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Notícies :: criminalització i repressió
Cops kill 15-Year Old in Cold Blood in Athens, Greece
06 des 2008
Around 10 o'clock tonight (7/12) a police car was making its regular runs around Eksarchia Square in the center of Athens. The area of Eksarchia has always been a focal point for radical leftists and has a tradition of militant political activity. Police presence in the area is always vigilant and the cops who patrol the streets of Eksarchia are always trigger-happy and act like they are in occupied territory.
Some comrades saw the police car and decided to openly declare their opposition to its provocative presence in the square. They threw some stones and a few bottles of water against the pigs and told them to leave. The cops who were riding in the squad-car, are part of a new elite police unit, the “blue-suits�, which has been created for the specific purpose of taking repressive measures against militant demonstrators. They are specially-trained and politically indoctrinated.
Two of them got out of the car. They threw flashbang grenades against those present in the square and one of them pulled his gun and shot in cold blood the 15-year old in the stomach. Apparently, their orders are to respond with full force against anything they might interpret as “provocation�. The youngster died 15 minutes after he was transferred to the hospital. His name was Grigoropoulos Andreas and he is the latest victim in a long list of state-murders.
Comrades are assembling everywhere in Greece to avenge the murder of Andreas and make the bastards pay. Athens will see no peace until his death is vindicated.                                

In memory of Andreas.
Make the bastards pay!

This work is in the public domain


Asesinato a sangre fria
06 des 2008
Un muerto de 16 años por una bala policial en pleno centro de Atenas!
Esta misma noche (Sábado, 6 de Diciembre), una patrulla policial estaba haciendo guardia en una calle centrica del barrio de Eksárjia (pleno centro de Atenas). El barrio de Eksárjia es una barrio lleno de historia y de lucha social a lo largo de las últimas decadas.
En un momento dado se producieron unos incidentes, cuando un grupo de jovenes empezaron a discutir con los asesinos del estado. Entonces un policia sacó su arma y disparó a un joven de 16 años, el cual cuando le llevaron al hospital central de "Evangelismós", ya estaba muerto.
Justo despues del asesinato, en el barrio de Eksárjia se dirijieron docenas de furgonetas policiales, mientras multitud de gente se concentró en el hospital impidiendo la entrada de la policia.
Hace un rato la policia atacó a gente en el barrio de Eksárjia arrestrando a una persona.
En estos momentos gente se está dirigiendo en la Escuela Politécnica (en el mismo barrio) para realizar asamblea y decidir lo que van a hacer.
Asambleas y concentraciones se están realizando en mas ciudades ahora mismo (Iráklio-Creta, Tesalónica...).
Re: Cops kill 15-Year Old in Cold Blood in Athens, Greece
07 des 2008
Gracies per la traducció
Re: Cops kill 15-Year Old in Cold Blood in Athens, Greece
07 des 2008
El chico tenia 15 anos y el hijo de puto le disparo asaco al pecho. Atenas se esta quemando... Alguna accion aqui?
Sindicat Terrassa