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Aturem una execució als USA, prevista per al 31 d'agost de 2006
per Koordinadora d'Osona kontra la tortura |
17 ago 2006
Derrick W. Frazier està al corredor de la mort de Texas des del 1998, que és quan va ser processat i cosiderat culpable d’assassinat, i va ser condemnat a mort.
Malgrat haver estat anys intentant desesperadament provar la seva innocència , la data de la seva execució ha estat fixada per al 31 d’agost del 2006. |
Per al governador de Texas, Rick Perry: podeu signar aquesta petició a
(traducció aproximada: si algú la pot completar i millorar, si us plau, que ho faci!)
Derrick W. Frazier està al corredor de la mort de Texas des del 1998, que és quan va ser processat i cosiderat culpable d’assassinat, i va ser condemnat a mort.
Malgrat haver estat anys intentant desesperadament provar la seva innocència , la data de la seva execució ha estat fixada per al 31 d’agost del 2006.
Ens dirigim al Governador Rick Perry de Texas per tal que suspengui aquesta execució, basant-nos en les raons següents:
- El dret constitucional a un advocat va ser denegat al Sr Mr. Frazier durant la seva detenció idurant els interrogatoris dels instructors del cas.
- No li va ser facilitada representació legal, ni abans ni durant el judici.
- El seu dret a un jurat imparcial tampoc no va ser contemplat (Una dona membre del jurat va sentir per casualitat que un dels testimonis li deia a un membre de la famÃlia de les vÃctimes: “és mortâ€?, mentre feia amb la mà el gest de tallar el coll a algú).
- L’evidència no es va tenir en compte durant el procés. (El video en què el Sr. Frazier confessa haver mort una de les vÃctimes es va admetre i mostrar al jurat com a evidència. Aquesta confessió, la va fer després que els policies l’amenacessin: seria condemnat a mort si no confessava, i se li oferien a canvi trenta anys de presó, però després de la confessió van retirar aquesta oferta)
- El jurat tampoc no va veure altres videos en què el Sr. Frazier negava haver mort ningú, i tampoc no se’ls va dir res de l’oferta feta dels trenta anys de presó.
- No es va tenir en compte mai la prova de l’evidència fÃsica. (La roba que el Sr. Frazier vestia quan es van produir els assassinats no va ser analitzada per tal de saber si ell havia disparat, o no, alguna arma, amb la qual es poguessin haver comès els assassinats).
- Manca d’evidència fÃsica.
(No hi ha absolutament cap evidència fÃsica que inculpi el Sr. Frazier. Tots els indicis fÃsics apunten a l'altra
persona acusada).
- Les instruccions al jurat van ser ambÃgües. (La instrucció va presentar al jurat cinc teories diferents, alguna de les quals implicava un altre crim, i es va instruir al jurat en el sentit que, si se'l trobava culpable en una d'aquestes teories, aleshores el veredicte havia de ser "culpable").
-Les circumstà ncies atenuants no es van tenir en compte durant el judici. (Els advocats de la defensa no van presentar circumstà ncies atenuants tals com els abusos que el processat havia patit durant la seva infà ncia).
- Hi ha una prova nova adicional segons la qual és molt dubtós que el Sr. Frazier hagués comès el crim pel qual va ser condemnat a mort. Però a causa de la falta de competència dels seus primers advocats, totes les
possibilitats per a presentar-la s'han malmès.
Per tant, demanem al Governador de Texas que concedeixi al Sr. Derrick Frazier un ajornament de l'execució, per tal que aquesta prova pugui ser
presentada, de tal manera que es pugui reconsiderar la sentència i evitar que un home innocent sigui executat sense una instrucció i un judici justos.
To: Texas Governor Rick Perry
Derrick W. Frazier has been on Texas Death Row since 1998 when he was convicted and found guilty of murder, and was sentenced to death. Despite having spent years desperately trying to prove his innocence, an execution date has now been set for him: August 31, 2006. We appeal to Governor Rick Perry of Texas to grant Mr. Frazier clemency based on the following reasons:
-The constitutional right to an attorney was denied Mr. Frazier upon his arrest and during the interviews made by the investigators in the case.
-Proper legal representation was denied Mr. Frazier prior to, and during the trial.
(The court appointed attorney was under investigation for misconduct in another case. He was later suspended from practicing law for a period of three years, and was recently placed under suspension again for a shorter period of time. The assistant attorney had no prior experience in death penalty cases).
-The right to an impartial jury was denied Mr. Frazier.
(A female juror was overheard by a witness saying to a family member of the victims about Mr. Frazier that “he’s dead�, while making a slashing gesture across her neck).
-Evidence was withheld by the prosecution.
(A videotaped confession in which Mr. Frazier admitted to having killed one of the victims was admitted and allowed as evidence and shown to the jury. The confession was made after threats had been made that they would seek the death penalty if he didn’t confess, and he was offered a 30-year deal, which they later went back on. The jury was never shown several other videotapes in which Mr. Frazier denied having killed anybody, and they were not made aware of the 30-year deal).
-Proper testing of physical evidence was never done.
(Clothes that Mr. Frazier had been wearing at the time the murders took place was never tested to establish whether he had fired a gun – which was the murder weapon - or not).
-The lack of physical evidence.
(There is absolutely no physical evidence that connects Mr. Frazier to the crime. The physical evidence found all pointed towards the co-defendant).
-Questionable jury instructions.
(The prosecution presented five different theories, some of which involved another crime, and the jury was instructed that if they found him guilty under any of these theories, then the verdict should be ‘guilty’. The jury came back with a general verdict that didn’t specify which theory or which crime they had found Mr. Frazier guilty of. Mr. Frazier therefore does not to this day know what he was convicted for).
-Mitigating evidence was not presented during the punishment phase of the trial.
(The defense attorneys failed to present vital mitigating evidence at this phase of the trial such as childhood abuse).
The trial attorney(s) and the appeal attorneys have repeatedly failed to investigate issues and evidence that could have changed the outcome of the case if this had been known to the jury. There is new evidence and additional evidence that proves that it is very doubtful that Mr. Frazier committed the crime that he was sentenced to death for. Because of the lack of competence of earlier attorneys, all doors to present this evidence to the courts have been closed.
We therefore ask the Governor of Texas to grant Derrick Frazier a stay of execution, and to allow this evidence to be presented so that the courts can consider it to avoid an innocent man to be executed without the process of a fair trial and a fair appeal process.
Sincerely, |
Mira també:
http://http:www.osona.com (fòrum) |
 This work is in the public domain |
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