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IRLANDA: Llbertat! Saoirse! No.11
16 jun 2008
E-news service of the Catalan Solidarity: Ireland Committee

June/July 2008 E-news service Llbertat! Saoirse! No.11

1.     Introduction
2.     International Solidarity with Franki
3.     Visc a Barcelona! - I’m From Barcelona!
4.     Garraf Demands Release of All Catalan Political Prisoners
5.     Protests Continue: LLIBERTAT FRANKI
6.     Free Franki Now!
7.     Solidarity With Political Prisoners: April 17th
8.     Catalan Prisoner Solidarity: Messages Of Solidarity
9.     Who We Are!
10.     Subscription Details

This is the e-news service of the Catalan Solidarity: Ireland Committee titled Llibertat! – Saoirse!

This e-news service is distributed throughout Ireland to both political and community activists and others interested parties such as prisoner and anti-repressive organisations across Scotland, England and Wales who have subscribed as a gesture of solidarity with issues surrounding Catalonia and its struggle for self-determination.

As a contact or subscriber, you can assist the Catalan Solidarity: Ireland Committee by distributing the news and information published within Llibertat! – Saoirse! Inform friends/supporters of our regular mail-out and how to subscribe.

Thank you to all those who have continued to assisted the Catalan Solidarity: Ireland Committee in many ways, whether it has been by sending comments of support and solidarity, also to all those who have helped out in other ways, you are all very much appreciated.

2.     International Solidarity with Franki

Catalan Political Prisoner Francesc Argemi Anglada (Franki) has been issued a ‘third degree’ which is a form of day release from prison.

However the political prisons group RESCAT has issued a statement in which they highlight:

- That penitentiary ‘third degree’ is yet another way to complete the sentence, and therefore he will be imprisoned until he receives an unconditional release.

- That solidarity protests must continue to demand his, and the rest of all other Catalan Political Prisoners, immediate and unconditional release.

Catalan Solidarity: Ireland Committee echoes this call for Franki’s unconditional release from prison and that of all Catalan Political Prisoners currently held by the Spanish State.

We call on everyone, individual activists, community and political organisations, current and former political prisoners to extend the hand of international solidarity at this time by sending postcards/letters of solidarity to Franki at the following address:

Francesc Argemi Anglada
C.P Brians 2 (modul 6)
Apartat de Correus 3000
Barcelona, Catalonia

3.     Visc a Barcelona! - I’m From Barcelona!
The 1,2 million euros media campaign to raise the spirits of Barcelona both economically and socially is all over the television, papers, magazines and billboards. However in Catalan political activists have completely taken the media gloss and spin turning the 'Visca Barcelona' campaign on its head.

The activists issued a series of images, in an attempt to show the reality for many Catalan's of life in Barcelona, to attention of the world.

For a glimpse of the recent images visit:

4.     Garraf Demands Release of All Catalan Political Prisoners

In Garraf, a demonstration took place to call for the release of all Catalan Political Prisoners outside the town hall. The demonstration was called by RESCAT. Activists call for political prisoners Marina, Lola, Diego, Zigor, Laura i Franki to come home.


5.     Protests Continue: LLIBERTAT FRANKI

A daring bid by activists in Vilafranca scaled the Basílica de Santa Maria, one of the cities largest land marks, to help raise the profile of Franki and the continued imprisonment of other Catalan Political Prisoners.

Following the action, in a gesture of solidarity, the Spanish flag was then burned.

For more images to this story:

Meanwhile, further solidarity actions take place throughout the Catalonia each and every day to press for Franki's release:

Action in Gracia, Barcelona:

6.     Free Franki Now!

As many maybe already aware, Franki is a Catalan political activist from Terrassa in Catalonia, who has been condemned to 2 years and 7 months in prision because it had been reported that he burnt a Spanish flag in 2002.

Without ANY solid probes and without waiting for ANY type of formal judgment he is now in prision. Since his arrest and imprisonment there has been shock and anger across Catalonia. Likewise this has grown into widespread solidarity actions which are continuing on a daily bases across Catalonia.

Catalan Solidarity: Ireland Committee has added its voice for the release of Franki.

Just some of the thousands of actions which have taken place demanding the release of Franki in Catalonia.

7.     Solidarity With Political Prisoners: April 17th

Protesters gathered in the city centre of Derry to mark International Day in Solidarity with Political Prisoners.

Supporters of several Basque, Catalan and Palestine political prisoner/support groups gathered as well as representatives of the Irish Republican Socialist Party, 32 County Sovereignty Movement and other non-aligned republican activists to highlight concerns of Political Prisoners in Ireland and across the world. Following the city centre protest, those in attendance gathered at a near by mural of 1981 Hunger Striker Patsy O'Hara for a solidarity photograph.

During the Days events several hundred information leaflets were also distributed during the event which stated:

April 17th has been marked for several years now as the day of International Solidarity with Political Prisoners to highlight the rights of political prisoners throughout the world.

International Day in Solidarity with Political Prisoners is a day when relatives and friends, individuals and organizations draw attention to issues affecting political prisoners as a gesture of solidarity on the outside.

Today we are still confronted in various places of our world with governments implementing further repressive measures that limit more and more the rights and freedoms of the population. An extension and the justification of practices such as harassment, internment, torture, isolation, and even the physical elimination of any political opposition, are carried out on a daily basis.

The creation of radical measures confronting basic international legislation and the respect to the sovereignty of third countries conducted by the United States of America and the establishment of new spaces outside the law, such as Guantanamo or the secret flights with detainees exempt of any rights.

It is a clearly documented fact, supported by many non-governmental bodies, that there’s a serious deterioration of the living conditions of people who suffer retaliation in different detention and penitentiary arrangements.

This has also caused greater criminalization, each time more acute, of those organizations which work to document the repression and that show solidarity with those who suffer retaliation.

April 17th is a day to give a voice to these concerns, complaints and claims; to create a common space for shared strategy, a retaining wall against these measures that limit our rights and freedoms.

They suffer the global repression; let us globalize the willingness and the hope by raising the flag of solidarity with all political prisoners.

Free All Political Prisoners Now!

International Initiative for Political Prisoners

Related Links:

8.     Catalan Prisoner Solidarity: Messages Of Solidarity

Catalan Solidarity: Ireland Committee would like to remind recipients of Llibertat! – Saoirse! to remember all political prisoners.
Therefore as a gesture of international solidarity with those on the inside, we would be grateful if you, your group or organisation consider to please take the time to send a solidarity message, a few lines of support to boost morale to the following Catalan Political Prisoners currently being held by the Spanish and French States.

The following is an updated list of present Catalan Political Prisoners.

Laura Riera Valenciano: CENTRE PENITENCIARI DE DONES DE BARCELONA, Carrer Doctor Trueta, 76-98, PPCC.

Marina Bernadó Bonada: (353 922 Y), MAISON D’ARRÊT DE FLEURY MEROGIS ( femmes ), 9 Allée des Thuyas, 91700 Sainte Genevieve des Bois Cedex, PARIS, France.

Zigor Larredonda Muñoz: CENTRO PENITENCIARIO DE ALBACETE, Ctra. de Ayora, km. 72, 02006 Albacete

Dolores Lopez Resina: CENTRO PENITENCIARIO DE Ã?VILA, Ctra. de Vicolozano, 05194 Brieva (Ã?vila)

Diego Sànchez Burria: CP Can Brians, Carretera de Martorell a Capellades, km 23, 08635 Sant Esteve Sesrovires, PPCC.

Francesc Argemi Anglada: C.P Brians 2 (modul 6), Apartat de Correus 3000, 08760-Martorell, Barcelona, Catalonia

9.     WHO WE ARE: Catalan Solidarity: Ireland Committee

Catalan Solidarity: Ireland Committee was established to provide practical support and solidarity to Catalan political prisoners, their supporters as well as information on the continuing struggle for self determination and socialism in Catalonia to challenge the media portrayal on political militants that are being fuelled by a regime, its media, its paramilitary forces, and mounting repressive laws and legislations.

In order to assist these goals we have established an online news and information service to comment on the current political situation within Catalonia, from within the prisons and on the streets.

As part of our work we aim to provide information events, pickets and solidarity protests etc to highlight various campaigns and activities and to raise awareness of the political situation in Catalonia.

We urge both Catalans living in Ireland and other non-Catalans across Ireland to write to Catalan Political Prisoners, offering them both continued solidarity and support.

We intend to issue regular news, comments & activities via email by Llibertat! – Saoirse!

To view our website:


Llibertat! – Saoirse!

E-news service of the Catalan Solidarity: Ireland Committee

To obtain this regular eservice Llibertat! – Saoirse!, forward “SUBSCRIBE� to the following e-mail: catalansolidarity ARROBA

To unsubscribe to Llibertat! – Saoirse! please send email entitled "UNSUBCRIBE" to the following email: catalansolidarity ARROBA

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This work is in the public domain


Re: IRLANDA: Llbertat! Saoirse! No.11
16 jun 2008
we hope you will join us in the campaign to disaffiliate indymedia ireland if the current moderatorship do not stand down.

They have broken articles 2 and 6 of the IMC global principles of unity. And Saoirse are one of the collectives who must have noticed that.

Libertat! i Lluita!
Re: IRLANDA: Llbertat! Saoirse! No.11
20 jun 2008
Molt bé!

Fent país des d'Irlanda, és clar que sí!!

Una gent que ens entenen perfectament amb els presos polítics, dos pobles agermanats per una mateixa lluita, la independentista! Endavant Llibertat! Saoirse!

Visca Irlanda! Visca Catalunya!!
Sindicato Sindicat