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Resistencia y Tortura en Barcelona Metro
04 set 2008
As I write, my hands still tremble with the pain inflicted willfully > by the malicious security guards who handcuffed me so tightly that my > wrists are a puffed up and swollen almistry. My feet are sore from the > cuts induced by the escalator they dragged me up, my legs and arms > aching still from the public display of kicks and punches. My throat > is weak from the time they smashed a glass barrier in Plaza Catalunya > with my unprotected skull.> > My blood still stains the floor of the tube station. All those present > heard and saw what happened, they heard me singing love to them, > forgiveness to my torturers for they are still learning, compassion > for myself for what I had chosen to endure, and peace for a world > governed by violence, fear and conflict.> > My heart remains open, grateful for the chance to connect with my pain > through the exposure of their brutality, grateful to have been able to > display a wrathful aspect in the face of a failing system which due to > our conditioning and selfish tendencies has chosen to value material > wealth as higher than peace, freedom and human dignity, and to remind > us as Tiziano Terzani does in Letters Against War that violence > dehumanises not only those against which it is used, but also those > who choose to utilise it as a tool of oppression, domination and control.> > A public display of fascist terrorism and human rights abuse took > place yesterday in central Barcelona. A public act of open resistance > and defiance to corporate imperialism took place in the tube > yesterday. A fist was raised in public Solidarity with the countless > millions who undergo worse insults on a daily basis in Palestine, > Iraq, Latin America, the Global 'south'.> > I am proud to have been blessed with the skill, insight and courage to > have engaged in this heartfelt action, and to bear the scars of rebellion.> > My regrets are only that since my camera was stolen I did not have the > chance to film these acts of violation and abuse.> > When I asked the police for their names and numbers, they replied 'I > am your bitch mother' when I told them that my throat was sore and > that I needed water they responded 'I really couldn't care less'. When > they translated for me ( a job which I am more than capable of doing > myself) I wiped the blood off the bottom of my sole and showed them to > whom I was singing.> > I am proud that after my release I went to my interview for language > teaching and 'pon my return I jumped the fence once again, refusing to > comply with the fear and intimidation they were trying to instill > through this example.> > The rise of corporate sponsored fascism is growing. We have work to do > my angels, as the creation of an international network of solidarity > and resistance is of paramount importance in these degenerate times. > We now have the technology at our disposal to reduce the incidence of > global miscarriages of justice- internet as an organising tool and > live streaming as an age of conscious transmission is now approaching > as a possibility. We can now begin to stop thinking interms of us and > them, to recognise and honour our chance to unite collectively through > our common humanity, to look over the boundaries of nation, colour and > language and to embrace instead the unity of a culture, the unbridled > expression of creativity and the deconditioning of love.> > At the same time as globalising resistance, we now have the golden > opportunity to universalise our compassion.> > We have the tools to begin to apply this. Check out:> <>;> <>;,> <>;> <>;> <>;> <>;> <>;> <>;> + many others> > Essential is the awareness that the digital video brrings, the global > neuro-synapseof the internet as a solidarity network and organising > tool, protest, although a little 20th century is still able to convey > a message and direct action as a form of social acupressure is an > effective means of overcoming beurocratic oppression.> > George Orwell Would have been proud. Bisca, Bisca, Bisca Terra Lliuda, > Bisca Catalunya, que resistencia que vamos a hacer?> > let's turn 1984 into the Return of the Jedi King.>> Sim SIm Sim SIm, Nào Nào Nào Nào> > Naò Nào Nào Nào al Plan Bolonia> > Sim Sim Sim Sim al plan Barcelona> > Olvida Plan Bolonia Sim SIm Sim SIm> > Escoge tu plan Catalunya Nào Nào Nào Nào> > Peace, Love and Wrathful Compassion,> > Matt Reinhart (Owl)> x

This work is in the public domain


Re: Resistencia y Tortura en Barcelona Metro
04 set 2008
Quina estupidesa és aquesta? Per escriure coses absurde i il·legibles cal molestar el funcionament d'IMC?
Re: Resistencia y Tortura en Barcelona Metro
04 set 2008
sempre esteu a la que salta alguns, què menjeu

em sembla que denunciar que els segurates del metro -no seria la primera vegada que ho sento- li han fotut una pallisa, per mes que al final posi coses rares -quan et pasen coses d'aquestes si vas flipat pots sortir per los cerros de Ubeda-
Re: Resistencia y Tortura en Barcelona Metro
05 set 2008
La forma de dir les coses també pot desacreditar qualsevol cosa feta amb les millors intencions, no queda gens seriós intentar explicar un fet com aquest i acabar fotent el pena d'aquesta manera. Tu ho has dit, menys flipades i més seriositat:

"let's turn 1984 into the Return of the Jedi King"???? si es pensa que després de posar perles com aquestes dona seriositat i fiabilitat al que explica va llest
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