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Independent Media Center
Notícies :: globalització neoliberal : indymedia : pobles i cultures vs poder i estats
Audio contra G8 : Mataro infopoint
10 jun 2007
3 dias do infos contra el G8 en Mataro infopoint, traduire en espanol luego. uno audio en espanol : el ultimo noche del infopoint a Mataro

Report of the infopoint

Call:G8; Call for global infopoint network In conjunction to the alternative media material that has already started coming out of Germany about whats going on, We want to encourage the setting up of a network of nodal infopoints outside of the protest area for people in their local area to be able to go to and find out first hand whats going on.

global infopoint network : Sao Paulo Brasil | Sikasso, South Mali | Convergence Space Berlin | Mataro contra G8 | RAMPART, London | Porto Against the G8 (Portugal) | Napoli

wednesday 6th - friday 8th June 2007 In Matero we had 3 days of live connection with Heiligendamm, live screenings of g8-tv, films, live radio, prerecorded radio, a little kafeta/ party here on Friday 8th during which we did a 40 minute audio discussion with people present:

Mataro contra G8: reflections on the last day at the infopoint: Audio file: 40 mins, language: Spanish: OGG|MP3

3 questions 1 - What are your reflections after watching films and footage from the G8? 2 - What do you think of the G8? 3 - What do you do in your everyday life to change things?

audios found at Indybay International previous Indymedia Barcelona post : Mataro Contra G8 : local infopoint for alternative media 6 -8 June

Many programs were screened from G8-TV. We also screened some of the following: One demonstration will change the course of earths history|Protest G8 - 2007| fuck G8| stop G8|G8 cops run off.Clown Army...|Send in the Clowns (Scotland 2005-G8)|ANTI--NAZI -DEMONSTRATION|G8 -Rave against the Machine|G8 trouble in Rostock|police hunting black block|BBC - Riots break out at German rally|Carlo Giuliani|Polizist schlägt Frau (Rostock G8)|G8 Rostock - Polizei schlägt friedliche / cops punch woman and also a few other sorts: Waking life|Baraka|The Philosophers' Football Match : Monty Python|

Prior to the G8, a few Australians stopped off at La Fibra and did an audio interview about the G8, why they were going, their impresssions of the Barcelona/Mataro social movements and also stories from their own local resistance to the G20 in Melbourne. Audio: OGG, language: 50 minutes: ratbags enroute to g8

Mira també:

This work is in the public domain


list of places from around planet that took action against G8 2007
10 jun 2007
There are probably a lot more, just that they have not been reported yet- we are winning

Global Action Against G8-2007

Latin America

Brasil:Sao Paulo:1|2|3|4|5|6|Porto Alegre:1|2| Costa Rica: San Jose| Ecuador:Quito|Vid| Chile:Santiago:1|2|3| Venezuela:Caracas

North America

US:Milwaukee|Ashville|San Francisco:1|Vid|Houston




Australia:Melbourne New Zealand:Aotearoa:Wellington:1|2

East Asia



Austria:Vienna:1|2|3|Linz:1|2| Denmark:Copenhagen:1|2|3|4|5| Catalunya/Spain:Barcelona:1|2|Mataro Nederlands:Amsterdam| Portugal:Porto:1|2| Ireland:Dublin| Greece:Thessaloniki|Athens| UK:Norwich|London:1|2|Bristol|Edinburgh| Russia:Moscow:1|2| Ukraine:Kiev:1|2| Poland:Hel:1|2| Italy:1|2|3 Germany:Bremen|Wiesbaden|Reutlingen|Köln|Plauen|Detmold|Leipzig|Mannheim|Hamburg|Berlin|Oldenburg:1|2|Darmstadt:1|2| G8 Heiligendamm

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