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Unemployment in Barcelona (greetings from Greece)
16 feb 2009
How much is the unemployment in Barcelona?
A canditate mayor in Greece claimed Barcelona is a "smart city" and he wants to transfer its model to Greece.
Hello comrades,
I'm writing from Alexandroupoli-Greece, a city near Greek-Turkish Borders.
A canditate mayor of our city claimed Barcelona is a "smart city" and he wants to transfer its model in Greece. He claimed that Barcelona has a very low rate of unemployment and all people are very happy because of its city plan, with many free places, a lot of parks and jobs for all the workers!
I think he is a great liar. I think Barcelona had a low unemployment rate when had organised the Olympics and now I consider the working class of Barcelona has all the typical problems of the european working class, namely unemployment, high prices, expensive rent, high bank instalments, employers' terrorism.
I'd like you to inform me about the condition of working class in Barcelona, about the soap-bubble of "smart city" and give me some facts about these.

This work is in the public domain


Re: Unemployment in Barcelona (greetings from Greece)
16 feb 2009
Yes, you are right. Barcelona is another fucking cool place for tourist and modern people. The major of Barcelona always talk about a young city and a lot of lies about it! But really, the busdrivers workers make a lot of strikes and demonstrations the last year, the public gardeners take in strikes and demonstrations, also the firefighters make some protests...

For the other hand, in Barcelona built a lot of new buildings and destroy the old    
neighborhoods and old houses. Exist a lot of real estate speculation and destroy one of big green space "Collserola".

Really the major of Alexandroupoli are a great and big lier!

Re: Unemployment in Barcelona (greetings from Greece)
17 feb 2009
Maybe in Barcelona we need more people like in Greece are. More working class fighters and less tourists. I hope Barcelona will burn like Athens and perhaps like Alexandroupoli.
Benvingut! Ets a casa teva
17 feb 2009
Podeu agafar una patera i venir a Barcelona a on us donaràn casa feina i menjar de gratis to a compte del contribuent català, als quals ens sobren els diners.
Re: Unemployment in Barcelona (greetings from Greece)
18 feb 2009
Si els donen feina com tu dius ... com vols que sigui a compte del contribuent català, no serien llavors ells també contribuents, tros de subnormal ?
Re: Unemployment in Barcelona (greetings from Greece)
20 feb 2009
Thanks a lot for your answers. They're valuable
Re: Unemployment in Barcelona (greetings from Greece)
20 feb 2009
People from barcelona feel like foreigners in their own city and most of the young people can not afford the high prices of the houses and we have to move to other places far away.
Tis is no longuer a city, it is disneyworld.
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