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German Racism
06 jul 2007
how they ruined the promising career of a young Indian research scholar suffering from writers’ cramps in the Stuttgart University in Germany despite his showing extraordinarily brilliant qualification
An appeal to the Spanish people

Dear friends,

German universities practise covert racism in permitting doctorate under exemption rule between British and Indian graduates despite extraordinary performance

Please read in
how they ruined the promising career of a young Indian research scholar suffering from writers’ cramps in the Stuttgart University in Germany despite his showing extraordinarily brilliant qualification. In the google search engine in the same page where my page is listed, listed also is a book review in San
Francisco Chronicle about a book which says that racism is deeply embedded in the German psyche.

This can be remedied by the rest of the world only by reminding the Germans repeatedly about Holocaust and boycotting their cars and products following the example set by Jews not letting the Germans forget about their crimes against humanity.

Please spread this message worldwide and start a movement to boycott German cars and products! Mercedes BMW Porsche Siemens Bosch. Only if their economy which is very much dependent on export is hurt will they realize that they should consider themselves as members of the human family and not super humans who can trample the rights of other races unchallenged.

Many German Ph.Ds particularly from University of Stuttgart are copy cats of Scientific Journals in English. Some of them become even professors in their universities. They get away with this since their medium is German and their English is poor. Their Nobel laureates are exceptions that prove the rule.

Please spread this also worldwide

It would be good if groups of young men and women are formed who would spend an hour a week totally not continuously but in short stretches for this internet campaign. They may use this as a pastime.

This work is in the public domain


Re: German Racism
06 jul 2007
Jo no crec que els alemanys siguin avui en dia ni la mitat de racistes del que són francesos, espanyols o italians. I precisament és pe rla vergonya històrica produïda pel nazisme.

Així que em sembla que tot i que com a tot arreu de ben segur que a alemanya encara hi queden racistes, i potser que algú hagi estat discriminat per motius racistes, no em sembla que es pugui acusar a l'Estat Alemany de fomentar o instigar al racisme, i ni tan sols a la societat alemanya.

Crec que com sempre els arguments fàcils fan enfadar aquest noi, però no hem d'oblidar qui és que representa actualment el tipus de feixisme hitlerià: els Estats Units d'Amèrica. De ben segur que el mateix estat indi té comportaments racistes, i no per això li farem un boicot.

Jo els boicots me'ls reservaria per a qui toca, per aquells que practiquen un racisme sistemàtic contra els àrabs i africans, per aquells que presentant-se com a víctimes de conflictes passats aprofiten per dur a la pràctica un genocidi, per aquells que malmeten el planeta... Siusplau deixem ja de caure sempre en l'anècdota i preocupem-nos d'allò fonamental, no endeguem una creudad mundial sols preocupada en un cas singular i únic i alimentem els moviments socials que han de dur el canvi en la nostra societat.
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