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29 mai 2007
The Basic Reader on Networked Politics: “Rethinking political organisation in an age of movements and networks�, done in occasion of a seminar to be hold next week in Berlin – June 2007, is ready. |
ReaderBerlinNP02.pdf (1022,23 KiB) |
Contents Basic Reader
1.Intro: Networked Politics in Berlin
i. Principles and Challenges
"Where are we at?" by Ezequiel Adamovsky and Micha Brie review the principles so far. Extending the process.
Appendix: New participants and invitees to contribute their principles and challenges.
ii.Case studies
Summaries of main theses- issues/questions arising from four case studies
commissioned after the Barcelona seminar
+ Social movement trade unionism. By Ant Ince.
+ Open software movement. By Stefano Fabri
+ Feminism and political organisation: the experience of the German Greens.
Preliminary notes by Frieder OttoWolf
+ The experience of Internet world governance. By Vittorio Bertola
iii. Dictionary
Intro. The vocabulary of a new politics. By Marco Berlinguer
Comment. The politics of dictionaries: who is writing?. By Lawrence Cox .
Example. Global social movement. By Donatella della Porta
3. The four lines of inquiry. New questions for research.
i Ownership and the Commons.
Intro: Joan Subirat.
Papers: "Common Good – the story so far and a map for the future" by Bruno Amoroso and "Free software as a Common" by Arturo di Corinto
ii Labour and the movements.
Intro: Marco Berlinguer
Papers "Class unity and the transformation of
labour" by Carlo Formenti, "A New Social Unionism, Internationalism
Communication and Culture -in a Nutshell" by Peter Waterman plus appeal from Nairobi WSF.
iii The new web communities and political culture.
Intro: Mayo Fuster
Papers "Reaction to Open Source as a Metaphor
for New Institutions" by Felix Stalder and "Ten Theses on Non-Democratic Electronics" by Geert Lovink and Ned Rossiter
iv Democracy beyond representation
Intro Hilary Wainwright
Papers "The Cartel Party" by Peter Maier, "Post - democracy" by Carlos Formenti and "Beyond representative democracy: how we can do things differently" by Christopher Spehr.
4. Tuesday a.m brainstorm
Emerging subjects of transformation – their existence, character and conditions of emergence
5. Biographies
Menu of maximum reader
6. Further reading - Mobilising against the G8. Ben Trott
7. Seminar programme |
This work is in the public domain |