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Anunci :: guerra
Six Day War Deceptions
09 jun 2007
Did Israel provoke the Six-Day War? (Dutch /w English subtitles) Dutchman Jan Mühren, former UN observer stationed at the Israeli border, describes how he witnessed Israel provoke it's neighbors in the run-up to the Six-Day War. Mühren says Israel was not the small innocent country under existential threat from it's neighbors, as has been written in our history books. 'It was the exact opposite.'
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Re: Six Day War Deceptions
10 jun 2007
Sempre tergiversen l'Història en favor dels invasors, i en contra dels pobles oprimits (ara amb Armes de Destrucció massiva com a excusa, abans amb "el perill comunista"...quina excusa tenien aleshores contra el Poble Palestí?
La mentida com a arma letal.
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