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Notícies :: antifeixisme
Greece: Anarchists/Leftists clash with fascists at Panteion University
21 abr 2006
Greece: Anarchists/Leftists clash with fascists at Panteion University
On Thursday April 13th around noon a member of the fascist organization “golden dawn� was spotted inside the grounds of Panteion University suspected of attacks against the anti-authoritarian commune in the university. As it was later revealed he is the son of a high ranking police officer. When students atttempted to approach him at point blank he pulled out a gun and aimed at them but before he was able to use it he was disarmed. He was then taken to the dean where a second gun was found amongst his belongings. The dean’s intention was to hand Gerasimos Papagiannis over to the police so that he may be charged but for ideological reasons late that afternoon he was set free by the same students that disarmed him.

Outside the university a sound system was informing the passers-by of what exactly happened and an anti-fascist demo was called for 5 o’ clock that evening.

Just before 5 in the afternoon a group of fascists suddenly appeared armed with knifes, sticks and flares and in absolute co-operation with the riot police attacked those who have gathered resulting to the stubbing of 3 students.

According to many witnesses the knife attacks were led by D. Zafeiropoulos –the only one not covering his face under a helmet- the nationalist candidate to the coming mayor elections for the City of Athens with the Greek nationalist party “patriotic allegiance�.

Photos of the fascist, the guns he was currying and the riot that followed at

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Re: Greece: Anarchists/Leftists clash with fascists at Panteion University
21 abr 2006
Solidaritat antifeixista des dels Països Catalans!!
Re: Greece: Anarchists/Leftists clash with fascists at Panteion University
21 abr 2006

Grècia: anarquistes i d'esquerres s'enfronten contra feixistes a la Universitat de Panteion.

El passat dijous 13 d'abril al vespre va ser vist un membre d'un grupuscle feixista dins el campus de la Universitat de Panteion sospitòs de voler atacar la comuna anti-autoritària que hi ha a aquesta. Més endavant va revelar-se que és el fill d'un alt càrrec de la policia. Quan els estudiants vam apropar-se-li va treure una pistola just amb que va apuntar-los pero va ser desarmat abans que poguès fer-la servir. Va ser dut al decà on van trobar-li una altre pistola entre les seves pertenences. El decà volia lliurar Gerasimos Papagiannis a la polícia per tal de ser detingut pero els mateixos estudiants que l'havien enxampat i desarmet van alliberar-lo el mateix vespre per raons ideològiques anti-autoritàries.

Fora de la universitat un sound system anava informant als vianants del que succeia i va convocar-se una manifestació antifeixista a les 17:00 hores d'aquell mateix vespre.

Just abans de les 17:00, tanmateix, un grup de feixistes van aparèixer sobtadament duent ganivets, pals i bengales i en total coordinació amb els antiavalots van atacar els manifestants amb el resultat de 3 estudiants ferits per ganivetades.

Segons molts testimonis les ganivetades van ser dirigides per D. Zafeiropoulos –l'únic que no amagava el rostre sobre un casc de moto- covering his face under a helmet- el candidat feixista per les eleccions municipals d'Atenes pel partit "jurament patriotic".

Fotos del feixista, les pistoles que duia i els enfrontaments posteriors aqui.

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