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Notícies :: pobles i cultures vs poder i estats
Freedom for Catalonia!
10 set 2007
Catalan Countries are a little nation without sovereignty, in the east of the Iberian Peninsula and south of the Pyrenean mountain range. There are 4 important capitals: València, Palma de Mallorca, Perpinyà and Barcelona.

They have a population of about 12 million people and their native language is CATALAN.

In Catalonia,more than the 40% of the population is in favour of independence: we demand complete national sovereignty for the Catalan Countries, that is total political independence from France and Spain.

Politically the Catalan Countries are, at the present, 3 Autonomous Communities within the Spanish state plus a region of the French state. They have 3 parliaments, which, however, have little legislative power, and 3 autonomous government called Govern Balear, Generalitat Valenciana and Generalitat de Catalunya. They became part of the Spanish state in 1707-1714. In those years, the army of the kingdom of Castlile invaded the Catalan Countries and from then on they were no longer a sovereign state.

Until the present, the Castilian kings, at first, and then the different Spanish governments and dictatures have tried to eliminate the Catalan cultural identity and create animosity between the Catalans and the rest of the people in the Iberian Peninsula. Nevertheless the Catalans have managed to keep their language and traditions alive and we, the Catalans, continue to claim the sovereignty that was ours but was taken from us by armed force.

This work is in the public domain


Re: Freedom for Catalonia!
10 set 2007
barcelona is not catalonia, catalonia is not spain, spain is no europe, europe is not world and world is nothing.
Re: Freedom for Catalonia!
11 set 2007
I am not Catalino. I am xarnego. Freedom for Xarnelandia. Xarnelandia is under the opression of Catalonia.
Re: Freedom for Catalonia!
11 set 2007

XarnegO? Espanyol i imbecil més aviat.
Re: Freedom for Catalonia!
11 set 2007
Tximbambes is an opresed nation under Xarnelandia, who is an opressed nation under Catalonia, who is an opressed nation under Spain. At the time me Tximbambero, I'm opressing my wife at home and the moron at street
Re: Freedom for Catalonia!
11 set 2007
Re: Freedom for Catalonia!
15 set 2007
Molt be. A mi si me parece muy buen. Sobre todo lo de sexualitats.
España es una puta mierda!!!!

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