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Notícies :: @rtivisme
MaxMara campaign
01 des 2008
demo in solidarity with the international MaxMara campaign in Barcelona
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Solidarity with the international MaxMara Campaign in Barcelona

Today, the 28th november 08, a bunch of hobo kids, dont care about their nationalities, came together to show the consumers in the street of Passaig de Gracias in Barcelona (Spain), that cruelty against non-human animals can never be a solution! They made an action in solidarity with the Max Mara Campaign.

All over the world individuals, affinity groups, networks and organisations are fighting to make designers and clothing companies “fur-free�.It is time to ask the same ethical stand to Max Mara Fashion Group, owners of world renowned brands like Max Mara, Max &Co, and many more like Maxsport, Marina Rinaldi, Marella, Pennyblack, Newpenny, Persona and Iblues.

They hissed a banner, distributed a lot of flyers and informed the people in the the streets about this cruelty against non-human animals in the fashion industry.

One hobo kid gave a short statement and said: “I hope one day after a lot of diversive decentralised struggles against this lack of human existence in a society based on hierarchy like speciecism, capitalism, sexism, racism, nationalism and many other forms of oppression, we could end all this violence against living creatures. But till then there are a lot of things to do and i hope all kids who still have a fire in their hearts take their part, it does not matter weather these are information, militant actions, sabotages or any other form. Be creative...�

The workers were really annoyed about the hobo kids' presence and after a while the police showed up stressing but no one gets arrested.
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mmc_esp_frot_back.pdf (878,83 KiB)
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