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Greece: Anarchists in Athens welcome Condoleezza Rice (Photos & Videos)
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27 abr 2006
Welcome Condoleezza – A detailed photographic chronicle and videos from the riots in Athens and the quick demo before that which was prohibited by the police.
http://athens.indymedia.org/display.php?articleId=10287 |
Several thousands of demonstrators from the anarchist-antiauthoritarian movement and the left wing demonstrated in Athens streets, as a reaction to the visit of Condoleeza Rice in Greece to discuss, amongst other, the matter of invading Iran and ask for the political and military support of the Greek government. Even from the previous day, in fear of the student’s opposition and possible taking over of the university near the hotel where Rice was going to stay, the riot police blocked Pandeion University, while the streets were full of police patrols and undercover policemen since the early hours of Tuesday.
While the "top-level personalities" played on diplomacy and impressions during "high-level" meetings, heavy police forces (more than 5,000 policemen according the authorities) blocked main streets and imposed a prohibition of demonstrations in the very center of Athens city. When the demonstrators tried to go through the police blockages and demonstrate, tons of tear-gas was sprayed against them.
While the leftists begun to run and dispersed to recover from the tear gas, to the surprise of the police, hooded anarchists suddenly appeared out of the crowd (before that they had mingled into the crowd so as not to be spotted), quickly setting up roadblocks, in order to delay the riot cops attacking the crowd again. Indeed, stones and molotov cocktails kept them for some time at distance from the main mass of the demonstrators, while the leftists managed to regroup and recover a little further down the road.
During the clashes which immediately errupted, 9 people were brought before the police headquarters and 2 demonstrators were injured.
More info can be found at http://athens.indymedia.org/display.php?articleId=10290 |
This work is in the public domain |
Re: Grècia: anarquistes donen la benvinguda a Condoleezza Rice a Atenes (fotos i video)
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28 abr 2006
Varis milers de manifestants del moviment llibertari-antiautoritari i d'esquerres van prendre els carrers d'Atenes, responent a la visita de Condolezza Rice a Grècia per negociar, entre d'altres, el suport polític i militar del govern grec per envair l'Iràn. Ja des del dia abans, per por a l'oposició dels estudiants i la possibilitat de que prenguessin la universitat propera a l'hotel on és Rice, els antiavalots van bloquejar la Universitat de Pandeion, alhora que els carrers s'omplien de patrulles de la policía i polícies de paisà des de la matinada del dimarts.
A la vegada que les personalitats jugaven a la diplomàcia i intercanviaven parers al decurs de reunions d'alt nivell, nombrosos policies (més de 5,000 segons les autoritats) bloquejaven els carrers i imposaven la prohibició de manifestacions al centre mateix d'Atenes. Quan els manifestants van tractar de travessar el bloqueig policial i manifestar-se, van llençar-los tones de gas llacrimògen a sobre.
Quan els manifestants d'esquerres van començar a còrrer i escampar-se per recuperar-se dels efectes del gas llacrimògen llavors, sorprenent a la policia, van aparèixer sobtadament llibertaris encaputxats d'entre la massa de manifestants [s'hi havien barrejat per passar desapercebuts) alçant barricades ràpidament, per destorbar els atacs dels antiavalots contra els manifestants. Amb aquest objectiu també van fer servir pedres i cocktails molotov, mantenint-los a distància dels manifestants, permetent-los de recobrar-se del gas llacrimògen una mica més enllà.
Al decurs de les topades que van esclatar immediatament 9 persones van ser dutes a comisaría i 2 manifestants van ser ferits.
Més info aquí.