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GLORY OF THE CORPS - A Real Man Speaks for Freedom
08 feb 2008
The more good than bad Alex Jones says George Norry, (who has
Alex on once every six months or a year to say the NWO can't
be stopped, never mentioning liquefied iron flowing like water
from the towers, Ahmad, or that bush and Cheney are bad guys
for officially closing criminal investigations [obstruction])
is heroic, I say, George Norry is an enemy to all Humans
GLORY OF THE CORPS - A Real Man Speaks for Freedom

The more good than bad Alex Jones says George Norry, (who has
Alex on once every six months or a year to say the NWO can't
be stopped, never mentioning liquefied iron flowing like water
from the towers, Ahmad, or that bush and Cheney are bad guys
for officially closing criminal investigations [obstruction])
is heroic, I say, George Norry is an enemy to all Humans
being. Again, the demon knows of Ahmad, but FORBIDS American
soldiers from understanding what a defender of America should
know to defend ourselves Judicially for real freedom. Coast
to Coast hosts wont take our calls, but they did take several
demons on Wednesday, one in particular who figured he could be
a "god" too, by supporting the indiscriminate murder of Iraqis
to defend the evil zionist neocons in hiding. But, what did
GOD in Iraq have to do with the bushite responsible for the
DEATHS of 911?, or the DEATHS of all Arabs in around the nieve
age of 15? George Norry didn't ask.. Another demon witch
allowed on our air said at great lengths, she appreciated that
the demon antichrist Bush lies continuously to dying soldiers
because that’s the only way to blindly defeat terrorists..
(evil = good) George speaks nothing but happy silences in
trusting warmly with dying US all for ignorance as belligerent
criminal negligence. Again, the demon enemy of God refuses US
to open communications on any relevant subject involving the
sacrifice of American lives. Staying happy, he figures that's
all it will ever take to defeat Americans lost in doubt on his
contempt for all Peoples lives, is to simply forbid knowledge
from escaping his charade. He told US previously, he'd go
ballistic against any soldier who refused a criminal order.
So, when marines are asked, as reported, if they'd murder
their own parents without reason for the glory of the Corps.,
would Geroge Norry shoot "them" as traitors for asking simply
why would WE do that? See something here my friends behind
these great works of wonder? Demand open communications
regarding our demands for the arrest of those truly
responsible for the crimes of mass murder in America on 911
back in New York city.

Save Our Souls

These Be Commis

Hey Man! Alex's guest, Larry Nichols, who claims to have
MURDERED countless innocent American citizens, of which some
he almost names!, he did simply for dope money paid to him by
partners of President Clinton - Larry alleges. ! It appears
Larry here confesses to MURDERING innocent American women who
it is claimed, were raped by President Clinton, just one
victim among many other AMERICANS!! [major problem here
Peoples, because the woman mentioned was actually murdered as
Larry states, and breaking in her home Larry confesses to
doing himself, but seems unlikely raped by Mr. Clinton, for
why take such re-occurring risks as Clinton for expensive
flings, when cheap whores come for a dime bag, never mind all
the prostitutes.. without needing Larry risking in the room
to clean up the goofed mess.. again, but perhaps /\/ the far
gone criminally insane Clinton is someone we never knew, then
attempted to change his evil ways for Larry through Christ -
but - where's the evidence?] Truly foolish Larry and Alex
claim, sTraNgLy, Bush is not a bad guy to get up into a huff
about, to save American soldier's lives however, but
..ooohhh.. President Clinton is bad for ordering the murder
of INNOCENT Americans Larry Nicols himself admits committing.
We need someone to seriously call our cops here, perhaps Larry
could.. Murder is still against the law. Bush too, CLEARLY,
needs to go to trial for mass murder of thousands in New York
City. No matter what Alex figures "Liberals" think. For, we
all know what "Right wingers" think, not much... I challenge
without question: "right wingers" are stupider in every
respect if open debates are allotted a fair space to speak
openly. Thus, Alex and the repuglicons state they want
freedom, but not totally where weakness is trounced by wiser
men with greater plans. Example: a person accused of a
criminal offense without evidence is innocent. Bush is Guilty
of treason, along with all the noecons responsible for lying to

The Man,

Johnny America

I am Challenging America to a Presidential Debate

"Ron Paul's Name Crossed Out On New York Ballot Papers"

'New Hampshire was criminally stolen from every Patriot American'

Look, where is American supporters to demand a fair election?
All in with the idiot libertarians who state all government is
to be left un-accountable as bad themselves perhaps? Ask a
libertarian, "are traffic lights an effective way to improve
traffic congestion"? Or ask, “did you know buying in bulk is cheaper�?
Then take in the hilarity of them flashing "tilt!tilt!tilt!",
as the ball is drained from their game as loser'ing.


Enemy Bushite of God defends Torture as "legal" without magic TV debate

"So, there you have it: we torture, consider it legal"

No, my friends, torturing innocent people to death is as it will
always be, a crime warranting the death sentence. We need to get
US together, and form a posse.


Just another "Accident"

Look, these bushites shot dead innocent children. Just like George
Norry would. So, do YOU think they wouldn't murder YOUR child as
enemies of GOD?

[Bushite Enemy] Troops Asked If They Would Shoot American Citizens

/ / U.S. troops are being trained to conduct round-ups, confiscate
guns and shoot American citizens \ \ George Norry, or course, would
be there with those that would murder their own family, if
it means, one must obey the Corp. as a Bush whore, blindly without



Again, corporate bush whores, are enemies of God as our human
spirit. They refuse to listen to our voice on demands of Justice
ruling our ways to defend our forsaken lives. Al-Qaida = General
Mahmoud Ahmad. God Rulez.

Is This God's Will for Humanity?

/ / None of the police officers or commanders involved in the
FATAL SHOOTINGS of Palestinian citizens of Israel in October
2000 will face criminal indictment, \ \

Is This What a giver of Love to the Glories of Life, want made
for the innocent godly lives of others continually left for
murdered? Is a pro torture zionist obscening on America's
Grand Stage, not truly an enemy of GOD?, when it thieves from
any as ourselves held in self contempt? So too, a murderous
enemy standing unchallenged in the land of the coward as home
of the slaves? Johnny's America?? HEY PEOPLE!! Torture IS
against the law, and warrants the death penalty.. So, support
the Holy Debates for God and Country, and let's bag US some
bushite nazi vermins to save a Great America for the Gipper.

Enemies to life and freedom to believe are the bushite, as
sworn haters to Liberty supporting in silence, lawlessness for
theft, torture, indiscriminate bombing, and slave labor.
Can't argue with the facts against US, only to know, it wars
God and Man to die everyone an evil victim to it's hatred for
love and wisdom. Support my demand for open international
debate against any as all bushite bombers for the demon
antichrist false accuser, Mr. G. W. Bush.


Fight Back for Christ Sake God Damn You

"He claims to be a follower of the Torah of Moses, but as
far as I know the Torah prohibits oppression and prohibits
injustice and prohibits stealing people’s land and property."

Again, demonic zionists are ENEMIES of the Jewish faith.
They lie to cheat at murder for money. Money paid for by
American tax payers to murder innocent Christians, Jews, and
Arabs. The pictures of zionist offspring, signing their nazi
family name to cluster dud land mines, were FIRST used
against Jewish northern communities in Lebanon! Not CNN
newsworthy.. Why? Because Condi, unelected demon witch,
sent herself, SEVEN MILLION land mines to be strewn over
170 towns and villages to murder OUR children indiscriminately
for decades. Sent after a truce had been called, and an end
to the zionist nazi conflict was at hand. CNN, CBC, and FOXNEWS
crews are not working to defend our interests as God's, but to
support zionist censorship on mass murder committed by the
ungodly bushmob demon liars. Bill a bushite terrorist
for freedom to be America. Bushite bomb our families
indiscriminately, while claiming as traitors to LIFE,
BlackWater is 'lawless' to rape America further without
defensive Judicial reaction. Do you think bush bitch George
Norry will allow Your America to understand this as important?
Will you willingly go to die as crime victim for the still
happying as wealthly, George Norry?, or will you speak in
defense of your own world left denied?


Again, realize: George Norry, the indisputable pro-child
killer, forbids Americans to understand: General Ahmad funded
Atta. And that iron flowing like water on video tape exists.
The demon states the antichrist ["not Bush", the demon lying
capital false accuser, who immediately closed outstanding
criminal investigations on 911 while claiming to be a
Christian, and all those who appose with independent thought,
evil terrorists] is actually the guy who states he's of GOD!
Where demons? I, The son of Man, CREATOR, demand America
prove their great love for Freedom, a "truth" they promote as
practiced, to continue hiding the lies committed by treasonous
neocons responsible for 911, and so on... Remember: Coast to
Coast hosts don't mention no specific individuals responsible
for the terrorist acts of 911 learned from official
investigations done by the honorable in the FBI, and a great
many others, no, why? Their chauvinistically contemptible egos.
For example: we're hugely more wise on health care, and
they'd rather DIE AMERICA, before allowing us to speak in
challenge to their irrationalisms, that truly cost everyone
more money by staying dumb on the issues. See? I support
open debate, while national bushite broadcasters boast of
happy times to see US suffer for more pled ignorance hiding
sadists, like the coast to coast radio host, George Norry,
who's into murdering innocent people in war for no better
good, or reason understood. Or, one worth mentioning...

US Asking Iraq for Wide Rights on War
[Nazi antichrist forces demand no laws apply to their criminality]

Pioneering Blackwater Protesters Given Secret Trial and Criminal Conviction

Do you have any idea how EVIL this is? Does George Norry care?
Care that American women are raped by these 'lawless' enemies of
Humanity, and to protest against rapists, puts an American forsaken
behind bars.. to dare defend women in pro-child killer George Norry's
"America.". Sick, truly sick.

What you don’t see on CNN: Video of Settlers Firing on Palestinian Shepherds in South Hebron Hills


/ / Real Jews don't murder innocent people to steal their
rights to Life for money. Nothing worse than a Zionist nazi
"jew" with money they never earned, but stole in the names of
the suffering Peoples. \ \

Afghan 'blasphemy' Death Sentence

Where are the demonic liar bush bitch illiterates to defend
our freedoms? Remember: bushite push heroin while bombing
our families indiscriminately because they say, they do it to
defend the demon liar neocon enemy of Humanity who profits off
the crimes of 911. Bill a lawless bushite enemy for America
my Patriot brothers and sisters. Do it for God, do it for
"A million Arabs are not worth one Jewish fingernail"

Zionists ARE enemies of GOD and Liberty. They murder to steal
from US, the poor, to feed their hatred for Humanity, and as
the true Jew of Jews, the Son to God. Why hate ME? Because
I'm honorable?, brave?, and wise? by demanding the arrest of
zionist terrorists who thieve from ourselves, such as the
neocons for the crimes of 911. ?

War, What's It Good For?

Warning the Demon G. W. Bush was given personally:

/ / "The attack will be spectacular and designed to inflict
mass casualties against U.S. facilities or interests. Attack
preparations have been made. Attack will occur with little or
no warning." \ \

What did the demon do? Didn't warn anyone, and went on
vacation, but really, according to official documents dated of
those days, worked top secretly on his invasion of Afghanistan
plan with Rice, and Rumsfeld for Enron. Pension thieves
Enron. Does George Norry, the pro-child killing censor of
cries for Justice care? You really think so? Ian Punnet, the
sick nazi phuk who states he's seen the loose change videos,
but still believes the towers fell as a natural consequence of
two planes missing WTC7 entirely.. you think he cares to see
American teen soldiers sent to their deaths irrationally for
the bounties of wealthy evil neocon zionist liars? What does
Art Bell care of INNOCENT Christians murdered by nazi israel
for stolen loots paid for by the MADE uniformed tax paying
American huckstered audience? Coast to Coast "Hosts" will go
happying, instead of US, the innocent forsaken they leave
forbidden open communications. Americans are understood by
the entire human species, to be painfully ignorant as
Chauvinistic know nothings, who rape and murder from our
Humanity to benefit themselves dying from censorship, and look
at where it's gotten everyone.. Bombing Our very own innocent
families who dream of a better life for all though freedom,
that only comes by the ways of Justice understood as measured.
I'm willing to Challenge America to a Presidential Debate on
successes we've achieved as the governed for enlightenment. A
person accused of a criminal offense without any evidence is
innocent. And worth MY protection. NewsCorped America is not
qualified to lead any group committed to understanding why we
have laws to serve ALL people equitably for freedom.
Certainly, we all could easily learn this though, through
lively trial and error by public debate, if we had an open
mike policy on a national level to talk directly with these
trying times at the best of our capabilities of listening. I
demand my calls for open debate against all neocon zionist
enemies world wide be taken up seriously for the betterment of
all peoples lives.

/ / The Pentagon officially reported 72,043 battlefield casualties
from Iraq and Afghanistan through Jan. 5, 2008. \ \

SEE SOLDIERS?? Didn't see this on CNN, CBC, or hear of it on
Coast to Coast with happy George Norry did you? Think of ME.
They refuse to broadcast ME, because what I say is TRUE. Paradise?,
or a dead world ruled by evil bushite terrorist liars, who rob from
America, our children and futures.


/ / Perino Dismisses CPI Study: Truth On How We Sold The Iraq War Is
Not ‘Worth Spending Time On’ \ \

Just die irrationally for the for real antichrist enemy of Humanity,
you cowards..

/ / US President George W. Bush and his top officials ran roughshod over
the truth in the run-up to the Iraq war lying a total of 935 times,
a study released Wednesday found. \ \

Hey, just LYING to murder a million or two defenseless, innocent people
for the zionist neocon, whom state their official policy is to lie,
cheat, and steal from America as 'left' undefended after 911.


The Fix Is In

The Answer

The "Shock and Awe" Gallery

To Our Patriotic American Lovers of Justice and Freedom

CIA hid torture tapes from 9/11 Commission

Mark Mansfield of the CIA said in a statement quoted by AP
that "The notion that the CIA wasn't cooperative or
forthcoming with the 9/11 commission is just plain wrong. It
is utterly without foundation" This is clearly absurd, as it
is blatantly treasonous. "Without foundation?" Nobody
minimally involved could form that conclusion, without bold
faced lying. Likely done to get away selling more dope to
American kids to get hooked up into life term prison sentences
for slave labor camps. Guess what American politicians say IF
ANYTHING? "requires further investigation." MARK MANSFIELD
ACCORDING TO REAGAN. But, who actually really cares in
America for Freedom dying as bushite war monger tyranny
anyway? In America, on their national radio program, the
pro-child killer George Norry spews his poison almost
everyday, and "Americans" can't even be bothered to lift their
phones to speak in the defense of OUR forsaken families. No,
"Americans" like to rob from God and Humanity by suggesting to
murder people indiscriminately will benefit themselves in the
long run as THIEVING LIARS. Not if Reapin' Johnny, has
anything whatsoever to say about US and our love for God as
Life. Get me on the Coast to Coast radio program to Host for
open line communications, to start this, Justice Will Be Done
for Freedoms held indivisible Issue. Al-Qaida = General
Mahmoud Ahmad. God Rulez.


Kill a bushite for America why don't you as Anyone?

"The killing of innocent civilians is policy," veteran Mike
Blake said. "It's unit policy and it's Army policy. It's not
official policy, but it's what's happens on the ground
everyday. It's what unit commanders individually encourage."
Not true. We have plenty of examples of official policy such
as no cause whatsoever for the war period, and FOXNEWS. Then
of course, "mad Dog" Mattis, "bush bitch" Blount, "rotten"
Russell. Or Sattler's, that ordered the indiscriminate murder
of more than two hundred thousand INNOCENT people of Fallujah.
As just one example of many. Billing bushite is saving
Humanity from the actual, for real, antichrist forces of
demonic evil mentioned in every Bible. Bill a bushite enemy
of America, for a bushite is minimally a thief, a thief that
wars the innocent of Humanity to help 'escape' the zionist
neocons for the crimes of 911. Al-Qaida = General Mahmoud
Ahmad. And there is a mountain of molted iron under where the
towers fell. Die bushite die.

/ / Such an action constitutes a clear and unequivocal crime
against humanity [AND G-D if you truly believe]. \ \

On Nov 29, 2:06 pm, mike3 <mike4... ARROBA> wrote:
> On Nov 29, 12:59 pm, Release the Press <Release_the_Pr... ARROBA>

> > Why would god will the destruction of life for a criminal thief?
> <snip>
> God didn't will it. Man willed it.

Well, a criminal willed the murder of another, and now it
thinks it can't be arrested because it says for US to do so,
would be anti-Jew. And no, I'm sure Johnny would word it in
today's climate, arresting a murderer for murder. See? A
true "Jewish State" would be one where all people were treated
fairly, as the actions of a peoples who believed in God as
holy an' righteous. Not thieving terrorists killing people to
steal further from our good graces.

Good God Man

Coast to Coast radio hosts are traitors who forbid the
American Patriot to know: General Ahmad funded Atta, and that
we have video of iron flowing like water from the towers

The HPV vaccine is being used officially (according to
official FDA documents) to kill American female children, and
Americans refuse to hunt to bill happy George Norry for it.
No, Americans murder their very own children to please the
silence George Norry offers, as fictions to hide their
cowardice to defend Christ and Man as their very own family
dying criminally under continued mortal threat. While the
pro-child killer george norry is happier than ever conning to
kill more freedom in voiceless America. Support my call to
host for open line communications. George Norry isn't
qualified to silence our cries for Justice realized. Make the
call, be a Human.

HPV Vaccine Hoax Exposed: FDA Documents Reveal HPV "Not Associated with Cervical Cancer"

Again, CBC, CNN, and FOXNEWS with the coast to coast radio
host celebs are enemies of God as the Human race. Reagan
would have guaranteed, with his War Crimes Act, to have
publicly executed Romney's buddy for the torture of innocent
people Cofer Black freely confesses to have kidnapped. Yet,
CNN whores America to ride on that torture is Reagan's best
bud. Romney, who's demonically evil religion IS centered on
Satan's temptations against Adam and Eve, forbids a belief
that black people are not worthy the godly freedoms granted
all sentient beings, all because Romney has magical 35 year
old underwear it is waged. DUMB. No, CNN forbids such truth
in dialog, but to say, a Ron Paul newsletter of near twenty
years ago, suggests he hates blacks because the Federal
Reserve is printing money for their own private profit at the
loss of every American wage earner.. blahblahblah. Bushite
are OPENLY selling tons of heroin, and cocaine, while bombing
our communities indiscriminately. Not newsworthy. Gates has
taken responsibility for dropping 47,500 lbs. of bombs in
Baghdad to murder people indiscriminately in a city the
bushite terrorist thieves OCCUPY as openly demonic. Gates
will receive a death sentence by the will of US, as just
another bush bitch zionist neocon war monger threatening
Humanity with more indiscriminate murdering. P2OG - designed
to KILL America with naked neocon terrorism disguised as
"Patriotic". Remember: near none in the entire Bush
administration has been ever elected, yet, they bomb the
innocent with lies for "Democracy." [The Innocent is ourselves
for you beginners out there...]


/ / The AMSI statement continued: "The bombing entirely
targeted homes of residents in the area and resulted in the
deaths of dozens of innocent civilians, including women,
children, and elderly people, in addition to wounding a
comparable number." "This dastardly crime clearly demonstrates
to the whole world the ugliness of those who committed it,"
the statement went on. "It shows that they are totally
unconcerned about people's lives and do not care for the honor
and esteem accorded to human beings in all divinely inspired
religions." \ \

/ / Nazario separated a young Iraqi, [around the age of 10]
known as “Number 2,� from the group and led him into a bedroom
where he [as loyal bushite enemy] shot him with his rifle. \ \

Calling all Lawyers, Judges, and Police Officers

We shall track down every bushite charged under all military
"Judges", and publicly try them for execution as: aiming to
and murdering, innocent people - to thieve from US all for
ungodly zionist necon LIARS. While American gun owners from
any number of gun groups will bill any and all bushite who
grunt their satanic disapproval of freedom as Justice for All.
We shall bring the perpetrators of 911 to Justice before Man,
bar none. God is Risen - die bushite die.

Orders given to the bushite child killers of Haditha:

"anything that moves you kill and don’t take any prisoners."

Nazi bushite lawyer's surmisal to war criminal "mad dog"
Mattis: "If the defense version of events is true, dismissal
of the charge is justified." No, they would be just as
assuredly guilty of aiming to and murdering innocent people as
enemy of Life bushite do with bogus dumfukker excuses.
Killing bushite is saying to God, you really care. A bushite
is an enemy of America who wars innocent Humanity for the
escape of the zionist neocons for 911. traitors are the
bushite soldiers - to everyone.

/ / no evidence has been publicly released that implicates the
young men of the 1st Squad, 3rd Platoon, Kilo Company, 3rd
Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment in any criminal activity
arising out of events of November 19, 2005. Indeed, as there
is none that exists, let those who say otherwise prove it. \ \

"None". See? a total dumfukker who's religion is lie to GOD
about murdering helpless children, because the event is over
as transpired. Yet, Gun Owners of America, WILL UNDERSTAND,
this demon enemy of Humanity tells US openly, he gets off on
indiscriminately murdering innocent people like those too, who
committed 911 by zionist excuses such as: "shoot first and
ask questions [answered by Coast to Coast radio hosts, CNN and
CBC only] later." Or, a made up bushite enemy's pronouncement
titled, "Rules of Engagement", an "official" excuse given to
bushite who willingly shoot innocent women and children in
the back, all because we were running from an explosion. Will
you not join Johnny America and kill every last bushite judge
or jury breathing who agrees such murderous conduct doesn't
warrant an immediate death sentence during war time against

In the documentary, "Why We Fight", bushite bombers are
interviewed, who knowingly bombed, easily, more than a thousand
defenseless innocent people of Humanity indiscriminately
downtown in Baghdad as precision first strikers. See them
smile and laugh at knowing after the fact of understanding,
they only murdered innocent families as their ungodly sadistic
fetish, while lifeless CNN with FOXNEWS is letting them get
away with murdering so many of US as Love forsaken, then ask
yourself, do you feel lucky? punk? "See the bushite, kill
the bushite", the Son of Man always says. Kill an ungodly
bushite enemy, and be loved by God and Man as just an ordinary
everyday run of the mill, True American Patriot Warrior
aligned with Christ, the Greatest bushite biller of all time!
Death to the bushite thieves who war for the traitor neocon
liars, death to the Enemies Of Justice for God and Humanity.
Evidence is Everything. Bushites are ignorant liars of evil.

' 'The "heroin lifers" are a group of prisoners, who were
arrested under a Louisiana state law that mandates a life in
prison without parole for the sale of any amount of heroin or
possession with intent to sell.' ' How can Louisiana be so
unjust to promote soldiers to push dope as bushite dumfuk
losers, while addicting the citizens into private prisons for
excepting the freebees?

Bushite push the dope, and American kids go to jail for Life
in cowardice by the millions not hearing... Make the call, be
a Human.


Big News : Banks can't prove they OWN the mortgaged properties!

A US Federal Judge, ruled to dismiss a [mortgage grab] claim
by Deutsche Bank National Trust Company

/ / Here comes the hair in the soup. The Judge asked DB to
show documents proving legal title to the 14 homes. DB could
not. \ \


Big News : Election Rigged!

This is incredible for real - so incredible that I'M freaked out!

It's just crzy that a private company charges 24 cents for
each ballot re-counted... just think about that for a second
again.. Oh yeah, and there are no ballots, or records of such
events actually occurring. Johnny calls for paper ballots
without exceptions, along with immediate criminal
investigations. And let's let me take open line calls on the
coast to coast radio network of ideas for just causes. A fair
vote for freedom sounds right to begin our speech as heard
from for understanding - We demand paper ballots, along with the
911 perpetrators brought to Justice to end all wars by
peaceful resolution for freedom to triumph over bad guy
terrorists who lie like George Norry. Answers are all here.


/ / Two American-registered drug planes busted in Mexico
carrying four and 5.5 tons of cocaine are just the "tip of the
iceberg" in a blockbuster aviation deal which sold 50
American-registered aircraft to the Sinaloa Cartel

[..] the FBI executed a search warrant at the house of the No.
3 official in the Central Intelligence Agency, Kyle “Dusty
Foggo, soon to go on trial for corruption with accomplice
Brent Wilkes. \ \

for dealing in TONS of COCAINE shipped to America, to
additionally, pump the prison market with life term prison
sentences on simple grams bag possessions. TONS. Cocaine for
Crackers.. WOW. American trivia: Did you know, there are
nearing at 2,500,000 people in expensive prisons for private
profit operations nation wide in the land of the free, and
home of the brave? We gotta get a count of prisoners on life
term prison stints for carrying the bushmob doper deals in a
double cross, The "oops.. who me?" Top Secret Strategy -
shhhh.. - the cia planes selling TONS of illegal dope, and
Americans go to prison for being too weakly represented
politically to defeat these criminals with just words. big
bucks. We need an American People standing up for the defense
of speaking freely, as a voice of universal liberation. With
evidence as a prerequisite - we have near no critics of
millions.. Why so great? We all could benefit by Justice
enacted fairly actually ruling our strides towards a better
future through international communications, where all peoples
have rights equal as beings worthy the respect we deserve..
Yes, we are amazing. Can you hear me now? Could I convince
yourself in investing in a worthwhile cause such as ours? Who
knows how far this takes us into a better future where we
respect ourselves as others. The freedom to be all you can be
by not infringing on the rights of any other to do just the
same. Now, you should give me a least some dollars for
sharing that repeatedly with ourselves.. Do you have any idea
on how great we are here my friends?? We could be all
incredibly gifted if I do say so myself.. So how about it?
Johnny for Presidential debate questioner, Nationally
contesting the tally in Anytown USA - open for suggestions?
What do you say pilgrim? Am I not Great?

Justice is Freedom

WE WANT our votes verified as fact.

This isn't about Ron Paul refusing to support a re-count to
discover more than 0, ZERO, votes in one district, Bingo!, it
is about YOU, as an American refusing to defend yourself from
no measuring!, no measuring! what they will get away in blind
tyranny as enslavement termed 'Freedom'. It is TRULY up to
you to make a call to talk radio, it is truly coming down to
You. Pick up our phones you bunch of good for somethings, and
call for clarity on the justice is freedom angles. Johnny
Wizard has come for diplomatic talks on the thorny issues that
confront our storied days absent our found leadership. LOOK,
the election body is not requesting fairness for the American
voter, as rigged. WE WANT our votes verified as fact. It is
not the realm of any private company to "own" the rights to
deny us, me and you, public accountability as fairness to all
parties - sworn in. Representative Democracy. Doubtless
Dealings for Dummies Doubting. We DEMAND: paper ballots.

Uphold Lawman Johnny for any paid Public position, for, I'm
hungry for making a worth out of living. Otherwise, I'm going
to have to leave for other matters of survival. If you spot
me some change, I'll give you a thanks, and, it'll be just
like you own shares. No special favors, but, I might just
return your investment plus interest. So, join in with
Johnny, and spot me some cash family. It'll go towards a good
cause, us. Think of these words of art worth a dollar or two
of your time here living. As for you BILLIONIARE bankers out
there... buddies.. Help me up kids, your old man here is in
need of some assistance in the form of a desperate cash

Then, we shall begin our international media empire headed up
by the President and CEO of Shareware Earth Co., The Great,

King Johnny Wizard!


Scientific American - Hexafluorosilicic Acid is a Highly Toxic Chemical

/ / Scientific American had an article about the dangers of
fluoride [...] Many people don't think twice about the toxic
waste that we are drowning in. Fluoride is not what you
think, and the deceit is painfully obvious, you just have to
look. \ \


Bogus Iran story was product of Pentagon spokesman

/ / Starr added that one American boat had been given the
order to fire, and the Iranians had moved away just in time.

Porter identifies Bryan Whitman, the Pentagon's top spokesman,
as the culprit for the spurious [TREASONOUS] account.

Fifth Fleet commander Vice Admiral Kevin Cosgriff denied that
his ships had been close to firing on the Iranians. So did
destroyer commander Jeffery James. \ \

Remember, these bushite are trying to con leaderless America
into a another needless conflict, where we die for their
growing riches as war mongering privateers of this, our
'popular will' contesting as defeated already.. Johnny
America for Presidential Election Questions! Or, go back to
dying needlessly then as dunfukked "Bushite", you losered.

I'm willing to Challenge America to a Presidential Debate on
successes we've achieved as the governed for enlightenment. A
person accused of a criminal offense without any evidence is
innocent. We, as Americans, are appalled at the fact neocons
have been able to steal our authority for so long to take
America DYING into a needless, causeless war, but for to
criminally plunder at the expense of anyone's innocent son or

Pro child killer George Norry, enemy of the American soldier,
still blabs about how more must die unjustly for bin Laden
with LIES, knowing full well, video of steel flowing like
water from the WTC exists, and that General Ahmad funded Atta.


Jack Blood

Hmmm.. if this crazy thought police bill becomes law, HR.1959
then wouldn't FOXNEWS be first up for prosecution in regards
to their baseless al-Qaida/pro-terror propaganda? As TRUE
anti-Americanism to the core of what it is to be treasonous
liars in front of everyone?


Why We Fight

Bushite are using Satanic Rituals While Torturing the Innocent

Bushite enemy to Innocent prisoners "Satan is your God now."
(seen on many bushite tanks "666" Praising Satan while
chanting, "whore yeah, whore yeah", while raping, thieving,
and murdering as antichrist enemies of EVERYONE - including
GOD, if can you believe what is witnessed before all.)

Bushite ENEMY interrogators use Satanic ceremonies ordered by
Maj. Gen. Geoffrey D. Miller, during the torture of
INNOCENT People to death they kidnapped, all because American
religious males refuse, "Christians", so far, refuse to kill
SATANIC bushite on sight for true freedom and Liberty. Do not
except the excuses of bushite nazis, that being openly Satanic
for Bush's Skull and Bones, and the Bohemian Grove, is to war
for Freedom and Democracy in the New american Century. The
Son of Man States to all religious PEOPLES: Kill a bushite to
defend God in America. If necessary, You, as a dying America,
shall give every last drop of Christian blood you have to bill
the unarrested Satanic General Miller and his praising DEMONIC
ilk for their murderous treasons against GOD and Man.
(Atheists included die too with these routine indiscriminate
bombings don't you know anything.) All because America still
refuses to demand Justice for 911. Make the call, be a man.
Al-Qaida = General Mahmoud Ahmad. Bush, "The Puppet", needs
to be executed for 911, putting mercury in American vaccines,
torture, Afghanistan, Iraq, and the Military Commissions Act.

U.S. Military Wanted to Provoke War With Cuba
ABC News

/ / In the early 1960s, America's top military leaders
reportedly drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit
acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for
a war against Cuba. \ \ And Proud Vietnam Vets are TRUE
fascist cowards, who'd kill our Families for stolen riches
given to billionaire war mongers who, to this day, bask in our
stolen lives living in Mansions, while homeless vets eat their
own shit and die, worthless to the struggles against tyranny
for God. Still cowardly as evil is always ignorant. More
committed to colonies for the French like Haiti, than Freedom
for the Human beings granted the rights to Liberty.

Joker to the Thief

We laugh with Jon Stewart regarding the seven Christians set
up by the bushite to be al-kinda, to be put to death, or serve
life term prison sentences as the Innocent. BUT remember, CNN
is serious. Pro-zionist CNN, with salaries in the tens of
millions, will lie cheat and steal from Christian Americans
while smiling. Sending you to death while cashing in on all
the 'free' loot. Funny?

(EXAMPLE: So what? that BILLIONAIRE Mitt publicly supports
torturing innocent people to death without Lawyers for our
Judgment with his nazi bum chum traitor Cofer Black?. Not CNN
newsworthy as a defense for the People of America. Or how
about that Black People can't be Bishops as a moron Mormon?)

Soldiers of Ummah - unite US all to defend America from the
evil bushite thieving liars - the enemies of Justice, the
enemies of Life. Bill a bushite grunt to save innocent lives,
and in that process, be truly loved by mankind through Peace.

/ / He said they [the innocent humans] are like dogs and if
you allow them to believe at any point that they are more than
a dog then you've lost control of them \ \ Who'll save the
life of an innocent Dog from the savagery of the bushite
enemy grunter though...


Ben Venzke and Jim Melnick of is al-Qaida

/ / “In fact, his stack of papers that he reads are moved
between the exact same stacks. If you overlay the 2007 video
with the 2004 video, his face has not changed in three years -
only his beard is darker. [..] A senior U.S. intelligence
official says they believe the message is authentic \ \ HUH???
Who is this senior U.S. intelligence official not mentioned?
Are we suppose to just go in faith that bin Laden has every
micro second timed perfectly greater than a computer meshed
with clockwork oranges? Either it is the same, or it isn't..
EASILY provable. So why the ambiguity??? The ENEMY of GOD
bushite war criminals can be found here, one way, or the other
lying. Therefore, I want to engage in the Presidential
Debates to demand Justice for all concerned..

Also, Evan Coleman of NBC is a blatant traitor as al-Qaida
propagandist, and deserves to be publicly executed after a
fair trial by US, the suffering Humans. Olbermann be damned.
Al-Qaida = General Mahmoud Ahmad. I am the most prolific
writer on Earth, present on the Internet everywhere, even in
China!, yet, these corporate bush whores pretend WE don't
exist for fair measurements. Press for Freedom. Death to the
bushite, death to the enemies of America.

A Soldier Wars for God and Country

"I must tell you, I'm sleeping a lot better than people would
assume," - The propagandist enemy George W Bush, Mr. Antichrist.

No evidence against an accused is US being truly abused

Robert Gates and his bush bitches in command of the air force
bombers will be publicly executed for the crimes of
indiscriminate murdering, after fair public trial by US, his
IRAQ - 47,500 lbs..

"These are not terrorists, they are not al-Qeada, they are
ordinary innocent men, women and children."


! ! ! Boston Globe had PROOF the election was RIGGED ! ! !

They said, "oops".. defend the Boston Globe no matter what
any person or persons say. If the Editor disagrees, love him
anyway - if the paperboy shrugs, take the moment to explain -
Dictator. (realize: the tabulations haven't even been
formally released, and CNN, CBC, and FOXNEWS told US who won
before ANYONE was granted the opportunity to force such
MEASURED conclusions. We were asking for a re-count before
the count was even measured. If mathematically, 2 plus 1
doesn't equal 3, we are doomed. I want to participate in the
President's Debate for Freedom's cause - Liberty and Justice
for All. Paper ballots, paper ballots, arrests, arrests.
Otherwise, we shall be politically entertained by McMcCain!
Help us! help us! No funny.. 100 years of dying Humanity as
murder victims sound laughable? We shall therefore, hunt
bushite down to the ends of Earth and billl them where they
mute as our eternal enemies. Justice for the war profiteering

Calling on All American Gun Groups

This Will Be My Anchor

/ / U.S. bombers and jet fighters unleashed 40,000 pounds of
explosives on the southern outskirts of Baghdad within 10
minutes [...]warplanes dropped 38 1,000-pound bombs on
suspected al-Qaida safe houses and struck at least 40 of them
in the Arab Jabour area, \ \ Did they kill General Mahmoud
Ahmad? Bush or Cheney? Someone at Intelcenter or mistakenly
Colin Powell?, Aegis Blackwater or CACI? perhaps the demon
liar Sean Hannity?, or a gaggle of hated by every living just
Man - the thieving repuglicons? How about dope pushing NATO
commanders?, or the ungodly bushite air force whores of the
for real antichrist enemies of Life as Love? No.. innocent
children, women and men, who could have lived freedom for life
if the bushite enemy were dead and gone already. Bill a
bushite for God and America why don't you do it to defend
ourselves further lawless murders my brothers and sisters of
all the Faiths put together?

Again, "suspected". You kill, any and every grunting soldier
of bushite america who disagrees these perpetrators will be
hunted down individually and executed in Love - for blatant war
crimes against our innocent Humanity.

Allah Rules

"God promised land of Israel to Jewish people alone" The
Satanic Rabbi stressed as a demonic liar enemy who speaks
injustice against US as the innocent loved by a true God held
in silent awe.

G-D wills a demand this quote verified by the Rabbi, if true,
he will, and all other LIARS like him, be severely punished as
a blasphemer against the Torah, the Quran, and Johnny - The
King of Earth - Son to God. For a true Jew, as God wills
through Law, loves all People to be free to live for
happiness: be We Catholic, Hindu, or Atheist. Zionists of
today, all abled men bill for Justice to defend our innocent
lives, for, they as Satanic liars steal from US as the
ungodly. Real Jews don't murder innocent people to steal
their rights to Life for money. Nothing worse than a Zionist
nazi "jew" with money they never earned, but stole in the
names of the suffering Peoples. We, the Jew of Jews now kill
'lawless' bushite daily for the pleasures of all Humanity.
Their surviving pro-nazi families faithfully cry as bushite
out to "God", not for understanding, but in contempt of
America and Liberty. It is always a shame on me and my
Brother Jesus, but bushite die RIGHTLY to defend a desperate
G-d as an innocently dying eternal Mankind. The People.
Please, do not Forsake me.

"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad"

Fear an awesome God my Friends, fear for your soul in jeopardy

...all? ..ahhh...


American Women are Raped by Bushite and American men are
too cowardly to call pro-child killer happy George Norry
to speak in defense of Lovers. Kill 'lawless' Blackwater
mercenaries who are hired to murder from the worst of
military dictatorships, or don't and die your 'neighbor’
a coward in godless tyranny without choices to choose
then. Don't wait till your neighbor falls, defend them
now as if they were you left undefended. Rape, like murder,
will always be a crime, despite what TV zionist celebs
state about godless 'lawlessness' granting free reign
in Our America. Blackwater is guilty. Defend Humanity,
defend God. I'ves sorted them out, now kill'em.

/ / Jones' attorney and Rep. Ted Poe, R-Houston, said last
month that 13 women had come forward with similar [RAPE]
cases. \ \

Realize: the number is easily ten times higher, due to women
fearing that so few of none real men wear the antichrist
uniforms. Example: The mass murderer child killer who
expresses no remorse as an enemy of life has this on the only
page of his web site, "Innocent Until Proven Guilty in a Court
of Law" Yet, of course.. ahhfuk, how evil do you have to

Supply Administration-SgtG27
Sgt G sends

"Some people dream of success. I live to crush those dreams."

A Bushite is an enemy of America

voting machine firm has [HUGE] executive criminal record

Sure, the only guy who supports the DEMON Bush religiously
"wins" a landslide of support. Despite the fact that Bush
holds MUCH less than 24% support, and murdered thousands in
New York City, and that REAL men hate bushite to death for
warring Humanity without cause but for to murder, rape and
THIEVE. (only 125,000 people voted in a State that is told
they are critical in corporate media determinations on who
will terrorize my undefended America further - who buys this
C.R.A.P.? Happy George Norry of course does, and as such,
isn't allowing US to speak any important questions on life and
death. Why? Because he's happily into murdering defenseless
innocent children. He told US so. And his loyal fans,
couldn't care less for THEIR OWN alien offspring, never mind
YOUR forsaken child.)

/ / The only officer charged in the Abu Ghraib prison abuse
scandal has been cleared [...] Jordan said. "I don't know if
any officer needed to be held accountable [for, for fun,
torturing innocent godly people to death. Innocent people we
kidnapped - fully confessed] \ \ DIE BUSHITE DIE

Chief Zionist rabbi thanks Bush for 'war against Iraq'

/ / "I want to thank you for your support of Israel and in
particular for waging a war against Iraq," Metzger told Bush,
according to the chief rabbi's spokesman.

Bush reportedly answered that the chief rabbi's words "warmed
his heart." \ \

See what evil is my friends? Zionists are sworn public
enemies of Life and God.


Something Crazy Here

/ / Pakistan President General Pervez Musharraf has disclosed
that Omar Sheikh, who kidnapped and murdered American
journalist Daniel Pearl and is now facing death penalty, was
actually the British secret Agency MI6 \ \ Mr Zubair was the
lead investigator - Omar Sheikh was reported executed,

[JUST BEFORE BEING MURDERED] BBC had censored Bhutto's remarks
in which she claimed that Omar Sheikh had murdered Osama bin
Laden several years ago. - Man, imagine if she were
questioned on what info she had based her conclusion, and had
had the story that the BBC wouldn't have reported either.
Again, CBC, CNN et al., are traitors pretending to be open for
communicating the facts. just like the pro-child killer
traitor George Norry, Ian Punnet, and the evil Art Bell.

/ / Daniel Pearl was kidnapped in Karachi in 2002 and beheaded
by Al Qaeda's number three, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. Mr Zubair
was the lead investigator \ \

See? this is why the True American Patriot Soldier bills the
unarrested for TREASON as a self confessed war criminal,
Rommney's "lawless" undie buddie, Cofer Black and partners for
raping American women, kidnapping, torture, and pre-meditated
mass murder.

Mitt's Mercenary Ties


/ / Let me repeat that for emphasis: The #3 guy at the State
Dept [Marc Grossman] facilitated the immediate release of 911
suspects at the request of targets of the FBI's investigation. \ \

Marc Grossman needs to be immediately arrested without bail
for the crimes of 911 as High Treason. Along with these guys
to name most the rest ...

103 Suspected 9-11 Criminal Co-conspirators

Bushite soldiers on FOXNEWS who mumble disagreement, are
enemies of every American still breathing.


"It is clear to me that any error of omission or commission by
Capt. Stone does not warrant action under the Uniform Code of
Military Justice," Lt. Gen. James Mattis wrote.

This TRAITOR women hating child killer, a for sure al-Qaida
operative, "mad dog" Mattis has not been to an actual law
school, and is dumber than the average bush bitch nazi punk,
so what are we suppose to expect from such an enemy of Life
and God?

/ / Naval Criminal Investigative Services further concluded
that the civilians were deliberately targeted \ \ Yet, "Mad
Dog" Mattis states nobody did nothing... dats cus hees der
jooge.. NCIS or the "mad dog"? you decide as dying amerkan
evil doers for the demon antichrist thieves

Be a man. Bravely support my call for open public debate
today American grunters.

Pentagon Won't Probe KBR [GANG] Rape Charges

And American men say.... what?? Nothing in defense of their
own women?, like dope pushing BUSHITE NATO refuses too for


Corporate News Whores are Evil to All Humans Being

/ / In spite of being evil geniuses of the internet it never
occurred to anyone in Al Qaeda to put Adam Gadahn into Google.
So unconcerned and trusting is this secretive criminal
uber-gang that they made Mr Pearlman their chief spokesman. \ \
As this writer stresses, REALIZE: CNN, CBC, and FOXNEWS
with George Norry, the Demon, make no words over it.. Fuk,
George Norry, that pro-child killing bush bitch nazi whore for
the lawless antichrist, who is nationally broadcasted for
blinded dumb amerikans - who as reported, will continue to die
US as his treasonous annunciations. All by refusing to demand
our interests be defended TRULY - with his BLANTANT demonic
LYING and cheating of the facts to make others believe his
demon con to die further innocents as more murder victims.
Again, the pro-killing of innocent People george norry doesn't
own my voice for Justice, but apparently, he owns amerikans
when he says "We" love to suffer god on a cross as Our
Humanity for his stolen glory - riches - life is easy: Bush
isn't the lawless antichrist being lawless and so antichrist
like. No evidence required for American listeners lost to
form THEIR won conclusions with the facts so readily available
as 'unfound'. George Norry, the child killer will lose, for
he is an evil man, truly evil as opposed to conceiving a
better world through Justice practiced as ourselves.

Israelis Beating Palestinian children with sticks

/ / "Fallujans have now been offered a choice: hand over the
outsiders or get blown apart by the world's most lethal
killing machine, the [dumfuk enemy of MAN] U.S. Marines!" \ \
Bill a bushite to save the lives of helpless innocent men,
women, and children of America.

Heaven Won't Take Marines

LOOK! The lawless bushite is warring Humanity to bring about
near what was there prior to them attacking.. THINK: they
are trying to bring about the stability that their continuing
conduct decreases through further LAWLESS rape, theft, and
murder. Bill a bushite for God and America why don't you do
it to save the atheists for Heaven as all included? Bushites
are evil enemies of US all my friend, enemies of US all.

/ / At dawn, armed rebels stormed three police stations in the
towns of Haditha and Haqlaniyah, 140 miles northwest of
Baghdad, killing 22 policemen. Some were lined up and shot
execution-style, police and hospital officials. Abu Musab
al-Zarqawi, believed headquartered in Fallujah, claimed
responsibility for the attacks on Haditha and Haqlaniyah. \ \
bushite murdered more than two hundred thousand innocent souls
with a least nine two thousand pound bombs, killing firstly
doctors and nurses, telling the People of Iraq, that Zarqawi
(channel changer Kimmitt admits a total psychop) was a bad guy
worth trying to kill. Reminder: Zarqawi would target his own
children, and brag about it for rotten Rumsfeld! Evil is the
deceived disguised. Bushite are cop killers as enemies of
freedom for America. They refuse to enforce the public
execution of those soldiers who kidnapped barefooted children
and beat them to death on video tape. They refuse to bill
Blackwater for raping American women. REFUSE, as zionist nazi
enemies of Justice for Humanity. Kill a bushite to save the
lives of the innocent a lawless bushite enemy targets for

/ / Step 2: Public relations. Tell the world the city we are
about to storm has been emptied of civilians: \ \

Proud bushite enemies of God and Man state:

"Heaven Won't Take Marines and Hell Is Afraid They'll Take Over."

See? A bushite is an enemy of the Family, who rapes and
murders for the demon antichrist thieves. Dishonorable to the
core of what it means to be a free man, they die in cowardice,
too afraid to defend what's right as true. A liar, a thief, a
murderer, that is what a bush whore nazi grunt who states life
must die for as lawlessness. They war Humanity as bush whore
slaves for the escape of the neocon liars for 911. (General
Ahmad funded Atta) They support torture by silence, they
support raping women by silence, they support robbing The
Peoples by silence, and they support killing themselves for
FOXNEWS to continue LYING to America about what it costs to be
a bush bitch who chants routinely, "whore yeah, whore yeah"
Death to the bushite, death to the enemies of freedom in
Johnny's America to talk openly with the FACTS absent Coast to
Coast hosts Demonic censorship of American voices as Liberty.

1. The ISI's General, Mahmoud Ahmad funded 911's Atta

2. We have video of iron flowing like water from the towers

Eight U.S. State Department Veterans Challenge the Official Account of 9/11

Coast to Coast hosts are TRUE traitors to God as our dying
America. They, like CNN, CBC, and the BBC state they read our
emails, and receive our calls. But like Art Bell, they just
ignore our concerns to die for their continuing bounties of
lawless tyranny through demonic proxy. Happy George Norry is
truly a demonic evil force for enslavement of our species.
Sure, he might tell you the NWO is out to get you, BUT, he
will also tell you, you can't do anything about it.
"Truthers" will near tell you the very same thing, again,
absent the two indisputable pieces of evidence, that point
MORE directly at who is personally responsible for closing
criminal investigations; not bin Laden. Bush and Cheney. No
no no no! the "truthers" scream, that would require taking a
stand for freedom against terror, a stand for justice as
America - and Americans would rather die, than admit their
cowardly dying nazi fascist savages for the Zionist Neocon.
Look at the child killer Tatum, pronounced by CNN as a "Hero",
yet, the bushite, (like Judge "mad dog" Mattis,) freely
confesses without remorse to slaughtering defenseless innocent
children at point blank range for his sadistically demonic
pleasures. And American Gun groups make little of no effort
to identify the culprits, so all of everyone alive can know
where these two true bushite enemies of Humanity can be found
'escaping'. Never. Tatum, the child killer will not live in
our world as a "free" bushite, found "innocent" of the crimes
he "freely" confesses to committing against Humanity and God.
Kill a bushite, and be loved by America as True Liberator.

Death to the bushite, death to the enemies of Justice as reason
to believe: The truth shall set US free!

/ / HPV Vaccine Hoax Exposed: FDA Documents Reveal HPV "Not
Associated with Cervical Cancer" \ \
(last half hour with don't miss Alex going into
godmode earlier either - Wow!

Evil Beyond the Extreme - they want to imprison the dying
American as intelligent while bushite openly murders women.
Women. Support my call to demand open challenge for public
debate. Please, be real.

Bush administration officials KNOW HPV vaccines cause an
INCREASE in Cancer by 44.6% for women, and men of zionist
america refuse to demand Justice for Humanity, or Justice for
Johnny. Demand WE be allowed to debate bushite regarding
this, torture, and 911 for God as Liberty. American
corporations actively attempt to MURDER American women, and
American "Men" refuse to phone someone who cares... Support
Johnny's call to allow truth prevail through American public
debates, or don't you good for nothing evil nazi vermin scums.
In Canada, and the USA, the 'talk' radio circuit promote
torture because blahblahblah - they refuse a real man like
Johnny to speak for public challenge. Not allowing US, The
People to know why torture is irrational as a high crime
warranting the death penalty. With wisdom?, or the dark
tyranny of ignorance through theft and murder? What Art Bell
publicly today advocates without a defensive measured
challenge for Justice.


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