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Documenting Revolution - Against NATO!
per ((i)) |
03 abr 2009
Autonomous Mediacollective Freiburg 29 Mar 2009 22:53 GMT |
On the 3rd and 4th of April - right after the G20-meeting in London - in Strasbourg, France, and Baden-Baden, Germany, a summit meeting of the NATO members is taking place for NATO's 60th anniversary. No less than the very continuance of this military alliance is at stake. Expect broad resistance from all section of the left from labor unions through to extra-parlimentary radical leftists – as well as heavy state repression.
In Strasbourg a resistance camp is under construction, while the Convergence Center (CC) in Freiburg is already in use by activists getting ready for the summit protests. Another CC will open in Strasbourg on the 31st of March. The Infopoints have published an infosheet to support the campaign.
Some 30,000 police are expected to secure this militarist gathering, while German intelligence services are aggressively aiming to recruit activists (1 | 2 | analysis). The CC Legal Team will provide legal advice and aid to protesters from across the border.
The protests will kick-off on Monday, 30th of March, with an unregistered demonstration in Freiburg. Prior to this demonstration the cops attempted to intimidate activists by harassing the alleged organizers of the latest major leftwing demonstration in December, 2008. Their only achievement was to convince activists and the general public that they have no intention of enforcing the law.
The indy deux rives - an Indyprint - keeps offline protesters abreast with 4 editions in three different languages up to date.
| Calls for Direct Action |Articles |Reports from Direct Actions |Audio/Video documentation
Calls for Direct Action:
* "Support your Local IMC" [de, en]- Indymedia Linksunten's call for collaboration during the NATO summit
* "Freiburger Anti-NATO Demo am 30.03.2009" [de] - Aufruf vom Demoplenum für den 30.03.2009
* "Den NATO Gipfel Sabotieren" [de]- Artikel des AK Antifa Mannheim über die NATO und den Zusammenhang zwischen Krieg und Kapitalismus
* "28. März, Frankfurt: Kein Cent für ihre Krise - Kein Leben für ihre Kriege" [de] - Aufrufe zur Demo am 28.03 in Frankfurt
* "Schiefes Weltbild" [de] - How do the produces the TV-images during the NATO summit?
* "Escalation of persuasive advertising of the German Intelligence Service" [de, en, fr] - Documentation of the german intelligence activities right before the NATO summit.
* "LEGAL TEAM during the NATO summit" [de, en] - Aktuelle Information der Roten Hilfe
* "PM des Anti-NATO Plenums + Jingles" [de, en] - Pressemitteilung des Anti-NATO Plenums zu Repression
* "Anti-NATO Camp in Strasbourg in Gefahr" [de] - Am 18.03 lehnte das Camp Vorbereitungsplenum den Vertrag der Präfektur Strasbourg ab
* "Informational evening for the antimilitarist Convergence Center in Freiburg" [en, de, fr] - Information about the Convergence Center
* "Internationale Aktionskonferenz gegen den NATO-Gipfel in Strasbourg" [de, fr, es, it] - Reports from the action conference in Strasbourg
* "Polizeiakademie Freiburg" [de] - Dokumentation rund um das Polizeikoordinationszentrum (mit Audio Beitrag)
Reports from Direct Actions:
* "Critical Mass Freiburg" [de] - Die erste Begegnung von AKtivistInnen und Polizei im Zuge der NATO Proteste
* "Aktionsinfopunkt: Informationen rund um die Uhr" [de, en] - Information about the Infopoint in Strasbourg
* "Radioberichterstattung zu den Anti-NATO Protesten" [de] - Übersicht über geplante die Radioberichterstattung rund um den NATO Gipfel
* "Proaktive Anti-Repressionsaktion in Baden-Baden" [de] - Aktion im Vorfeld des NATO-Gipfels gegen die drohende Repression
* "Blutiges Gemetzel bei Militärkapelle in Offenburg" [de] - Aktion bei einer Musikveranstaltung der Bundeswehr
* "Block NATO - öffentliches Aktionstraining in Strasbourg" [de] - Dokumentation (Video/Audio/Bilder) über das Aktionstraining
Audio/Video Documentationen:
* "Krise des Kapitalismus - Krise des Krieges" [de] - Hintergrundinformationen von der Gruppe zu "Viel Arbeit!" (Audio)
* "Kein Frieden mit der NATO" [de] - Hintergrundinformationen von Tobias Pflüger (Audio)
* "Winter Soldier Hearing" [de] - Ehemalige Soldaten berichten von ihren Erfahrungen (Audio/Video)
* "Videoclip: Block NATO 2009 - public action training" [de] - A CineRebelde Clip about the public blocade training in Strasburg
* Beiträge von Radio Dreyeckland zum NATO Gipfel [de]
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