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Notícies :: criminalització i repressió
URGENT: [IRLANDA] Accions de suport a Róisin McAliskey davant la seva demanda d'extradició
01 jun 2007
Senyal Trànsit stop 2.jpg
La Coalició de Dones Republicanes Irlandeses demana accions urgents davant el darrer intent d’extradició de Róisin McAliskey a Alemanya. La seva extradició està prevista pel 6 de juny de 2007. Necessitem desesperadament la teva immediata ajuda per tal de presionar el govern britànic per a evitar-ho.


Róisin McAliskey és una veïna de 35 anys de Coalisland, Comptat de Tyrone (Irlanda del Nord). Ella és filla de l’activista pels drets civils i antiga Membre del Parlament Bernadette Devlin. Róisin és la mare de dos criaturas, la primera de les quals va néixer mentre ella era empresonada sense fiança a Anglaterra degut a un anterior requeriment d’extradició realitzat el 1996, en relació a una atac amb morter de l’Exèrcit Republicà Irlandès (IRA) a una base militar britànica a Osnabruck (Alemanya).

Róisin McAiliskey sempre ha negat la seva participació a l’atac, i algunes proves demostren que ella era a Irlanda, i no pas a Alemanya, en el moment de l’atac.
Menys d’un any després de l’acció, un testimoni proposat per la fiscalia d’Alemanya no va poder identificar a Róisin McAliskey en una fotografia recent.

El 1998, després de protestes internacionals, el Secretari d’Estat Britànic, Jack Straw, va refusar la seva extradició, argumentant que dita extradició podria ser “injusta i opressiva�. Conseqüentment, la Fiscalia de la Corona Britànica va trobar que no hi havien suficient proves per a justificar el procés.

El passat dilluns 21 de Maig de 2007, el Govern Britànic va tornar a detenir Róisin McAliskey atenent una nova petició d’extradició per part de l’estat alemany, relacionada també amb el ja mencionat atac a Osnabruck. Aquesta nova petició es va realitzar a l’octubre, però el Govern Britànic no va actuar fins a set mesos més tard. El Govern Bitànic està tirant endavant els procediments d’extradició, malgrat la primera petició del govern alemany va ser denegada, argumentant que no hi havia proves suficients per a l’extradició. Afortunadament, aquest cop, Róisin mcAliskey va ser alliberada després de pagar la fiança.

Qué pots fer?

1. Actuar!

2. Protestar davant el consulat o ambaixada britànica més propera el proper divendres 1 de juny de 2007. (Per a una llista de consultas britànics pots consultar això: )
Nosaltres podem oferir-te un text per a la premsa i una carta per a l’ambaixador     o cónsul. Si us plau, fes-nos saber si decideixes unir-te a les nostres     manifestacions coordinades.

3. Pots contactar amb els següents organismes per tal de pressionar-los per a evitar l’extradició de Róisin McAliskey a Alemanya:

British governmental addresses:

Irish governmental addresses:
- taoiseach ARROBA (salutation: Honorable Taoiseach)
- minister ARROBA (salutation: Honorable Minister Ahern)

Human rights organizations:
- (please select "urgent actions")
- Nearest office of Human Rights Watch, which may be found at

Also, British Irish Rights Watch, for which we have only a postal address:
Jane Winter, Director
British Irish Rights Watch
13b Hillgate Place
London SW 12 9ES

Suggerim que incloguis els punts que t’escrivim a sota a les teves cartes. Si prefereixes simplement “reenviar�, t’oferim una carta model per a cada categoria de contacte.

Els punts:

* Róisin McAliskey sempre ha mantingut la seva inocencia i proves substancials ho demostren, incloent el fet que el principal testimoni de l’acusació no la va poder reconèixer en una fotografia recent, només uns pocs mesos després de l’atac.

* El govern britànic ja va determinar una vegada que no hi havia proves suficients per a extraditar-la pels fets d’Ostraburck.

* Ja han pasta onze anys des de l’atac, cosa que fa molt més difícil la realització d’un judici just i una bona defensa contra els càrrecs. Els testimonis tindràn més dificultats en determinar concretament el que van presenciar. Alguns potser hauran mort o hauran esdevingut incapacitats, incapaços de testificar correctament sense alterar el que aquestes persones haurien presenciat.

* El moment en que Róisin McAliskey ha estat arrestada i el retardament en l’inici dels processos d’extradició, suggereixen que l’arrest pot haver sigut un intent de desestabilitzar el reestablert govern nord-irlandès, per part d’elements, dins el Govern Britànic, contraris al procés de pau a Irlanda del Nord, com pot ser l’MI5 (militars) ***Aquest punt és millor que no sigui enviat a organismes oficials, però pot ser enviat a les organitzaxions de defensa dels drets humans****

Cartes model:

Sample letter for British governmental offices:

I am writing to oppose the extradition of Róisín McAliskey to Germany.

Ms. McAliskey has always denied involvement in the Osnabruck attack, and substantial evidence supports her innocence. She was in Ireland at the time of the attack. Within a few months of the attack, one of the chief prosecution witnesses, when interviewed on German television, was unable to identify Ms. McAliskey as a participant. Consistent with this state of evidence, the British government previously determined there was insufficient evidence to prosecute Ms. McAliskey in Britain. It rejected a request by Germany to take over the prosecution.

In addition, the passage of nearly 11 years since the attack has made it unlikely Ms. McAliskey can obtain a fair trial and defend herself against the charges. Witnesses will have become difficult to locate, and some may have died or become incapacitated. Even available witnesses' memories will have dimmed substantially or been artificially shaped by intervening publicity about the case. Physical evidence may have deteriorated or be unavailable for testing by the defense.

I ask that you use all of your power and influence to refuse Germany's extradition request.



Sample letter for Irish governmental offices:

I am writing to request that the Irish government use all of its power and influence with the British government to oppose the extradition of Róisín McAliskey to Germany.

Ms. McAliskey has always denied involvement in the Osnabruck attack, and substantial evidence supports her innocence. She was in Ireland at the time of the attack. Within a few months of the attack, one of the chief prosecution witnesses, when interviewed on German television, was unable to identify Ms. McAliskey as a participant. Consistent with this state of evidence, the British government previously determined there was insufficient evidence to prosecute Ms. McAliskey in Britain. It rejected a request by Germany to take over the prosecution.

In addition, the passage of nearly 11 years since the attack has made it unlikely Ms. McAliskey can obtain a fair trial and defend herself against the charges. Witnesses will have become difficult to locate, and some may have died or become incapacitated. Even available witnesses' memories will have dimmed substantially or been artificially shaped by intervening publicity about the case. Physical evidence may have deteriorated or be unavailable for testing by the defense.

I ask that you use all of your power and influence to request that the British government refuse Germany's extradition request for Róisín McAliskey.



Sample letter for human rights organizations:

I am writing to request that your organization speak out against the proposed extradition of Róisín McAliskey to Germany by the British government.

This is the second attempt by Germany to extradite Ms. McAliskey for alleged participation in a June, 1996 attack on a British military base at Osnabruck, Germany. The British government imprisoned Ms. McAliskey pending extradition for approximately 17 months before finally releasing and refusing to extradite her in 1998.

Ms. McAliskey has always denied involvement in the Osnabruck attack, and substantial evidence supports her innocence. She was in Ireland at the time of the attack. Within a few months of the attack, one of the chief prosecution witnesses, when interviewed on German television, was unable to identify Ms. McAliskey as a participant. Consistent with this state of evidence, the British government previously determined there was insufficient evidence to prosecute Ms. McAliskey in Britain. It rejected a request by Germany to take over the prosecution.

In addition, the passage of nearly 11 years since the attack has made it unlikely Ms. McAliskey can obtain a fair trial and defend herself against the charges. Witnesses will have become difficult to locate, and some may have died or become incapacitated. Even available witnesses' memories will have dimmed substantially or been artificially shaped by intervening publicity about the case. Physical evidence may have deteriorated or be unavailable for testing by the defense.

The timing of Róisín McAliskey's arrest and the British government's six-month delay in acting upon Germany's October 2006 extradition request strongly suggest the arrest may an attempt to scuttle the newly-restored devolved government in Belfast by some elements within the British government opposed to the Northern Ireland peace process .

I ask that you use the prestige and influence of your organization to pressure the British government to refuse Germany's extradition request for Róisín McAliskey and to help mobilize the public in opposition to her extradition.



**We thank you all for your support and any help on the behalf of Roisin McAliskey will be appreciated.*
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