workers

by Amadeu Casellas Ramón 

As the majority now will know, since the 20th [of April] I am again on hunger strike for the farce they have maintained during these last 7 months, the jailers, or better said, the hit-men of the Spanish and Catalan state which keeps me sequestered breaching their own laws.
We all know that we have two classes of justice, that of the rich and that of the workers. For the rich their fascist constitution and more concretely, articles 10-14-15-24 & 25. They speak of dignity and of inviolable rights, the norms relative to the fundamental rights and to the liberties which the constitution recognizes in conformity with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the international treaties and accords about the same materials ratified by Spain.
They also say that we are all equal before the law. Nothing more far from the reality. We all have the right to life and to physical and moral integrity , without in any case being submitted to tortures, or to penalties or inhuman or degrading treatments. Ideological freedom is guaranteed, the presumption of innocence is guaranteed, and finally, the penalties depriving liberty are to be orientated towards reeducation and social reinsertion. But all this is facade to the international image of a fascist state as is the Catalan and Spanish one.
In the last times, we have seen how they have uncovered mossos d'esquadra, policia national and guardia civil, for tortures, corruption, white slavery, extortion and drug trafficking, but curiously, in a collective so large as that of the jails and their jailers, and I don't refer only to those that wear a uniform, but from the politicians in charge to the last members of the treatment teams, there's not torturers, corrupted, traffickers, or anything of the kind. In appearance they're perfect, they're perfect because they function like what they are, a mafia family that doesn't permit that anything appears in the public light, not either permitting anybody enter in this world so dark to be able to see the reality. Who controls these mafiosos? The answer is simple, nobody.
But this is a problem that touches everybody and when I say everybody, I refer to those that belong to those of the second class, because the rich don't have problems, for the rest it's a problem that now all of us can see as in the last years, all the laws are repressive and just as such any of you could be the next to fatten the jails.
The solution is in your hands with actions against this fascist state and at an international level protest each one as they believe is most convenient in front of everyone that which symbolizes Catalonia and Spain as a fascist state that violates human rights in a systematic manner.
For my part as protest for my situation of captivity of which I am suffering, I newly put my life at stake until my freedom. Lastly, I want to declare two points for those that put me on hunger strike in June of 2008 and for those I accuse, in April of the same year, of falsifying notices that were sent to J.V.P. Nº1 and to the very Audiencia de Barcelona, by the treatment team of the Quatre Camins prison. The first was because they accused me of a violation that never existed, and the second because they accused me of multiple drug addictions, something which is completely false. For these deeds I publicly accuse them of committing the crime of falsity in documents.
Salud y anarquía.
Amadeu Casellas Ramon, presently captive in the Catalan jail of Brians 2. Day 14-04-2009. Martorell.
Concentration: Thursday April 30, at 10 AM.
        c/Aragó 331 Metro L4 Girona (Barcelona)
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