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Notícies :: criminalització i repressió
Solidaritat amb el poble iraní
12 des 2006
El Partit Comunista de l'Iran (il·legalitzat) fa una crida a l'esquerra mundial per lluitar contra la brutal opressió del règim fonamentalista contra les llibertats i els drets del poble treballador, entre elles la llibertat d'expressió i els drets d'associació i vaga
Workers and International Working Unions and Institutions!
Leftist and Freedom-loving Parties and Organizations!
Human Rights Organizations and Institutions!
With high regards!
In the system of suffocation and dictatorship created by the Islamic Republic of Iran there is no sign
of right to strike, right of freedom of expression or workers’ right of forming independent unions.
Workers’ protests are suppressed severely by the police and civil-clothed agents. Worker activists
are sentenced to imprisonment and exile and have no political or social security. Workers in Iran
continue their daily struggles and protests bravely and for the same reason they want constant
international solidarity and support.
The Worker activists, who celebrated May First independently in the city of Saqez in 2004, have
been once again put on trial by the regime of the Islamic Republic. Mahmud Saalehi and Jalaal
Hosseini, two activists in the Iranian working movement who were arrested during the May First
celebrations in the city of Saqez, will be once again put on trail on October 16th and 18th on charges
of sedition acts. As well Borhaan Divaargar has been sentenced in his absence to two years jail and
the charges against Mohsen Hakimi still stand.
The trial against these worker activists and the issued charges against them go against all the
internationally recognized workers’ rights and criteria. We ask you all the worker unions and
institutions, leftist and freedom-loving parties and organizations as well as all the international
human rights institutions to condemn the trial of these worker activists and the inhumane sentences
issued by the regime of the Islamic Republic against them. We ask you to put pressure on the
regime in any way possible in order to revoke these verdicts and recognize Iranian workers’
democratic rights, such as the right to form their independent unions, to hold independent working
assemblies and the right of freedom of strike. These worker activists need your legal support such
as providing them with lawyers as well as your financial support to be able to confront the regime’s
judicial system.
Iranian workers for sure need the international support and solidarity of their fellow-destined
workers in order to be able to come over the regime’s conspiracies. Even this much of your support
will have a great influence on the process of the Iranian workers’ struggles and in the long run will
give them more reinforcement in continuing their struggles against this system of suffocation and
Workers! Freedom-loving People! Pro-working movement organizations and institutions!
Let’s decisively protest against the issued verdicts by the regime of the Islamic Republic
against Mahmud Salehi, Jalaal Hosseini and all other Iranian worker activists and convey
their rightful voices to be heard all over the world.
Abroad Committee of Communist Party of Iran

This work is in the public domain


Re: Solidaritat amb el poble iraní
12 des 2006
Seguro que hay alguien que no va a poder evitar decir que esto es una intoxicación de la CIA.
Re: Solidaritat amb el poble iraní
13 des 2006
no siguis paranoic ameba, tot i que el partit comunista irania tambe es caga en la politica imperialista d'eeuu i israel. et fot? grata't
Sindicato Sindicat