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Greece, Athens 4-7 May: An anarchist forum, a demo and a riot (Photos)
15 mai 2006
Greece, Athens 4-7 May: An anarchist forum, a demo & a riot (photos) & the co-operation of the European Social Forum with the police in arresting dozens of innocent passers-by and bystanders and charging seventeen of them.
May 06 Anarchists Athens Greece.jpg
For the first time in Greece, between the 4th and 7th of May the Libertarian Anarchist Antiauthoritarian Forum took place ( ). This forum (with open discussions, video projections, theatrical presentations, photography exhibitions, anarchist books & periodicals stalls and a radio station broadcasting the discussions live on fm and on the internet) was organized by anarchists in contrast to the European Social forum that was also taking place in Athens during the same dates. The basic principles for its formation can be found here:
Photographs from the Anarchist’s forum can be found here:

On Saturday May the 6th several hours before the anti-war demo organized by the ESF, an anarchist demo took place in downtown Athens from Monastiraki Sq. to Propylaia with more than 1.500 people that were heavily (and I really mean heavily) guarded by riot police. Its main slogan was “No other world is possible as long as capitalism and the State exists�, thus paraphrasing ESF’s slogan “Another world is possible�. Photographs from the demo can be found here:

Several hours later as soon as the ESF’s demo begun hundreds of anarchists in small groups emerged out of the crowd. Despite the massive amount of policemen (the State talks about more than 8.000 cops) the managed to attack many targets firebombing Banks, ATM’s, police cars and vans, cctv cameras, several embassies, the headquarters of the greek police, a state’s ministry, the greek parliament, Mac Donalds, Starbucks and many more. Photographs from the riots can be found here:

During all that time the ESF people did what it was unconceivable even for leftists. They managed the rally as if it was their own, and eagerly played the part of the police or used the Police for their purposes. These are the same people that are allegedly against neo-liberalism, war and the State’s repression. Although all of the targets symbolized Capitalism and the State in many occasions they attempted to arrest people (sometimes just on the grounds of being hooded or wearing black clothes) and hand them over to the police, while in other occasions they attacked passers-by based on the same aforementioned criteria which resulted to dozens of arrests and 17 prosecutions including minors and immigrants.

This work is in the public domain


La deesa Atenea és anarquista
16 mai 2006
Modificat: 05:27:09

Grècia, Atenes, 4-7 maig: fòrum anarquista, manifestació i topades amb la policia (fotos), cooperació del FSE amb la policia detenint dotzenes de transeünts innocents i processant-ne judicialment 17.

Per primera vegada a Grècia, entre el 4 i el 7 de maig, va realitzar-se el Fòrum Anarquista, Llibertari i Antiautoritari. Aquest fòrum (amb debats oberts, passis de vídeo, teatre, exposicions de fotografíes, paradetes de llibres i revistes anarquistes i una ràdio emetent en directe per fm i per internet els debats) ha estat organitzat alhora i com alternativa al Fòrum Social Europeu que va realitzar-se a Atenes a les mateixes dates. Aquests són els seus principis bàsics, feu una ullada al recull fotogràfic del Fòrum.

El dissabte 6 de maig, unes hores abans de la manifestació contra la guerra del FSE, va fer-se una manifestació anarquista al centre d'Atenes des de la pl. Monastiraki fins Propilaia amb més de 1.500 assistents escortats per molts (i vull dir molts) antiavalots. El seu lema era Cap altre món és possible mentre el capitalisme i els estats existeixin, referint-se al lema del FSE Un altre món és possible. Fotos de la manifestació aquí i aquí.

Hores després i tan aviat va començar la manifestació del FSE centenars d'anarquistes en petits escamots van sorgir de la massa. Malgrat la massiva presència policial (l'estat fa esment de més de 8.000 antiavalots) van reeixir en escometre amb bombes incendiàries contra bancs, vehicles policials, càmeres de vigilància, varies ambaixades, el quarter principal de la policía, un ministeri, el parlament, mcdonalds, starfucks i molts altres objectius. Fotos de les topades aquí i aquí.

Al decurs de tot aixó la gent del FSE va actuar de forma inversemblant fins i tot pels socialdemocràtes. Van dirigir la manifestació com si fos seva, posant-se obertament del costat de la policía o fent-la servir. Són la mateixa gent que després diu oposar-se al neoliberalisme, la guerra i la repressió de l'estat. Tots els objectius simbolitzaven el capitalisme i l'estat pero tanmateix van mirar de detenir transeünts (sovint només per estar encaputxats o dur roba negra) i lliurar-la a la policía o van atacar-los aleatòriament només pels criteris esmentats amb el resultat de dotzenes de detinguts i 17 processats judicialment incloent menors i immigrants.

Re: Greece, Athens 4-7 May: An anarchist forum, a demo and a riot (Photos)
17 mai 2006
Otra vista

I would prefer it if the anarchist forum had taken place in the ESF and not in contrast, but of course it’s their right, I respect it and I don’t criticize. I think that the main problem of the people’s movement in Greece is that there is a lack of organised activism and an excess of ideological juxtaposition.
During the anarchist demo not even a slightest incident took place. Some 100-200 black-bloc anarchists decided that it was a good idea to attack their targets during the ESF demo. The first attack took place at the side of a Turkish bloc with many immigrants and without a provocation from the police. On the other hand, it is true that this time they showed a maturity on the targets, in contrast with other cases in the past when small shops or bus-stations were also attacked.
The fact that the ESF demo had a peaceful and a rather fiesta character intrigued in several cases a words’ conflict, which unfortunately led in one case to a serious physical attack from a black-bloc anarchist to a Coba’s member.
It’s a lie that ESF’s demo members or organizers attempted to arrest people and hand them over to the police, or attacked passers-by. What happened was that the ESF’s demo blocs didn’t give shelter to them. And the arrests took place far from and after the end of the ESF demo.
It’s a pity that we are talking about these internal problems (actually the pity is that we are engaged in such problems) instead of focusing on the successful, above the more optimistic expectations, demo of 50000-70000 people (10000-15000 of them from all-over the world) against war and neoliberalism, in high spirit and full of positive energy. And perhaps the more important issue was the fruitful discussions and meetings of compañer@s for three days in all forums.

Tod@s somos Atenco
Re: Greece, Athens 4-7 May: An anarchist forum, a demo and a riot (Photos)
17 mai 2006
Otra vista

I would prefer it if the anarchist forum had taken place in the ESF and not in contrast, but of course it’s their right, I respect it and I don’t criticize. I think that the main problem of the people’s movement in Greece is that there is a lack of organised activism and an excess of ideological juxtaposition.
During the anarchist demo not even a slightest incident took place. Some 100-200 black-bloc anarchists decided that it was a good idea to attack their targets during the ESF demo. The first attack took place at the side of a Turkish bloc with many immigrants and without a provocation from the police. On the other hand, it is true that this time they showed a maturity on the targets, in contrast with other cases in the past when small shops or bus-stations were also attacked.
The fact that the ESF demo had a peaceful and a rather fiesta character intrigued in several cases a words’ conflict, which unfortunately led in one case to a serious physical attack from a black-bloc anarchist to a Coba’s member.
It’s a lie that ESF’s demo members or organizers attempted to arrest people and hand them over to the police, or attacked passers-by. What happened was that the ESF’s demo blocs didn’t give shelter to them. And the arrests took place far from and after the end of the ESF demo.
It’s a pity that we are talking about these internal problems (actually the pity is that we are engaged in such problems) instead of focusing on the successful, above the more optimistic expectations, demo of 50000-70000 people (10000-15000 of them from all-over the world) against war and neoliberalism, in high spirit and full of positive energy. And perhaps the more important issue was the fruitful discussions and meetings of compañer@s for three days in all forums.

Tod@s somos Atenco
Sindicat Terrassa