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El Congres Nacional Africa dona suport a la iniciativa de ETA
07 abr 2006
African National Congress ANC


The African National Congress welcomes the announcement yesterday (22 March) by Basque separatists group ETA of a permanent ceasefire that would take effect from midnight tonight.
The ANC supports this initiative by ETA and trusts that it will contribute to the process of finding a peaceful, lasting and just resolution to the situation in the Basque region.

The ANC calls on all parties to respond positively to this historic announcement and use it as an opportunity to engage in meaningful dialogue on the future of the region.

The ANC welcomes the response to the announcement by Spanish Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero.

We are confident that with the support of his Spanish Socialist Workers Party, our sister party in the Socialist International, Prime Minister Zapatero will be able to make use of this latest development to take the peace process forward.

This work is in the public domain


Re: El Congres Nacional Africa dona suport a la iniciativa de ETA
07 abr 2006
Sindicato Sindicat